《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》41. Suspicious and Shocking


One week passed and things were going great for Maaz and Anaya. They had come closer and their friendship grew. Together they spend time at the balcony, mostly silent. At times, Maaz narrated his childhood stories, his love-hate relationship with his father. Anaya enjoyed his company and strangely his blabbering didn't irritate her anymore. But their time together made her want to talk everything about her as well. But something made her take a step back.

One day as she carried beer and snacks for Maaz she heard some murmurs from the smoking room. She stopped in her tracks when she recognized one of voice to be that of Gabin. She frowned as she wondered what he was doing there as he doesn't smoke. She raised her eyebrows when she heard a woman's voice. Curiosity got better of her and she tiptoed towards the door and carefully opened the door. Her mouth slightly opened upon seeing Gabin arguing with Zainab.


Anaya strained her ears trying to hear them but couldn't. She was surprised to see Gabin frustrated. He had always been so calm. But this time, he was fidgeting a lot, running his hand through his gorgeous locks. Their talks were hurried and hushed. She desperately wanted to hear them. As she leaned forward, tiptoeing she felt someone tap on her shoulder. She jumped on the spot and nearly dropped the tray she held. Her reflexes saved her from being exposed in front of Gabin and embarrass herself.

'Tsh, Tsh. What a sad day for Anaya?' Pooja smirked at her with her hands folded. Anaya frowned; her heart still raced.

'What do you mean?' She asked adjusting the beer mug and saucer plate. Pooja took a step and tried to peep in through the door Anaya had left ajar. Anaya's eyes widened and she quickly shut the door with her foot. Pooja blinked stepping back in time.

Anaya smirked, shrugging. She turned around and began walking but Pooja's words made her stop

'Is Maaz sir and his money not satisfying enough?' She spat. Anaya looked furiously at her.

'What do you mean? Have you no shame? We were friends, at least keep the respect for that.' She said. Now, she was exasperated as well. Pooja's expressions softened. Anaya had tears in her eyes. She had given her a hundred percent in their friendship and was ready to make amendments, but Pooja's words pierced her heart like a cold knife.

Pooja looked away and looked back, - 'You are evil, Anaya,' – her voice quivered, - 'Gabin was my boyfriend but he dumped me because of you.' There was hurt in her voice.

'What?' Anaya muttered.

'Yes!' Tears rolled down her cheeks, - 'You can't have Maaz sir and Gabin.'


After the shock sunk in, Anaya mustered the courage to speak, - 'I don't have anyone. And now—'

'But Gabin likes you.' Pooja nearly screamed and Anaya zipped her mouth. She wiped flowing tears from the back of his palms and turned around. Anaya had her mouth half-open as she watched her ex-best friend walking away.

Maaz leaned against the chair while twirling the pencil between his fingers and looking straight at the door. At last, what seemed like an eternity, the door opened, and Anaya entered.

'Finally.' He stood up pushing the chair and opening his arms. He dropped his arms and frowned as he watched her. Anaya walked in a daze taking slow steps towards his table. She wasn't even looking at him. Maaz tugged his hands in his pocket and tilted his head a little while observing her. She placed the tray and muttered something under her breath. Then, she turned and was about to walk when Maaz held her hand and she stopped in her tracks.

He turned her to face him, 'What happened? Why are you behaving like a zombie?' He asked leaning closer to her. Slowly, Anaya looked at him and shook her head.

'Nothing, nothing.' She took a step away and Maaz lets go of her hand. He adjusted his coat and sat on his seat.

'I think you aren't feeling well. You should go home and relax.' He said seriously. Anaya protested but he insisted, - 'Tomorrow night its Mehnaz's wedding anniversary. I don't want you to stress out.' He expressed his concern. Anaya faked a smile and asked him to relax.

'I am fine, sir. But anyway, for you I will just sit in my cabin.' She said. Maaz smiled relaxing in his chair. Anaya turned around and walked out of the cabin.

She had no intentions of resting as thoughts of Gabin and Pooja's outburst would haunt her. She felt restless without answers. After she left Maaz's cabin she walked straight to the smoking-room again. The room was empty, she tapped her feet hard on the floor. Then, she rushed to the main kitchen. She mentally decided an excuse for getting herself green tea. She searched for Gabin, but he wasn't there. She scratched her head wondering if his shift was over.

Frustrated, she walked into the bathroom. After she had washed her face, she felt untroubled. As she wiped her face with her handkerchief few girls walked in.

'You saw Pooja, she was so miserable.' Jeanna said and the other's agreed. They fell silent in their tracks when noticed Anaya.

Anaya took a moment before awkwardly waving hi. The girls returned hi equally awkwardly. The other girls excused themselves, but Anaya managed to stop Jeanna.


'What happened, Jeanna? Is Pooja okay?' She asked.

Jeanna pouted lowering her gaze for a moment and then looking up at Anaya, - 'So much happened while you were in Dubai.'

'Pooja and Gabin broke up?' Anaya gasped. Jeanna shook her head.

'It's over from Gabin's side but not Pooja. She is still hanging onto him. The whole hotel knows now, they had quite a few over the top arguments. Pooja kept screaming and letting everyone know. Poor girl is so smitten by him but Gabin—he seemed to have lost interest.' Jeanna said shrugging.

Anaya found this hard to believe. Gabin lost interest, it is very unlike him. The Gabin, she knows would never do that to a woman. He always appeared the calm, mature and caring person. But then, how much does she know about him? Anaya stared at the wall after Jeanna had walked away.

Just as she composed herself, her phone rang. She fidgeted with the phone, nearly dropped it on the ground, before she answered the call.

Arey yaar! You girls and your problems. Mehnaz is calling me for the thousandth time and requesting me to help her pick a dress. Me? Is she nuts? Anyway, you go and help her, please yaar. Save my ass, here.

Maaz's call brought a smile to Anaya's face. Typical of Maaz, even before she could say Hello, he began his melodrama. Anaya readily agreed to accompany her sister-in-law. She needed a break from everything Gabin. All this will just distract her and make her feel better. Secretly, she hoped Rukhsar came along. She enjoyed her company the last time she hung out with her.


Sheeraz sat at the parapet and stared at the sky. He fidgeted with a cigarette in his hand. His mind running through hundreds of thoughts. He recollected how desperate Mr. Hussain was on the phone when he expressed his thoughts about reconsidering marrying Anaya. His hand trembled as he brought the cigarette to his lips. At first, he was just reconsidering but after knowing Anaya and Maaz had gone to Dubai for their honeymoon, now he was ninety-nine percent sure he doesn't want to marry Anaya.

He took a puff of a cigarette and chocked. As he coughed someone slapped his back hard and he calmed down a bit. A woman's hand passed him a water bottle. He took it, thanking her in the passing and took a huge gulp of water.

'Slow down.' He heard Rukhsar's voice and looked up at her. She smiled taking a seat beside him. Then, she grabbed the cigarette from his hand.

'You are smoking at work.' – she raised her eyebrow, Sheeraz got worried, - 'If you can't then why do even try.' She gestured him to pass the lighter to her. Sheeraz mechanically handed her the lighter. He blinked once as he watched her place the cigarette between her lips, light it and make a perfect puff. She looked at him with triumph. Sheeraz looked away and she frowned.

'What happened?' She asked. Sheeraz chose not to answer her. He hasn't seen any woman smoke before, and it made him uncomfortable. Rukhsar frowned harder. He shifted little away from her. Ever since they met at Anaya and Maaz's reception Rukhsar has become friendly with him. She was his boss and he wants to keep it like that.

'Seriously, Sheeraz what is the matter?' She asked, her voice slightly raised.

He shook his head, avoiding eye contact, - 'No, ma'am.' He stressed the word to make his thoughts clear. Rukhsar dropped her shoulders and her expressions changed. She looked away while Sheeraz went back to his inner battle. Rukhsar abruptly stood up and reflexively he looked up. She dropped the cigarette and angrily stomped on it. Sheeraz shook his head and went back to staring at the ground. Rukhsar glanced at him and turned away.

Sheeraz decided that he won't bother with the Hussains and directly talk to his parents and insist that no matter what they break this alliance. It was no point waiting for someone who is perfectly happy in their life. Ever since he was a teen, he had always imagined only Anaya as his bride. First, he wasn't much interested but he was brain-washed by everyone into accepting her and eventually he began seeing her as his future wife. But now, seeing her as someone else's wife, he isn't able to accept her as his wife. And if they get married, with a miracle or severe persistence, he won't be able to give his hundred percent to their relationship nor would she. He gulped as a thought of her falling in love with Maaz crossed his mind. Can he be able to live with her knowing that she is in love with someone else? No, of course not.

Rukhsar entered her cabin, shutting the door with a slam. She held her forehead and sighed. What was she doing? Sheeraz was her employee first and then Anaya's cousin. She never noticed Sheeraz before but after knowing they have a connection, she developed a soft corner for him. But today she realized that Sheeraz was not interested in being her friend. She sat on the chair and tapped her fingernails on the table. Sheeraz was a very ordinary man. She entwined her fingers and brought it to her lips. His looks very average and his bank balance negligible. Yet, something about him intrigued her.

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