《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》40. Coming Closer


After freshening up, Maaz sat down on the armchair next to the bed, adjusted the night lamp and picked up a file. He wanted to go through everything again. It was something unimaginable for him to sit and do in free time. He shivered as the thought of becoming Rashid Part two crossed his mind.

'Urgh!' He exclaimed. Nevertheless, he sat with his file and didn't realize when he dozed off.

Maaz was jolted from his sleep when a musical note rang on his mobile, his ringtone. He straightened on the chair, picked up the file from his lap and tossed it on the bed. He blinked at the screen and found Anaya's name flashing on the screen. He assumed she wanted to talk about work. But he was in for a surprise when she requested, awkwardly and timidly, for his company at the poolside. As he nodded in a daze, he pinched his wrist to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

: Maaz?

Maaz hurriedly brought the phone to his ears and smiled, - 'Of course.' He replied.

Anaya sat along the poolside; her legs dipped till her knees. She splashed the water with her legs while staring at the water ripples and reminiscing the whole day. At times, she thought of Maaz and his childishness and smiled. She hadn't imagined she would enjoy his company. It was strange at first when she called him, requesting to spend some more time with him. The irony was she had decided to keep the distance from him but now, his proposition of getting to know each other before the—her smile faded.

'Hey.' She heard an enthusiastic greeting as Maaz sat beside her. He had his blue trousers lifted till his knees. He also dipped his legs in the water and shivered for a moment. He looked at her and smiled.

'See, even you can't escape my charm.' He teased her. Anaya smiled looking away, she moved away a strand of hair that stuck to her cheek and looked back at him.

'You can call that.'

Maaz smile dropped as he looked at her, - 'You seem upset. Something bothering you?' He asked whilst looking concern.

'I was just wondering if it is right to—you know to get close before separating?' She asked. Maaz moved back a little. This was something that ran through his mind as well. He shrugged looking away from her for a moment before looking back.

'I don't know,' – he sighed, - 'but whatever happens in the future, let us cherish the days left with us. Better than separating with bitter memories. Also,' – he smiled, - 'we can remain friends after getting divorced as well.'

Anaya relaxed her shoulders, letting a sigh escape her mouth. She looked at him and smiled nodding in approval of his thoughts.

There was a pause and then Maaz spoke, - 'Did you sign those papers? We will have to meet Imam Junaid in this matter. I mean, what to do next?' He said. A sinking feeling appeared again as Anaya recollected Maaz giving those papers to her.


She shook her head and spoke without meeting his gaze, - 'No, not yet.' Her "No" had given him hopes but it was shattered by her "yet". In response, he could only nod.

There was a silence again. Maaz was confused as to why she had called him while Anaya was enjoying their silent company. He took a deep breath and looked towards the pool. He entwined his fingers and rested his palms over his lap.

'You know,' – he spoke observing his legs underwater, Anaya looked at him, - 'Dad always wanted me to be his heir in the business. Atif suggested he took over, but Dad was adamant. He had decided what my future was,' – he looked at Anaya and gulped a tight lump in his throat, - 'But he never bothered with what I wanted.'

Typical of Dads- Anaya thought in her head.

Maaz sighed, - 'I was—still am, passionate about modeling.' – Anaya was surprised, - 'Yes,' – he nodded, - 'I want to be on every magazine cover, a fashion magazine. I want to ramp walk, get into movies, if possible and all that. But here I might appear on a boring business magazine for some old potbellied uncles.' – Maaz made a face, Anaya pressed her lips to not smile.

'You know if it makes you feel better,' – she shifted a little closer, - 'I read business magazines as well.' She smiled. Maaz doesn't look at her and mindlessly said,

- 'That is my point. Boring people read these magazines.' Anaya bit her lip but that went unnoticed by him.

Maaz sighed and looked up at the starry night sky, - 'You know what Dad says,' – he looked, still offended, Anaya shook her head, - 'He says,' – he mocked his father's tone, - 'Ya sure, walk half-naked and even naked in front of the whole world. Everyone will lust over you, see your private parts. You want to become public property?'- He scoffed, - 'like I am asking to be a porn-star or a prostitute.' He twisted his lips and looked away. Anaya doesn't reply, she simply clasped her palms together and sat quietly. Maaz frowned.

'Don't you have something to say?' He asked in an irritated tone. Anaya shook her head.

'Well, he is your father and he might be right. Why do want to show off your body?' She said. Maaz clicked his tongue, shaking his head.

'It is all in the head. Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you. My dreams don't matter to anyone.' He sighed. Anaya doesn't reply to that.

'Thanks for sharing with me. I know I am not of any help but—'

'You heard me that is enough.' His hand accidentally fell over hers and they froze. But this time the awkwardness soon passed. Anaya smiled at him first. Maaz let out-breath and smiled back.

'I am sorry for being rude, Maaz.' Anaya moved her hand from under his palm and placed her palm over his hand. Maaz held her hand with his other hand and smiled warmly.



The Dubai trip brought Maaz and Anaya closer. Their unexpected friendship grew, and they liked spending time with each other, many times in complete silence. Usually, Maaz spoke his heart out to her while Anaya remained silent and listened to him. She laughed with him, felt his emotions and many times motivated, consoled him. At times, she thought of talking her mind and heart as well. Talk about how suffocating her life has become. How her parents are pressurizing her and about Sheeraz. But she couldn't because then the fraud comes to her mind. What if by accident she blurts about how she cheated him? Now, it will be even more hurtful for her if her secrets came out in front of him. For the first time, she had found a friend in Maaz with whom she feels happy and stress-free. Otherwise, she had friends like Pooja who backstabbed her.

Anaya doesn't want to lose the friend in Maaz. And in all this, she forgot to sign the divorce papers.

Rashid, Rashda, Zainab, and Hannah all were excited for the couple to return. When Maaz and Anaya entered home, Rashid straightened and looked at his son with pride because he handed the business deal very well while Zainab admired him. She rushed to him and hugged him. Maaz was taken by surprise but hugged her back. She parted and held his arms and looked at him,

- 'Beta you are looking so thin. Didn't you eat anything.' She sounded worried. Rashid smiled and walked towards his wife and child. He held his wife's shoulders and moved her back. He asked her to relax and looked at his son.

'Maaz.' He held his shoulder. Anaya felt him stiffen and she felt for him. Rashid smiled patting his shoulder.

'Honestly, son. I had no hope from you but you—you have made me so, so proud by getting the deal. The Sheikh's assistant called me and informed me how impressed they were with you and your team.' – Rashid hugged him, - 'I am very proud of you.' He patted his back.

Maaz's arms hung beside him, he stared at his mother in surprise. He took a moment for the shock to sink in, then he hugged his father back. From the corner of his eyes, he looked at Anaya. She smiled at him. He smiled back.

Their small eye-lock and exchange of smiles didn't go unnoticed by Hannah. She eyed them with a suspicious gaze.

Zainab followed Maaz and Anaya to their room along with butlers who dragged their suitcase with them. She kept clinging to her son's arm and talking to him, at times caressing his hair. Rashid walked behind them with a wide smile. As she spoke, he placed his palm on his wife's shoulder and requested her to give them privacy. Maaz looked at his father and nodded,

- 'Thanks.' He muttered. Rashid smirked nodding back at him.

'You all have worked very hard. You guys deserve to rest.' He said and looked at Anaya. She smiled a little. Before leaving Zainab glanced at Anaya and for the first time smiled at her.

'Bas, little longer, beta.' She thought to herself and looked at Maaz before turning to leave the room.

Maaz closed the door and huffed leaning his forehead against the door. He was terribly tired and needed some shut-eye, but his mother was just not leaving him. He turned around and saw Anaya struggling to lift her bag. He hurried to her and pushed her hand from the handle. She looked at him by surprise.

'Let me.' He said. She smiled at him and took a step back. She folded her arms and watched him lift the heavy bag and throw it on the bed with a thud. He exhaled loudly and leaned resting his palms on the bed. She covered her smile.

'Have you smuggled a man?' Maaz whined shaking his head, then he stood up and came close to Anaya. Her smile disappeared. 'I told you, you shouldn't have shopped so much.' He teased her. She raised her chin and came closer hoping to intimidate him. For the first time in her life, she looked at someone's eyes and spoke with full confidence,

- 'Maybe you shouldn't have given me your credit card.' She joked. Maaz raised his eyebrow and they laughed together.

Anaya came out of the bathroom wiping her wet tresses with a towel. She stopped in her tracks upon seeing Maaz half sleeping on the sofa and adjusting the duvet.

'What are you doing on the sofa?' She asked dumping the towel at the edge of the bed. Maaz's expression changed as he sat up.

'You—you know why?' He said, his face flushed with shame. Anaya felt her throat tightening as she was reminded of her cheating.

She took a moment and straightened, cleared her throat, - 'No, no problem.' – she licked her lips pushing her hair behind her ears, - 'It is very comfortable here. We have buried the hatchet, right.' She forced a smile. Maaz was hesitant but she requested, and he gave up. He dragged his feet carrying the duvet with him. He looked at her. Anaya pulled the curtains. She seemed to be relaxed in his presence and its time he should too. He lay on his back and moved his arm behind his head. As he stared at the ceiling, he felt Anaya's weight beside him. He turned his head and looked at her. She smiled at him; it was an awkward smile. He smiled back and turned to the other side. Soon, he felt her lay beside him. He could feel her stiffen and had a second thought about sleeping on the bed. As he debated in his head, he fell asleep.

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