《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》39. Spy has got something


Maaz groaned as he heard the doorbell to his suite. He ignored the disturbance and turned to the other side. After a long pause, there was another bell and he sprung up. Muttering under his breath he stood up, grabbed his night robe and walked towards the door. As he tied the night-robe he flung open the door with the intension to blast the person on the other side.

His frown disappeared and his anger melted away as he looked at Anaya. She bit her lip and fidgeted with her fingers.

'Hi!' Her voice quivered. Maaz couldn't tell if she was nervous or excited, but it was something positive because she was smiling; a little.

'Oh, hi. What a surprise?' He straightened adjusting his hair and tried to charm her with his smile.

'Yeah,' – Anaya rocked on spot, - 'I wanted to talk—no—makeup—no—just, just come to the nearby KFC outlet please.' She spoke hurriedly towards the end and then rushed away. Maaz stood speechless and confused. He stood blinking at the spot where Anaya had stood.

Maaz dressed in casuals for the fast-food joint date, he dared call it a date, but he made sure he would impress her with his charm and looks. The joint was walking distance from the hotel they stayed in. Maaz folded the sleeves of his checked lavender shirt, pushed the door and entered the KFC outlet. He looked around and found Anaya standing at the counter. He observed her. She was dressed in a high neck, sleeveless yellow midi summer dress matched with white sneakers.

Anaya was oblivious to him and was busy checking the menu. The breakfast menu was up and everything looked tempting. She got super-confused. As she ran her gaze over the menu board placed on top of the counter, she felt someone stand close behind, but she ignored thinking the person to be just another buyer. The person behind her cleared their throat. Anaya again ignored him and simply took a step to her side. A moment later, the person tapped her shoulder. Alarmed, she turned around and found Maaz standing behind her.

'Oh, sorry.' She slapped her forehead. Maaz simply smiled.

She is cute – He thought, and the back of his head rebuked his thought. To avoid looking at her, he looked around. Anaya watched his expressions carefully and hesitated before speaking,

- 'I know this isn't your kind of place but it's the best I could afford.' She shrugged. Maaz shook his head and waved a hand.

'No, no, no. I—you know I am too lazy to exercise much and—eating here.' – he looked at her and added in haste, - 'don't mind, please.' His cheek flushed.

'Actually,' – Anaya avoided his gaze, - 'It won't affect much in one day.' She said awkwardly. Maaz felt stupid for saying what he said. It not only made him come out in negative light but also gave her impression that he was a total snob.

'Okay. Let us just forget that I said something.' He tried covering up. Mindlessly, he held her elbow and felt her stiffen. They looked at each other and he quickly moved his hand away.


Anaya and Maaz sat facing each other. He looked at the receipt Chicken roller, French fries, coke, and roller. To impress Anaya, he just ordered popcorn and coke. If he eats a minimum, then she might think he is health-conscious. It was better than blurting out something foolish.

Order no. 101, a young man called from the counter. Maaz hurriedly stood up, knocking a ketchup bottle on the table. Anaya in reflex grabbed the bottle.

'Sorry.' Maaz muttered. She took a moment as she recollected her past meeting with Gabin when she because of her nervousness had broken a cup of coffee. Slowly, she looked up at Maaz and slowly shook her head. He was relieved, then turned and hurried towards the counter while Anaya looked away and stared at the floor. The chattering of people, chuckles, and screams of kids faded as she thought about Gabin. She wondered what he was up to and how his relationship with Pooja going. The thought of Pooja being in his arms made her heart sink. She should have been the one who should have been with him and not a backstabbing bit--person.


This wasn't the first time; Zainab had come to the hotel. With an excuse to give Rashid lunch, she had come to spy about Anaya. There must be some weakness and she was determined to find out. This was the third day of her visit to the hotel. She was desperate to find something today lest she made Rashid suspicious.

Rashid was pleasantly surprised to find his wife with the lunchbox. Zainab frowned upon seeing him smile widely while shaking his head.

'What is so funny?' She asked as she placed the lunchbox on his table. He looked at her with mused smile. He sighed and stood up.

'Zainab, your care and this attention. It is bringing back memories.' – he held her shoulders, - 'when I was just a small-time businessman and you, you used to bring me home-cooked food and I used to relish it.' He said while looking at his wife with love and care.

Zainab chuckled, - 'like an animal.' She reminded him. Rashid threw his head back and gave a hearty laugh. Zainab admired him. After so many years, Rashid, to her was just the same handsome man she had fallen in love with. Even now, he was very handsome. His salt pepper look made him more appear more mature and finer. On top of that, he took great care of his body and could give any young man run for his money when it came to chilesed body. Rashid also always dressed in crisp, well-ironed suits and matching clothes. Zainab admits to herself that she still feels jealous and insecure when a beautiful and young woman interacts with her husband. But she also takes pride in knowing that this handsome, golden heart billionaire was her husband.

Rashid sighed and clenched her shoulder tighter bringing her out of her reverie. She looked at him. He placed a loving hand on her head. Zainab was surprised looking at his glistening eyes.


'Why are there tears in your eyes?' She asked with concern and held his cheek. Rashid took a step back, shaking his head. He quickly wiped his tear with the tip of his finger and looked back at his wife.

'Zainab,' – he held her shoulder again, - 'you had been with me when I was nothing. You were and still are, my support, my confidante and my—everything. You have not only given me your unwavering support, full trust, blind confidence, self-less love, and two beautiful children. I just want to tell you. With this quick pace of life, I couldn't tell you that, I love you very much.' He confessed. Zainab had tears in her eyes and was speechless. In response, she hugged him tightly. Rashid tilted his head and looked at the top of her head. He kissed her hair while wrapping his arms around her.

This time Zainab and Rashid had a very good time bonding over food. Something they had missed over the years. In the passing time, they had seen so much together and got so busy with life that they couldn't spend quality time together.

As Zainab passed by the lobby, she heard a woman shout and she flinched. She walked quickly to find out what the ruckus was all about. She stopped when she spotted a couple arguing.

'Shh, Pooja will you be quiet,' the young man coaxed her, he looked around feeling embarrassed, - 'let's talk somewhere in private.' He said grabbing her arm but the woman, Pooja, jerked her arm from his grip.

'No, Gabin—'

Zainab shook her head and muttered, - 'Youth these days.'

'I am tired of all this. I don't feel you love me anymore. Nowadays your mind is always occupied by her thoughts. That Anaya—'

Zainab stopped in her tracks when she heard her daughter-in-law's name. She turned around and watched the woman arguing on top of her lungs. The man held her arm tightly and said something in undertone and then dragged her with him.


Maaz was happy and relieved that Anaya had truly forgiven him. Also, she had kept a big-heart and apologized for her misunderstanding. But he felt something was strange in her tone. She seemed over the top guilty for, a genuine, confusion. It made him feel it was something more than just that. But he was too elated to spend time with her that he brushed the thought out.

It was night now and Maaz sat in the bathtub, reminiscing the day. It started so well and the time they spent at the fast-food outlet, awkwardly, for some reason left Maaz wanting more. So, he proposed spending some more time together, elsewhere.

'You had explored Dubai on your own Mrs. Hasan. Now, let's explore it together.' To his surprise, Anaya readily agreed. Though her body language was meek.

Maaz took them for adventure sports which she felt uncomfortable with as she had worn a dress. There he realized he shouldn't be thinking of himself and include her in his plan. To impress her, he took her to Burj Khalifa. He acted as a tour guide guiding her through the building. Anaya was surprised by the knowledge he had. Though most of the stuff he had read from the boards, she didn't catch him as she was too intrigued and marveled at the architecture. Maaz took her to the observatory deck that was on the 124th floor.

Anaya had a hard time with Maaz there as he feared heights. Even after a thousand warnings, he kept wandering near the window and peeping down, then crying out of fear. She had to distract him with the telescopes. This antic of his did bring a smile to her face.

After that, the couple headed to the Dubai fountain which was near a café. They enjoyed the mesmerizing fountain and waterworks as they sipped their coffees. Maaz was happy to see Anaya smile with content.

Lastly, they took a ride of the Burj lake on a wooden boat. They sat opposite each other and enjoyed the serenity. Anaya ogled at the beauty of the Burj Khalifa, the lights and the fountains. He enjoyed her presence more than nature.

Maaz sighed sinking into the lathered water. It had been a fun day. He hadn't imagined he would enjoy with Anaya. Just her presence made everything ten times more wonderful. The first time someone was coming so close to him, his heart. He felt a wrenching feeling in the bottom of the gut. The thought of separating from her, now that they were getting to know each other, was getting unimaginable.

He looked at his soapy hands and touched his palm, she had held his hand firmly with full authority and concern. She is of good character. Thinking about that fateful night, he shifted uncomfortably in the tub. He sighed and relaxed, resting his head against the cold surface of the marble-tiled wall. He placed his arms on the tub and stared front at the life-sized mirror placed opposite the tub wall. He was startled with the sound of his phone ringing and looked towards the door. A moment later, he picked up the hand shower.

Maaz wore his bathrobe and dried his hair with a towel as he walked towards the bedside table. He glanced at his phone and read his mother's name flash on the screen.

Hello, Mom

Hello, Beta. How is Dubai?

It's cool. I mean interesting. Just—it is the first time I am doing all this business stuff, so.

Oh, my darling son. You must be stressed, na.

It was getting stressful and—boring, but today was off so, it was good. Today we had a meeting but Sheikh had some work so he couldn't come.

Take care, beta.

After a hesitant pause, she added, - 'there is something I want to tell you.'

Maaz frowned and encouraged her to speak but she was reluctant. Finally, she hung up saying she had some urgent work. Maaz shrugged and let it go.

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