《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》37. The Heart's Burden


Anaya returned to her room with a burden in her heart. She pressed her back against the wall and stared front with a blank expression. Her eyes filled with tears as she thought of Maaz's gesture. It was the first time in her life someone had done something to make her feel special and it was for the first time that someone had made efforts to ask her forgiveness. Anaya felt like a cheater, a fraud.

That night, before Maaz had come in the room, completely drunk. Anaya had been restless thinking about the slap and the repercussions. Just as she was pacing anxiously, Azlaan had called. He had been crying profusely and informed that their father was very frustrated after the function. Apparently, Sheeraz had expressed his second thoughts about the marriage. This angered him and he had been taking out his anger on their mother. Anaya's heart had sunk to the lowest. Her mother's voice quivered, and she spoke with great difficulty.

'Please, Anaya. Do something. Divorce him and marry Sheeraz. The decision of having you marry Maaz is the biggest regret of our lives.'

Anaya had been contemplating what she should do when Maaz had entered the room. He looked menacing and terrifying. Imagining her father assaulting her mother, she trembled with fear.

She had pushed Maaz and leaped from the bed, hurrying towards the showcase. The porcelain flower vase crashed into pieces. Angered by this action, Maaz climbed down the bed to attack her and she managed to push him when he tried to kiss her. Anaya watched him fall with a thud on the bed. Then there was complete silence except for her heaving breaths. Horrified, she stared at him. After some time, she checked on him and realized that he had passed out with the heavy drinking.

It's now or never – Anaya's brain urged her. She couldn't think straight; what was right and wrong. All she could hear was her mother's painful voice and imagine her battered face. Without thinking anymore, she feverishly unbuttoned Maaz's shirt, breaking a few buttons in the process. She didn't hesitate in removing his shirt and tossing it on the floor. Also, she unbuttoned his jeans and lowered them little.

With great difficulty, she carried him to the other side and then brought a piece from the broken vase and made few marks on his chest. She winced when she felt him wince.

'I am sorry.' She muttered glancing at his face. As she was about to move, she tripped and hit her face against the bed. The corner of her mouth bled, but she hadn't bothered with it. Then, she had made a cut on her inner arm and smudged the blood on the bed beside him. It wasn't enough, she felt. Hurriedly, she reached through his cupboard for some help. She stopped when she spotted a bag labeled "Rukhsar's belonging". She searched through it and fortunately found few oil paints. She found a red one and hoped this could fool him. Maaz doesn't seem like an observant person. And she was right, she successfully misled him.

Anaya had tears in her eyes as she sat on her bed reading the divorce papers. She had thought Maaz would feel bad and grant her divorce. But she hadn't contemplated that he would be so ashamed that he would feel suffocated to be—him. She thought he would be causal about it like he was for everything else. Now, getting to know his point of view Anaya felt embarrassed. She kept staring at the papers with her vision blurred. A drop of tear fell over the "Divorce" and that brought her back to the present. She sniffed and with the back of her palm, she wiped the tears on her cheeks. She wanted a divorce but not like this.


Maaz stood by the window of his hotel room and stared into the night sky. The lighting of the city was as it would be in the evening, but the hustle-bustle had quietened down. He looked down at the almost deserted highways with few to no traffic. In his mind, he kept replaying the dinner. More than the conversation they had shared, his mind drifted to Anaya and how gorgeous she looked. Anaya was a girl who didn't pay much attention to how she looked. She hadn't even bothered to look good for him or for dinner. She looks just like how she was. A pure soul. Maaz lowered his head. Even though she said she forgave him. He couldn't forgive himself. She was a timid hardworking girl and a decent, big-hearted woman and he... he did the unthinkable to her, destroying her and traumatizing her. Yet, she forgave him. What a generous and selfless woman.

Maaz turned around wanting to talk to her about his thoughts but he stopped in his tracks. No, he shouldn't push his luck too far. He sighed and leaned back. He untied the rope of his nightgown and slowly slipped it off his shoulder. He lay on the bed and placed his arms under his head and sighed. His eyes fixated on the false ceiling. He tried recollecting the first time he had met Anaya. Funnily, he couldn't remember. He hadn't noticed her until that night when he had taken shelter in her home. He smiled to himself. That night definitely changed his life, for the better but for Anaya... His smile faded.

That night, Maaz thought about Anaya. Strangely, he thought of her as a person and not once did this mind wander to her body. It was also the first time; he had spent the night thinking about someone besides himself.


The next morning, Anaya woke up early. Today there was another round of meeting with the Sheikh and she was determined to attend it. She didn't want to get any favors from Maaz. Whatever time they had together she didn't want to come close to him. It would make things more difficult for her.

After she wore closed peach stiletto, she tugged her hair behind her ears and straightened. Her gaze fell over the divorce papers laying on her bedside table. She hadn't sighed it yet. Quickly, she looked away and stood up.

Anaya opened the door and was startled upon seeing Maaz standing there. He was ready for the meeting wearing a crisp cream suit. She blinked at him not unable to believe that he had woken up so soon. He smiled brightly at her. Anaya doesn't smile back. She noted he had his arm behind him. Maaz's smile faded but he pulled himself and smiled again.

'Here,' – he moved his arms front and forwarded her bouquet of yellow roses, - 'for our new friendship.' He said. Anaya looked down at the bouquet. She had mentally decided not to get too involved with him, but she couldn't refuse the flowers.

'Thanks.' She muttered taking the bouquet. Maaz let out the breath he had been holding. He was happy she accepted his friendship.


Maaz watched her go inside and appear again after a few minutes.

'Sir—' she stopped when he stuck out his palm, - 'Maaz, I want to attend the meeting as well.' She said. She expected him to refuse her and insist she goes exploring the rest of the city. But to her surprise, he agreed.

'Let's go.' He said buttoning the middle button of his coat and then gesturing her to walk first. Anaya nodded and looked down. She couldn't meet his gaze because of guilt while Maaz thought she hadn't truly forgiven him. He wanted to ask her to look at him and be normal but didn't have guts to ask her. Silently, the two walked into the elevator.

Maaz guided Anaya to the conference room. He opened the door for her. She glanced at him and then walked inside. The conference room was a large hall with many life sizes windows. There was a multi-seater long table. The wooden work was delicate, and the top of the table was golden with goldish embroidery. Anaya wrapped her arms around herself and adjusted the ruffles of her sleeveless peach top. Maaz looked at her and then looked up at the central cooling. He looked around and found a peon in the corner of the hall filling the water-can. Maaz walked up to him and requested to adjust the temperature of the room. The man smiled at him asking if they were Indian. Maaz faked a smile and nodded. Then, he began talking about his family back in India. Maaz got quickly bored of him and interrupted him, not so politely. The man nodded humbly and walked away. He let out a sigh and looked towards Anaya. She had her palm over one of the glass windows and was looking below.

A few minutes later, two men in a suit entered the hall. They all had a straight face. Instinctively, Anaya smiled at them, but they maintained their cold expressions. She noted they had guns. They stood at either side of the door keeping it open. Soon few people entered the hall. Anaya noticed that there were five females among eleven men. They came to Maaz and Anaya. They all greeted each other and sat on their respective chairs. Maaz stood next to the head chair, where the Sheikh would sit.

Ten minutes later, the Sheikh arrived. He was chubby with a happy face. White Arabic Jubba was loose over his rounded figure. He walked towards Maaz and Anaya with a bright smile and an open arm. He hugged Maaz, - 'Asalam Alaikum, Maaz.' He greeted shaking hands with him.

'Waliakum Asalam Sheikh Ashfaq.' Maaz greeted him with pretend zeal. Sheikh turned to Anaya and they smiled at each other. Then, Sheikh took his seat and after him, Maaz sat beside him. Anaya sat next to him.

Along with the Sheikh, there was a young man wearing a suit. Anaya read the tag that was pinned to his coat pocket,

Mohammad Junaid. Maaz leaned closer to her and whispered, - 'He is the Sheikh's translator.' Anaya looked at him and then at the two men.

Sheikh leaned against his chair and joined his fingertips together and said something in Arabic. The man, Junaid, listened intently. After he had finished Junaid straightened and cleared his throat and said, - 'So, Mr. Maaz we had spoken about our respective business yesterday. What have you got new for us today?'

Maaz nodded, turned around and gestured with his fingers. A young man appeared with his laptop. Anaya looked at him. Yamin Ahmed worked at their hotel in the IT department. Along with him was Simone Gabriel, head of the marketing department. The two men greeted the Sheikh.

Simone walked up to the screen while Yamin along with a technician set up the projector. Junaid sat next to the Sheikh and leaned closer to him. Anaya placed a notepad on the table and got ready to take down notes. This made her think about who had taken notes yesterday. Her gaze moved to Junaid and noted that he too was ready for notes. Then she looked back at the screen.

'Sir, first we would like to quickly take you through our ppt and give you all an idea about our idea. Then, the 3D model and a quick video. It is our idea of how our collaboration will be. Sir.' Simone spoke in a calm manner. After he finished speaking, he looked at Maaz, who nodded at him. Then he turned to the others in the room, - 'So, ladies and gentlemen,' – he moved back while keeping his gaze on his audience, - 'I would like to introduce you with the concept of our design......'

Maaz leaned in his chair and smiled watching Simone briefing everyone about their project. Last night the men had their own personal meeting where they had rehearsed. Maaz was confident with this as the designs were checked, modified and approved by Rashid. He could hear Anaya scribble next to him and felt slightly bad because they hadn't involved her with them. This time, he mentally decided, they will include her in the meeting. He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. From the light of the projector, he could see her eyebrows furrowed and her pen scribbling as though in lighting fast speed. Just as he was about to look away, Anaya looked up and caught him looking at her. There was an awkward eye-lock between them. She moved back while Maaz hurriedly looked away adjusting his tie and pretending as nothing happened. Anaya tugged her hair behind her ear and eyed Maaz for a second before moving her gaze towards Simone and his project.

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