《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》36. Let Bygones be Bygones


Maaz was very nervous. At the table in the middle of the almost empty restaurant, he kept fidgeting with crockery, utensils and nearly knocking them down. He adjusted his tie and rested his fingers on the table and took in a deep breath.

'It is okay, Maaz. Be confident—be brave.' He self-motivated himself. He was clueless about how to behave and what to say. This was the first time he was going to have dinner with a woman. He wasn't even sure if she would come. And even if she won't, he can't blame her. After the monstrous thing he has done to her, why would she?

At the thought of it, Maaz felt a rock, a size of a mountain rest on his chest and he felt uneasy. All this was a bad idea. He must have offended her more. He decided to disappear from here before he made a fool of himself. As he fumbled to get up, he knocked on the table and a glass toppled. He raised his hand and quickly grabbed it before it fell and cracked. He raised, turned and paused.

He looked at the entrance and found Anaya enter the restaurant. His gaze was stuck on her and his mouth slightly opened. She looked ravishing in the wine-red velvet dress. Her long tresses still had a straightened effect from the parlor. Half of her hair resting on her front and rest on her back. A smile appeared on his face when he noticed she had worn sneakers with the mini dress. Nervously, she looked around. Reflexively, Maaz raised his hand and waved at her. Anaya spotted him and nodded. He let out a sigh and couldn't help but smile at her. She avoided his gaze.

Maaz hurried and pulled out a chair for her. He had seen in movies. Anaya looked at him and he gestured her to sit.


'Thanks.' She said softly. Maaz nodded.

'I should be the one thanking you.' He said while taking his seat opposite her. Anaya just smiled a little. She felt super awkward. Slowly, she looked up at him.

'It is okay. Err—sir—'

'Maaz. Here we are not boss and employee, Apurva.' He said. Anaya suppressed her smile.

'And you can call me, Anaya.' She corrected him. Funnily, this time she wasn't annoyed. Instead, her lips curved into a small smile. Maaz relaxed his shoulders upon seeing her smile. Anaya cleared her throat and slightly shook her head. She leaned back and awkwardly tugged her hair behind her ear.

There was a silence for a moment, slowly Anaya looked up at him. Maaz was looking around for a waiter. She took in breath and licked her lips, leaning back.

'Can I ask you something?' She asked. Maaz looked at her and nodded. 'Um, how did you know that I wanted this dress?' She looked at him, not moving her gaze from his face. Maaz's gaze fell on her dress and he recollected after the meeting he had gone out to explore Dubai and randomly found a store with this beautiful dress. Immediately, his mind had imagined this dress on Anaya and he bought it.

'Actually, I was concerned about you.' – he shrugged, - 'I didn't mean to evade your privacy or anything. It's that you are new here and so, I wanted to ensure your safety I—I paid hotel staff to look out for you.' He made up a story hoping to impress her. He looked at her with a batted breath. Anaya smiled.

'Thanks.' She said. Maaz let out a sigh and smiled back. The two looked away momentarily.

'By the way, the staff you sent,' – Anaya and Maaz looked at each other, - 'might have been a stalker or serial killer.' She said seriously. She pressed her lips to avoid smiling after looking at the color drain from Maaz's face. He blinked at her and she smiled.


'Relax.' – she said, and he relaxed. Anaya was now enjoying his plight. She paused looking down for a moment before looking up at him again.

'I wanted this dress the moment I saw it. Thanks.' She said. Maaz smiled but his smile faded soon.

'It means—so much to me that—that you came. So, should I take this as a yes? Yes, you have forgiven me?' He spoke cautiously. Anaya's smile disappeared as well, and she stiffened. Maaz watched her lower her eyes and fidget with a fork in her hand. He shifted uncomfortably.

'I know it is tough An—Anaya. After what happened—but I am very ashamed. So much that I can't—can't face myself, look at myself in the mirror.' Maaz's voice quivered and Anaya looked up. She was surprised to see tears in his eyes, and she felt very uneasy. Maaz moved his hand to hold hers but stopped himself. Anaya watched his hand moving away and she looked up.

'I am very sorry, Anaya.' He apologized profusely. Anaya had tears in her eyes as well as the events of that night came flashing before her eyes again and she felt her heart heavy.

Hesitantly, she moved her hand and placed over his palm. Maaz stopped talking and froze. Anaya forced a smile.

'Let bygones be bygones, Maaz. I don't—don't want to talk about that night, ever. Please, let's not talk about it ever again.' – Maaz opened his mouth to say something but she intervened, - 'there is nothing we can do to change what happened and, and we are getting divorced soon. So, so it's best to just forget everything. Okay?' She said seriously. Maaz nodded while having his gaze locked with hers.

Then he ordered their food and soon, they were served. The rest of the evening the two spent eating while occasionally glancing at each other and passing awkward smiles.

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