《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》35. The other side of the Boss


The flight was awkward for both Anaya and Maaz. Initially, they were seated together but once the flight took off, Maaz exchanged his seat with an older woman. Anaya didn't say anything and continued to stare out of the window. Maaz kept glancing at her, he hoped she was comfortable without him near her.

Together they walked towards the belt for their luggage. Luckily their luggage came soon. Maaz asked Anaya to wait while he got the luggage. She simply nodded and took a seat among rows of benches. She avoided looking towards him and instead tried focusing on her sneakers. As she played with her fingernails, her phone rang. She was startled and realized she hadn't switched it off. Hastily, she took out her phone from the back pocket of her jeans.

Mom calling!!!

She sighed and was about to answer when she heard Maaz clear his throat and she stilled. Slowly, Anaya looked up and found him standing in front of her with a trolley and all the bags neatly placed one over the other.

'If you want to talk then I will be standing near the belt.' – he paused, - 'you take your time.' He said politely. Anaya was surprised by his tone and the fact that he actually cared.

She got up and spoke while tugging her peach Tee, - 'No, it isn't important. I will talk later.' She pushed strands of her hair behind her ear. Maaz nodded, then he dragged the trolley. Anaya adjusted the sling of her handbag and folded her arms. Silently, she followed him. As they exited, Maaz looked around and found a man in the driver's suit holding on a banner with his name on it. He waved at the man. He took a moment to spot them.

'Come.' Maaz whispered to Anaya and she quickly looked up from her mobile screen. Hurriedly, she placed it back inside her pocket and nodded.

The seven-star hotel wasn't too far from the airport. Anaya was amazed by seeing the sky touching buildings. She had to crook her head to look from the window. Maaz kept glancing at her and every time a small smile appeared on his lips. His moment ended as they reached the hotel.

They received a warm welcome by th guards. At the reception, Maaz asked the receptionist to meet Sheikh Ashfaq. Once he had introduced himself, the pretty blonde woman smiled at him. She picked up the landline placed beside her laptop and dialed her boss. She spoke for a minute and looked back at Maaz.

'Sir will meet you soon.' – She spoke as she placed the phone down, then she gestured towards her right, - 'till then please rest in your room.' She smiled. Maaz nodded taking a step closer to the desk.


'Can you do me a favor please?' He asked with uncertainty. The woman nodded with a professional smile.

Anaya admired the huge aquarium that was in-built to the wall which had a brick-walled effect. She peered through the glass and admired the colorful fish swimming in peace. The fish were brightly colored, and the interior was very well done. She liked the attention to detail. Just as she turned, she found Maaz stand next to her. She was startled.

'Oh!' she exclaimed, blinking at him.

'Here.' He forwarded a keycard to her. Anaya was surprised that he was handing her the keys. Maaz had something fisted, she looked at it but doesn't say anything. They walked towards the lift and waited until the bellboy appeared carrying their luggage. Anaya silently followed Maaz inside the lift. Inside, the two stood in extreme corners. She wrapped her arms around herself and focused on the LED showing the floor number. Maaz occasionally glanced at her.

They stepped out on the 11th floor. The lobby was covered with red velvet posh carpet which had beautiful floral designs on the sides. The lighting was dim yellow and covered the narrow ceiling. Anaya walked behind Maaz and the bellboy and stopped behind Maaz. She stood beside him. Feeling awkward, she bit her lips and avoided his gaze.

'Your room is 1109 and mine is 1108.' He informed. Anaya looked at him with surprise. She found her breath returning to her. He smiled a little and told her about his talk with the receptionist and how he insisted on them to have separate rooms. Anaya stunned by his gesture. She nodded and turned away. As she walked towards her room, which was adjacent to his, she heard the door click open.

Anaya had come into the room of a seven-star hotel for the first time. She could barely control her smile. The room was very luxurious with delicate wooden work done on cupboards, dressing table and on the sofa set. She looked with her eyes wide. The high ceilings had a beautiful craving all over. The TV set facing the king-sized bed was huge, it was also slightly curved. Anaya sat on the bed and she almost sunk into it. It felt so bouncy. She bit her smile as she climbed over the bed and laid comfortably. She took a deep sigh, placing her arm over the forehead. The room had a perfect aroma. Slight smell of rose and lavender. The lighting was dim and the thick white curtains covering the large windows darkened the room. But Anaya found it cozy. The AC was slightly high but everything else made her feel sleepy. Especially when her legs ached, and jetlag got better of her. Yet she felt excited.


Her smile faded as her thought wandered to Maaz. She debated if she should thank him. But then she decided that keeping their conversation to a minimum will be best.


Anaya hadn't had such sound and peaceful sleep since she had gotten married. She shifted on the bed and flickered her eyes open. She turned her head and her gaze fell on the alarm clock and her eyes opened wide. She sat up on the bed.

'Shit!' She slapped her forehead and almost toppled from the bed as she tried to get up, then she tripped when her feet got tangled with the bedsheet.

She hadn't unpacked. Muttering, she swiftly unpacked and took out whatever she could grab.

Anaya stepped out of her room and hurried towards the lift. She tapped her feet and kept glancing at her watch. It seemed like an eternity and finally, the lift door open. She dashed towards it but hit someone instead.


'Oops, sorry!' Anaya apologized and looked up.

'It's okay.' Maaz replied and smiled a little. She stepped aside letting him come out of the elevator.

'Sir, we are having a meeting with the Sheikh in like—five minutes and—'

Maaz abruptly stopped and Anaya stopped as well and narrowly escaped hitting his back. He turned around and smiled.

'Not we. Me.' – he said, and she frowned, - 'yes, Mrs. Hasan—'

'Hussain.' Anaya corrected him out of impulse. Maaz's smile widened.

'Yeah! Anyways, Mrs. Hussain. I am going to the meeting while you are—going to explore Dubai.' He said.

Anaya's eyes widened, - 'But sir, I can't—'

'Who is the boss here, Hussain?'

Anaya lowered her head and muttered, - 'You.'

'Then,' – Maaz straightened adjusting his coat, - 'follow my orders.' – he paused, - 'The meeting is shifted to the next half an hour.' He said and turned around. Anaya looked confusedly at him walking away. She kept wondering what was on his mind. He had a 180-degree change in him. It was as if he wasn't Maaz Nawab Ali but his twin.

Initially, Anaya was uncertain about Maaz and his weird orders. But soon, she began enjoying Dubai. Slowly, the thoughts of the meeting disappeared from her mind and she submerged into Arab life. There were so many malls that had Anaya's eyes sparkle. She looked longingly at a beautiful wine-red mini dress. She touched the full sleeves of the dress and could feel the softness of the crushed velvet. She searched for the price tag and finally, she got it.

-6,049 Dirhams.

Her eyes widened – for a dress. Anaya dropped the tag and sighed. As she walked away, she glanced at the dress one last time and turned around.

Anaya had a gala time enjoying the beauty of the desert land. She wanted to try the adventure sports but resisted as she knew she was too scaredy-cat to attempt them. By the time, she reached the hotel every muscle of her body ached, and her eyes kept shutting. Her hair was messy, skin slightly pinkish, her eyeliner and lipstick disappeared. She entered her room and dragged her feet towards the bed. She stopped in her tracks when she found something lying on her bed. She scratched her head wondering if she has come into the wrong room. Just as she was about to leave her gaze fell over her luggage and she was relieved.

Anaya picked up the gift-wrapped box and quickly unwrapped it. Her eyes widened with surprise and her jaw dropped. The gorgeous red dress she had loved before but couldn't afford, lay in front of her in the box. Now, she was totally perplexed. How did this get here? Who got it for her? She looked around seeing if anyone was watching her. Cautiously, she approached the tiny balcony, in the extreme corner of the room, and peeped out. The hustle-bustle of the city was heard, and the lights illuminated the night diminishing the moonlight and stars. She rushed towards the bed again and picked up the box.

There was an envelope, a long one. With uncertainty, she tore the top and pulled out a letter and some papers.

She stared at the divorce papers and a small yellow note.

I know I messed up real bad. But this is what you wanted, and I will do anything to make you feel happy. I have signed the papers but it's a long procedure, you will have to bear with me for at least a year. So, why not spend the rest of the days, that we have together, making fond memories of each other? Hussain, I have lots to tell you. If you have forgiven me, please come to the terrace restaurant. I have also got a present for you. It's totally your wish but if you wear the dress, I will consider your answer as yes.

Anaya bit her lips and looked at the divorce papers.She found his signatures. Then her gaze fell over the dress. So, he has gottenthe dress but how did he know she wanted this dress. Was he stalking her? Shehad mixed feelings about this. Then, she looked at the yellow note. The noteseemed to be written with heart.

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