《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》34. Restless and Unforgiving


Anaya reached work as usual. She felt awkward thinking about facing Maaz. To her relieve he didn't come to work till lunch. But she kept making rounds to his office. Dealing with the meetings, members and supervising other hotel activities.

She was sitting in her cabin, tapping her fingers on the table and recollecting the incidents of the night. Just then, her phone rang and startled she nearly jumped on the spot. Placing her palm over her heart she leaned forward and picked up her call.

Rashid Sir, calling.

Anaya entered the kitchen to prepare green tea for Rashid. She was surprised when he informed her that instead of Maaz, he would be coming for a few days. Also, she was awkward at the mention of going to Dubai. She didn't know if she could stay alone with Maaz. As she prepared the tea someone tapped her shoulder. She was alarmed with the touch and stepped back before turning to face the person. She saw Gabin standing there flashing her a sparkling smile. He was the last person she wanted to see today. After what happened last night, she didn't want to meet Gabin and be reminded of her backstabbing friend.

'Hi!' She greeted him without meeting his gaze. Gabin looked at her closely, his eyebrows furrowed. Anaya met his questioning gaze and quickly turned around.

'I need—to go.' She said tapping her fingernails on the counter.

'What happened to you?' He held her chin and made her look at him, - 'What is this bruise?' He questioned touching the corner of her lips. Anaya moved his hand away and began fidgeting with the tea bags. Gabin still observed her with a deep look.

'What happened? Anaya, tell me.' He spoke firmly. Anaya looked angrily at him.

'Look, Gabin, this is none of your business. Okay!'

Gabin blinked at her. This was the first time she spoke with her voice raised. He opened his mouth to reply but she hurried with the cup of hot water and teabag.

It felt like an eternity for Rashid as he entered his cabin. He scrutinized the place to make sure, Maaz hadn't disfigured or misplaced anything. After he was assured, he sat on his seat and was about to open the top desk when there was a knock and he paused, looked up and asked the person to come in.

Anaya entered the room carrying a tray of green tea and some biscuits. She looked up at him and smiled a little; instinctively. Rashid smiled back, but he doesn't fail to notice something off with her gesture.

Anaya's gaze fell over the top drawer and recollected Maaz keeping few adult magazines there. She had found out while clearing the cabin. She knew it was wrong, but she wished Rashid found out about it.

'Here sir, your tea and biscuits.' She said placing the cup near him. Rashid smiled to himself.

'Beta,' -he said and she looked at him, - 'I need to talk to you.' – he let out a sigh, - 'I am feeling very guilty for getting you married to Maaz—especially after last night. As a father I am ashamed.' He said in a low voice. Anaya wanted to console him and say many things, but she couldn't find words nor had the courage to interrupt him.


Rashid sighed rubbing his forehead with his fingers, - 'I could have easily avoided getting you guys married. But I thought—you could change my son—you know the typical mentality. I was so wrong, my child. I am sorry.' He said softly. Anaya felt her heart sink seeing tears glistening in his eyes. She wondered how strange the relationship between parents and children is. Even if, they aren't at fault, parents always have to suffer the consequence of their kid's actions.

Rashid felt relieved when Anaya smiled slightly, - 'You don't have to feel low about Maaz sir. Nothing is your fault.' – her voice lowered as she muttered, - 'some people are very idiotic.'

Rashid quickly wiped his eyes with his finger and looked at her, - 'Anyway, I am being hopeful for your Dubai trip. I am hoping you guys will get to know each other well and—things will work out.' He said in a firm voice. Anaya pressed her lips tightly and simply nodded. She listened as he went on talking about how he was trying to contact Maaz, but he was missing since morning.

'I think I was too harsh on him.' He said exasperatedly. He tried calling Maaz again and sighed as the phone couldn't connect. Anaya bit her lip, she felt awkward standing here. She asked for his leave and he mindlessly waved his hand while trying to call Maaz again. She felt a little sad for him. For the first time, she was seeing him so worried for Maaz and he, he was being a total ass and showing attitude to his father.


Maaz was still seated in the park. He kept staring at his hand. His head felt heavy but heavier was the guilt in his heart. In a fit of rage, he has destroyed someone's life. He was so angered last night and took out his anger on Anaya. He sighed deeply and relaxed on the bench. Tears blurred his vision as he looked up at the sky. Apologizes weren't enough. He should free her, divorce her. It wouldn't give her back what she lost, at least she wouldn't have to stay with a person like him and be reminded her of the night.

He got up and slowly dragged himself towards the exit of the park. As he passed by a couple, he paused to look at them. The man and the woman were seated close to each other. The guy had his arm around her and was listening intently to her, rather admiring her. She was speaking in a low tone, their heads touching at the sides. Then, the man held her hand and she stopped speaking abruptly. He kissed her knuckles and she blushed. Maaz kept looking at them for a second before looking away. He walked away wondering what he can do besides divorce to make Anaya forgive him.

Zainab was worriedly pacing in the living room. Rashid stood by the entrance calling on the phone, speaking to the butlers and watchman. Anaya had not seen him so worried before. Hannah was beside her and kept eyeing her. Rashda Appa was trying to console her brother but Rashid was too worried to pay attention to her.


Hannah shifted closer and elbowed, Anaya. 'Are you happy now?' She whispered. Anaya turned to look at her. Hannah threw a menacing look at her and scoffed looking away.

'I don't know what happened between you two, but because of you,' – she looked back at confused Anaya, - 'my friend is miserable and now—he is gone.' She whispered harshly. Anaya opened her mouth to counter but was stopped by Zainab's shriek.


Everyone's attention turned towards the main door. Maaz entered. His shoulders were droopy, head lowered and a dejected look on his face. Hannah took a step but stopped because he was surrounded by Rashid, Zainab, and Rashda. Zainab hurried to her son and hugged him tightly. Maaz stood still.

'Where were you? We were—' Rashid was cut short by Zainab. She scolded him, requesting him to stop hounding Maaz.

'Mom, I just need to be alone. Please.' He said softly and pushed aside his mother. Ignoring everyone he walked towards the staircase. As he passed by Anaya, he glanced at her. She looked at him too. It was a brief eye-lock. Anaya looked away. Maaz let out a small sigh and walked away. Hannah watched him carefully. She wanted to make sure he was fine.

Anaya's heart pounded inside her chest as she opened the door and entered the room. After last night, she felt very uncomfortable. She was surprised to find the room dimly lit. Slowly, she walked inside the room, purposefully leaving the door slightly ajar. She walked towards the bed and found the bed to be empty. Wondering, she looked around and found Maaz lying on the sofa. His back facing her.

Maaz felt her footsteps and quickly closed his eyes tightly. Cautiously, Anaya approached him. A few steps away from him she stopped and turned away. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. She was thankful that he had fallen asleep. Still having her eyes fixed on him, she lay on the bed. Pulling the duvet close to her, she laid back, resting her head against the pillow.

A minute of silence later, Maaz peeked over his shoulder and found her lying on the bed. He could make out that she was staring up at the ceiling. A few seconds later, she shifted and Maaz quickly, turned away, buried his head into the sofa and closed his eyes tightly.

Anaya couldn't sleep the whole night. Whenever she closed her eyes, she could feel his presence, his touch and would be alarmed. She kept glancing at him to make sure he was still asleep there. She didn't understand why he slept on the couch, but she doesn't trust him a bit. Sleep eluded Maaz as well. He kept recollecting the pain in her eyes, the mistrust, the fear and he would drown in guilt. Whenever he closed his eyes, Anaya's messed up hair, battered skin and torn clothes would haunt him.

Both Anaya and Maaz spent a very restless night. The night seemed dark and never-ending. Each minute passed excruciatingly slow.


Shayan lost his way in the huge mansion. He guided himself towards the back exit of the luxurious villa and entered the garden. He looked around and spotted a woman a few distances away from him. She stood by a white swing and was speaking to someone on phone. Assuming her to be Anaya he tip-toed towards her. He wanted to surprise her. Just as he reached her, he opened his arms but paused when he heard her voice.

'I know Joseph. But we have to work harder. We need border audience.'- she sighed, - 'I can't let my Dad's legacy fade away. Okay. Do something. I will call you in a bit.' She cut the call and turned around.

Hannah turned around and was startled upon finding someone standing close behind her. Alarmed, she dropped her phone but Shayan on time caught it.

'Phew!' He exclaimed. His hand was a few centimeters above the ground. He looked at her and flashed a smile. Hannah maintained a straight face.

'Here you go.' Shayan tried to sound charming but she was unmoved. Hannah grabbed her phone from his grip and was about to walk away when Shayan interrupted her.

'You can tell your name now. I saved your phone.' He said. Hannah closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. She wanted to calm herself else she would burst her anger on him.

'You remember me. I am Shayan. We met at my sister's function.' He reminded her. Hannah turned around and glared at him.

'Please stop wasting your time. I am not interested.' She clarified. Shayan's smile dropped. Just then, Hannah's phone rang.

Joseph calling!!

'Damn!' she cursed. Shayan frowned as he observed the change in her expressions. She glanced at him and then turned back to her phone.

'Any problem? I can help you.'

'No, thank you.' Hannah spoke rudely. Shayan nodded. She looked away but he interrupted her again.

'I don't mean to trouble you. I am looking for my sister, Anaya. Could you tell me—'

'She isn't at home. Maaz and her have gone to Dubai.' Hannah informed. And before he could interrupt her once again, she took hasty steps away from him. Shayan just watched her go. He felt disappointed as he was attracted to her and wanted to know about her and let her know about him. He hoped they could be, at least, good friends. But it seemed like he had hit a dead end. Shayan sighed, dropping his arms and walked towards the mansion.

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