《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》31. Mixed Feelings


Maaz wore his tuxedo and combed his hair. Just then, there was a knock at the door, and he turned around.

'Hey!' He greeted Hannah.

'Hey!' She smiled back. She had worn shimmering rose gold dhoti pants, short sleeve choli with a golden sequinned net long cape. Her hair tied in a high and tight ponytail. Maaz turned to the mirror and began buttoning the sleeves of his coat.

'You are looking very handsome.' Hannah complimented him placing her hand over his shoulder and looking intently at him.

'Thanks,' – Maaz turned his head to look at her, - 'Not looking bad yourself.' He said and she smiled. Then, she turned him to face her.

'Just this,' – she adjusted his bowtie, - 'and you are perfect.' She said patting the coat over his shoulders. Maaz smiled brightly, delighted by her praise. Hannah took a step back and watched him as he applied perfume.

Rashid was getting restless because like always Maaz was taking too much time dressing up. He found Zainab, - 'Where is your Saheb Zaida? At least, tonight he should dress up early.'- he paused and whispered, - 'have you by any chance applied Mehendi on his hands?' Zainab looked annoyed at him and he looked back with equal annoyance.

Rashid has had enough so he decided to check out on his son. He stopped at the door as he found Maaz and Hannah chatting. He frowned noticing Hannah's body language. She kept shifting on her feet, clasping unclasping her hands, touching her golden chandband earrings. Rashid straightened and cleared his throat. Maaz and Hannah turned to look at him. He smiled and walked up to them.

'Hannah beta, your mother is asking for you.' He said kindly. Hannah nodded and smiled at Maaz before leaving.

'Just a second Dad, I am also done.' Maaz said turning to face the mirror and buttoning the cluffs of his sleeves. Rashid frowned.

'What is taking you so long?'

'Dad!' – Maaz adjusted his coat, - 'it's my function and I should be the one looking the best here.'

Rashid sighed, then he held his son's shoulder and patted him, - 'Son, you are married now.' – Maaz frowned looking away, - 'Now, all your attention should be on your wife alone and no other woman.' He advised.

Maaz looked back at his father, - 'What marriage? What wife? She doesn't even let me touch her.' He said in frustration. Rashid laughed and this confused him.

'That is because you must have creeped her out,' – He chuckled, - 'make your wife comfortable in your presence. Talk to her, pay her attention, shower her with care and respect. Then you will see how she starts admiring and loving you back.'- He paused and held his son's shoulder, - 'Son, women are not that complicated. All they need is love and respect. Moreover, marriage isn't just about physical needs or love. It is about respect, companionship, trust, and passion. Trust and respect being of utmost importance.' Rashid advised his son. Maaz gave a thoughtful nod.

It is a hell lot of work for a few months' marriage. Is it worth? – Maaz thought.


As Maaz and Rashid climbed down the stairs, Maaz's gaze fell on a young woman. Her back turned to him. She wore beautiful peach sequined lehenga coupled with off-shoulder orange choli. Her net sequined laced dupatta wrapped around her back and resting on her elbows. The woman had long flat-ironed hair ending just little below her choli. Maaz ran his gaze through her back and stared at the little bit of her skin that was shown from behind her hair. When they came in front, his smile faded, and a frown appeared instead.


'Hasan.' He muttered.

Anaya was greeting everyone, but the moment she saw Maaz her smile disappeared as well, but she quickly composed herself. Maaz kept glaring at her as he walked with his father and when he stood beside her, the couple looked away. Anaya moved her hand to fiddle with her orange beaded, block design golden choker for the nth time. Her mother, who stood, beside her slapped her hand away. She sighed and glanced at Maaz from the corner of her eyes. First, this terrible choker was choking her, literally, and now Maaz's presence maddened her. But she needed to clear her mind and focus on flashing pretty smiles at the guests and look beautiful. There weren't many guests as they wanted to keep the function and their marriage under wraps.

Rashda was disappointed that her younger brother, Rashid, had hurried with his son's marriage but when she met Anaya, she liked her. Anaya, she felt, was soft-spoken and pretty. She wondered how Rashid managed to find a perfect bride for his son. But she doesn't know this marriage's truth. Rashda looked at her daughter. Hannah looked at the couple with longing eyes and her mother felt bad for her.

'Beta.' – She placed her hand on Hannah's shoulder, startling her, - 'I know you are upset because Maaz married someone else,' – she sighed, Hannah looked her mother, - 'But what's done is done. Don't you fret, my dear. I will get a much more wonderful man for you.' She said with conformity. Hannah sighed shaking her head. She threw a glance at Maaz and turned to walk away. Rashda looked at her with a saddened expression.

Maaz watched Anaya from the corner of his eyes. He was amazed by her transformation. Her face glowed and hands and shoulders were de-tanned. Accidently, his hand touched her, and he felt awed with the smoothness of her skin. His gaze rested on her well-manicured hands.

'Like what you see.'

Maaz nearly gasped as he was startled by a sudden voice. He looked to his side, - 'Rukhsar.'

She giggled and moved her hand to hold his arm, - 'we spent an almost whole day at the parlor. I am glad you liked it. All the efforts for you.' She said with a happy sigh and clasped her hands. Maaz scoffed.

'By the way, when did I say I liked her looks?'

Rukhsar chuckled, - 'You are ogling her like a total creep. That is enough of a proof.'

Maaz pouted angrily, - 'I am not.'

'You so are!'

'Shut up!'

Rukhsar laughed.

Anaya and Maaz were made to sit while the guests had their dinner. Anaya was relieved that they were seated because her high heels were killing her. Also, her jaw hurt with the constant smiling. As she adjusted her dupatta over her lap someone called her name. The voice sounded very familiar and not in a good way. Her head shot up and her eyes widened with shock. She was least expecting him of all people.

Sheeraz didn't know what to do when Mr. Hussain invited him to his daughter's reception. He was surprised at first. Anaya was to be his bride and now he will see her with another man.

'Don't worry, Sheeraz Beta. Come see with your own eyes how platonic their relationship is.' Mr. Hussain had assured him.

After debating with himself for a long time, he decided to attend the function and see for himself if Anaya had accepted the new man.


Sheeraz noticed the color of Anaya's face drain when she looked at him. He turned his gaze to the man sitting beside her. He was talking to someone next to him. Sheeraz noted that unlike his potbelly, Anaya's husband had a slim lean figure and was tall. As he smiled, there was a deep dimple visible through his stubble. Sheeraz looked back at Anaya, who was still gaping at him. He walked towards them and bent over at Anaya.

'Congrats!' He said staring into her eyes, making her uncomfortable. If Rashid or anyone asks her who this man was, what would she answer? Sheeraz forwarded her a gift-wrapped parcel. Anaya hesitated as she took it. He straightened and cleared his throat to gain Maaz's attention. Maaz looked at him,

- 'Yes.'

Anaya gulped looking fearfully at them. Sheeraz smiled forwarding his hand to him.

'I am Sheeraz,' – he paused and glanced at Anaya, - 'Anaya's—cousin.' He said and she let out a sigh of relief. Maaz nodded and shook hands with him.

'Happy to meet you. Please enjoy the function.' He said formally and then continued to talk to his friend. Sheeraz smiled and then when he looked back at Anaya, he had a poker face. She watched him turn and walk away. Perhaps, he was leaving.

Sheeraz wanted to leave. All this was too troubling for him. Watching his woman with another man was hurting. As he angrily dashed towards the door, he collided into someone and they winced. He looked up and was surprised. The other person was equally amazed.

'Rukhsar Ma'am?'


Rukhsar hadn't expected one of her employees to be here. She was more than surprised. She hadn't invited him then who invited him?

'You are here?' She asked with a surprised look. Sheeraz forced a smile,

- 'I am Anaya's cousin.' He lied bluntly.

Rukhsar smiled, - 'then you are our guest.' She urged him towards the juice and drink stall. Sheeraz politely declined her but she insisted. Considering that she was his boss, he agreed.


Hannah stood at the corner fiddling with her chandband earring. Her gaze kept wandering to Maaz and Anaya and she would look away. A she stood there toying with her bangles; she was startled by someone. She nearly jumped on the spot when a man out of nowhere stood beside her and greeted her, - 'Hello, beautiful.' He flashed a cheeky smile. Hannah rolled her eyes looking the other way. The man frowned.

'I am Shayan Akhtar and what is your wonderful name?' He asked. Hannah sighed and looked away holding her temple.

'What is such a lovely woman like you doing standing alone?' Shayan commented and waited patiently for a reply. As he does, he looked intently at her. She doesn't reply, instead glared at him and then walked away. He kept looking at her until she disappeared into the crowd. Shayan let out a small sigh and turned around, walking away swirling a glass of drink in his hand.

Maaz tried using his phone for time pass but his father had kept a keen eye on him and whenever his hand reached to grab his phone, his palm was slapped away by Rashid. Maaz sighed and sunk against his seat. He held the arms of the seat tightly while having a grumpy expression.

A man came up to them. Maaz was taken by surprise as he hugged him. He froze. Anaya turned to look at them. After the men separated her shock turned to glee.

'Shayan!' She exclaimed rising from her seat. The young man turned to her flashing her a broad gummy smile, his arms wide open. Maaz watched them suspiciously as they hugged.

Who was this man hugging his wife? – Maaz pondered.

The hug was brief, they parted quickly. Maaz observed the man with a scrutinizing gaze. He was tall and lean. His hair was black, wavy and neatly trimmed. He wore a burgundy suit with a black tie. Maaz hadn't missed a mischievous glint in his eyes and playful smile lingering on his thin lips.

'OMG! Shayan when did you come from Australia?'

'Just yesterday, then,' – he pointed at Mr. Hussain, - 'Chachu invited me for your function and,' – he stepped back with arms open, - 'here I am. I couldn't miss this for the world,' – he leaned pinching Anaya's chin (Maaz shifted uncomfortably watching them), - 'I couldn't miss my little sister's reception for anything.' He said and Maaz let out the breath he had been holding.

Rashid came up to the young man and patted his shoulder, - 'Hello! I am Rashid Nawab Ali, Anaya's father-in-law.' He introduced himself. Shayan smiled sticking out his hand for a shake.

'Shayan Akhtar, Anaya's paternal cousin.' He said. Rashid smiled shaking hands with him.

Rashid guided Shayan towards the diner. Together as they walked Shayan continued to talk. Maaz leaned towards Anaya while keeping his gaze fixed on Shayan's back, - 'Your cousin speaks a lot and,' – he looked at her, - 'is very irritating.' He said and looked away with a disapproving head movement. Anaya eyed him with a frown, then looked away.

'He is much less annoying than you.' She muttered under her breath. Maaz looked at her with his eyebrow raised and she flashed him a fake tight-lipped smile.

Maaz trembled and his breathing was heavy as he entered the mansion. He was sweating like a pig. Slowly, he looked up and froze on his tracks upon seeing Rashid fuming. Behind him were confused, haphazard and worried, looking women folks of the family. Anaya stood beside Rashid. Maaz swallowed the tight lump and took a step. He hesitated, - 'Dad—I can explain—' Before he could, his father had marched towards him and slapped him hard. The slap resonated through the massive living room. There was a collective gasp from the ladies.

'Rashid!' Zainab cried. Anaya covered her open mouth with both her palms. Hannah placed her hand over her heaving chest. Rashda Appa was flabbergasted and numb to react.

Now, there was a deadly silence in the mansion. Maaz had his head turned to his right, his palm over his warm cheek. He could feel the sting of the slap which also brought tears in his eyes. Still mad with rage, Rashid grabbed Maaz's arm and made him look at him. Maaz noticed vein pulsating at his father's temple, his eyes red and nostrils flaring.

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