《bleeding love》Tom



"Mazza? B-but I thought you said she was-"

"dead? Yes, I did. Because she IS. How... how can you be here?"

"Damien, you can't give up. I just came to let you know that. And I'm sorry. You have to accept that I love you, and stop telling yourself that I hate you! I don't, and never will. And Teddy... give him a chance."

"What the HELL?" I gasped. "why does everyone keep telling me that? I don't KNOW you!"

She smiled. "because you still aren't doing it. You need to remember - some things have to happen, no matter how much you don't want them to. Let them happen,"

I laughed. "OK, OK, I'll deal. Fine. I'll try."

Suddenly, the door slammed open, and Hans came dashing in. I was shocked when I saw him - he didn't seem the same. I didn't get that tingly feeling I usually got around him. Things had... changed. Between us.

Mazza and Hans locked gazes, and there was a moments silence. "who... who are you?" Hans asked.

"my names Mazza..." she muttered. And then everything went silent.

Suddenly, a man appeared, and floated down towards Mazza. "Mazza, we have to go. Theres no time-"

Suddenly, everything went silent again.

"T-Tom?" Lucy gabbled. She seemed at a loss for words after that.

"Lucy. I've... been watching over you."

Edward laughed, but this time it was in pure amusement. It felt... good, somehow. Everything was OK.

"Getting a little crowded in here, guys. Tom. Nice to see you, dude. Last time you were chocking up blood and then poof, you were dead. Avoir. A dying love for poor little Lucy-"



Tom sighed. "Lucy, I'm sorry-"

Lucy laughed. "it's OK. Not like you had much choice, eh? Dying and all."


"Its... yeah. Thats true,"

They had long conversation as Edward scowled, and Hans and Mazza just kept staring at each other, and I and Damien just stood there awkwardly.

"it's OK," Lucy finally said to Hans. "you can... be free."

And Hans ran to Mazza and wrapped her in a warm embrace, just as Tom did to Lucy. Now the 3 of us just stood there.

So we went upstairs, and I went into my room, and Edward stood outside, and Damien came in and locked the door. Just as he did so, there was a crash, and Mary's stumbling cry of "I'm so sorry!"

I laughed, and then froze cold as I realised that Edward was kissing Mary, which was just SO awkward. Damien sighed.

"I'm sorry, Teddy. For everything I've done."

And as he walked away, I quietly called "I love you" to him. He smiled, and sent it back as he walked out.

And at that moment, I knew everything was OK, and it would always be.

The End


Thnx so much for reading me story! I can tell you that there will MAYBE be a sequel to it, about what happened with Lucy and Tom before. MAYBE. I love you guys! Does anyone know how to set this as the end? If I can, I will do that! Hope you enjoyed, and Jess is now signing out! Any question, write in comments, and I will answer in another chapter! Enjoy!

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