《bleeding love》Hans


HEY my lovely muffins! How r u? What do you thinks going to happen in this chapter? Read on to find out ;) this chapter is dedicated to all my peeps from school, who scare me but make me laugh at the same time. Love you guys ;) anyways, enjoy!


The car was awesome.

Limozeens have always been my favourite car, but I've only seen the odd person in one. And I've never seen one as Magnificat as this. I guess being the slave of a Prince has its perks.

"do you like my car?" he asked. I blushed. I hadnt noticed id been staring at it.

"Um... yes, I like your car."

"Good. You and your friend are going to be spending some time in it on the way to my castle. You must know one thing. After we arrive, the boy is dead to you. He no longer exists."


"he isn't your boyfriend. He isn't your friend. He isn't even someone you know or recognise faintly from before."

"But I-"



"don't give a damn."

"I hate you."

"I can live with that, honey ;)"

"well, just so u know, you smell funny."

"I can live with that, too."

"You really do love hurting me, don't you?"

"I haven't laid a finger on you."

I stood still, crossed my arms and gave him the silent treatment. He shook his head.

"I don't deserve that."

I resisted the urge to say yes, he did. I turned my back on him.

"so now I'm getting the silent treatment, am I?"

Again, I resisted the urge to say "yes, yes you are."

He kneeled on the ground, and pretended to beg me. "please, mummy! I don't like it! I don't like it!"


I wanted to laugh, so bad.

I didnt. I'd just realised something, and it puzzled me to no end.

"why are you being nice to me?"

"am I no longer getting the silent treatment?"


"I have no reason to hate you or be horrible to you, do i?"

"well, no..."

"I'm not just that vamp who you see on street. I actually bother to CARE"

"Big statement. I don't believe you. You plan something."

"i do?"

"something horrible"

"that's something new to me"

He growled at me, but before I could turn, he had me in his grasp.

"Don't go pushing it. I may be gentle, but I don't have a gentle temper."

I shut up. I wanted to show him I intimidated by wasn't him, but I didn't want to get hurt in the process.

"you got it?" I nodded

Suddenly, a young girl appeared. She was smiling from ear to ear, and she was dragging Hans behind her.

"I got mine! Did you get yours?"

The prince nodded.

"YOURS? I am in no way your property! I will NEVER belong to you, you can punish me and bite me whenever you want, but I won't EVER be yours!"

The prince looked at her with a smirk.

"yours dangerous, too?"

The girl put her hands on her hips. "all boys are dangerous. I don't see YOURS squirming,"

"she was just a minute ago."

"don't lie to me, Damien."

DAMIEN, I thought. I was sick of calling the guy prince. It was embarrassing, and only slightly worse then 'sir'. I'd call him Damien, to show him I wasn't going to bend. Yeah.

"exuse me, but are we just going to STAND here? I'm cold,"

Everyone stared at me as if I'd grown two heads. Then Han's used the opportunity to wiggle out of the girls grasp, and began to run. He wasn't fast enough, though, of course. He got round the building before slowing, out of breath, and being caught. The girl smiled triumphantly. Damien looked at her with annoyed eyes.


"You're going to keep a rascal like him around?"

Suddenly, the girl stood in front of Han's, really protective.

"You're keeping her around, right? No matter what she does?"

Damien went silent. What was THAT?

"come on. You heard the girl. Shes cold. You have to obey her every beck of command!"

"Lucy, shove off."

"can't. You're my ride."

They shoved us into the car, and I looked at Hans, hopeful. But he just looked as If he'd given up on the world, a look that from Hans was bad.



I love cliffys! Must be a pain 4 you guys, though. Oh well!!! Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Remember to comment: team Damien or team Hans??!! Enjoy the story, folks!!

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