《bleeding love》Damien


Hey again! Thnx 4 reading my story, guys! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it!!! This chapter is dedicated to my sister, 4 convincing me to join wattpad! That's all 4 now! Before you read this chapter, could u comment what u think the Prince will look like? What do you think will happen? Happy reading!!!

I hesitated in going downstairs. I didn't want this fate. But I didn't have much of a choice, did I? I had to go with him. So perhaps I should go downstairs, instead of worrying about an untold future? So that's exactly what I did.

You know when there's this guy the whole schools drooling over, and he's hot, you think he's awesome but you don't LOVE him? The prince was the exact definition of that.

He had blond hair going down to his shoulders, and he had on a blue suit, one of those really official ones only rich people wear. He looked god-like, and he had one key feature that tied it all together. He had beautiful eyes. They were the things that caught me into a swirl of happiness - and then put me into a mist of gloom.

His eyes were and wonderful dark red. They were a Vampires eyes. And I remembered he was a vampire.

Even if he hadn't been a vampire, i wouldn't go out with him. My heart belonged to Hans. I preferred Han's in every way. He had long, curly brown hair. His clothes weren't fancy. Much more my style.

"Good morning, miss Julie," he said. His voice was low and handsome. He offered me my hand, but I cowered away.

"No? OK. Do you want to be here?"

I shook my head. "why would I want to leave?"


"you're right. I am sorry. You are only 14, am I right?"

"go away"

"I am sorry. I own you. You have no opinion in this. The paper is signed. You are to come with me."

I wanted to sleep to the floor and cry. It was all i could do to ignore that urge. I had to stay strong.

"I'm not being your little puppet, if that what you're thinking."

"no. I don't want another puppet. You'll be more fun."

Conclusion: this guy was no different. He was inhuman, like the rest of them.

But I wasn't going to give up.


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