《bleeding love》Slave


Hey guys! First story, so go easy on me, OK? Hope you like it! P.S. as I told you, first story - so I'm not a professional user of wattpad. May struggle with some things. Hope you enjoy anyway!!! Oh, one last thing. I will dedicate each chapter to someone, but only for a reason! So if you get a dedication, you've done something right!!!



I froze as my bedroom lit up. The sun was up. It was morning.

I'm not just upset because I hate mornings. I looked to picture of Benny, and prayed he wouldn't have the same fate. He didn't deserve that. He was only a child. At least I was 18. And I wasn't alone with this. If my prayers came true, I and Han's would be in this together.

Today I wasn't just waking up, being blinded by sunlight. Today I wasn't just going to work at the cafe, like every other day. Today I was going to be sold. I was going to be sold to a Vampire.

Yeah, and not just ANY old vampire. I'm being sold to the Prince of vampires, what do you think of that? No, really, what do you think? Because I'm trying to find out whether this will make him worse than the others, or better. I'm not sure.

Mum opened the door.

"cat, you need to-"

"yeah, I need to go, cause you and dad don't give a DAMN you sold me to a vampire!"

"it was so Benny could have a happy childhood!"

"Oh, screw that! You just want to be well off! This is your fault, not Benny's!"

Mum sighed, and slowly backed out of the room.

"get dressed. He will be here to collect you soon. He's picking up Hans, too"


That made everything OK. Han's was coming. If Hans was coming, we'd find a way out. We'd stay together.

I got myself up, and got dressed. I didn't wear the slave outfit. I was going to show this Prince that I wasn't that kind of person. I wasn't just going to give myself to him. He wasn't going to get me.

The doorbell rang.


•_• cliffhanger!!! Don't worry, more chapters to come, and I will dedicate this one to someone new! You may of noticed I didn't dedicate this one at the start. This first chapter is dedicated to all those people who r reading this, because, in all honesty, I didn't think I was goanna get a single reader! Happy reading, and I promiss things will start to heat up soon!


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