《Fallen Miracles》THE SKYTREE- Chapter four


"Oh, Shoyo I'm going to miss you so much. Please don't leave me! How am I ever gonna survive the demon child without you? " Aunt Kanna wailed, clinging on to me for dear life, the action gaining curious smirks from my team making my face turn bright red.

I swear this woman can be so overdramatic sometimes.

"Mommy, who's the demon child?"

Scooping the young girl up in my arms, I laughed before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"No one sweetie mommy's just being a little silly, make sure you are good for her while I'm away alright? And don't make her read 10 stories before bed."

"I won't Sho! Mommy isn't as good at telling stories as you are!" Hikari giggled hiccupping a little in-between when Aunt Kana started to feign hurt.

"Come on Ginger, we need to get going if we wanna make it on time"

"Sorry Coach! I'll be there in a minute." to which the spiky-haired blonde nodded in response, retreating back inside the bus to take his seat next to Takeda. Giving them one last hug and kiss goodbye before darting straight towards the bus. This is the first time in three years that I am going to be away from the girls for more than 2 nights and not going to lie. I'm a little bit worried, to say the least. The last time when I came home from staying at Kageyama's for 2 nights it was terrifying. When I tell you I almost called the police when I walked into the house I'm not joking. Glasses were smashed, there were ripped pieces of paper and books all over the place, drawers were open. It looked like the place had been robbed. Aunt Kanna was passed out lying half on half off the couch with Hikari asleep on top of her. Turns out, their game of Cops and robbers had indeed gotten a little out of hand.

"It's about time. Who knew the shrimp could be such a ladies man." Tsukishima snickered as I made my way to the back of the bus. A blush must have risen on my face because Sugamom- um I mean Sugawara chuckled softly.

"Hinata there is nothing to be embarrassed about, your Mom and Sister seem like the sweetest people ever. I mean look, they must be waiting till we leave." He said pointing out the window waving at Hikari who was violently shaking her hand in the air trying to gain my attention.


"Ha yeah, that sounds like Hikari. She's really a little ball of energy." I replied, waving tiredly in Hikari's direction making her smile widely.

what am I going to do with you silly

"Ugh a mini Hinata, just what the world needs," Tsukishima mumbled, earning a whack on the head from Yams.

"Alright, everyone. Who's ready for Tokyo!" Coach called, grinning when he heard cheers and whistles erupt throughout the bus. As the engine started, I lay my head on Kageyama's shoulder and looked out the window, catching one last glance of my cousin and aunt giving me a thumbs up in the distance. The soft colours of the early morning sunrise had become prominent painting the sky with soft yellow and oranges. Sights like this were some of the few that were able to calm the raging sea of nerves that was blazing through my stomach. My eyes felt heavy from the lack of sleep I had got the night before and soon enough I gave in to the heavy sensation in my eyelids and drifted away.

"Hinata! Hinata wake up already! Hina- ugh Kageyama can you wake Shoyo up, it's literally impossible he's out cold." Yamaguchi complained to the tall ravenette standing near him

"I've got it." Kageyama said before sucking in a deep breath, "OI HINATA BOKE WAKE UP!" the setter yelled making me jump, hitting my head on the roof of the bus in the process. I groaned clutching my hair looking up from the ground to be met with a proud smirk that lay across Kageyama's face which I returned with the best glare I could muster.

"Morning sunshine."

"Ow! Kageyamaaa did you really have to wake me up like that? You could have just carried me." I pouted while stretching aching muscles.

Ugh three-hour trips really do suck

"Yeah, I mean I could have...But I'm sure Kuroo would find that as a perfectly good reason to hassle us for every single detail about our relationship" He muttered clearly irritated by the loud exchange the rooster headed third year was having with our captain outside the bus. Turns out that Nekoma high school had decided that they would come and meet our team when we arrived and I've gotta say there were some pretty interesting encounters going on.

For one Tanaka and Yamamoto seemed to be trying to scrutinize each other "city boy vs country boy" with the two team moms Yaku and Suga trying to reign them back in line telling them they sounded stupid. Kenma was leaning up against a wall switch in his hand and his brows creased in concentration and clearly did not want to be disturbed.


Must be a tough level

While Inuoka and Shibayama were grinning from ear to ear saying something about yakisoba? Groggily I pulled myself up from the ground and made my way to the door of the bus Kageyama and Yams following close behind.

As I stepped off the bus I was met with blinding sunlight. Once my eyes had focused, I took in my surroundings. I felt my heartbeat quicken as I realised what area we were in.

This is the area I would come to play basketball in middle school. That means we must be playing at Fukurodani right? If I'm right that means we are right around the corner from Teiko. Great just great. Ooo but you know what else is close, Maji Burger I have been craving one of those milkshakes for so long!

. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, a certain Libero and Caillou wannabe caught my attention snapping me out of my deep train of thought about my glorious Maji Burger.

"Tanaka! Look"

"Is that what I think it is!"


Um that's just a

"Uh, that's just a regular old steel tower. Sorry guys." A Nekoma player replied awkwardly scratching the back of his neck when he saw the disappointed faces of the two second years. A hyena-like laugh resonated throughout the schoolyard which genuinely concerned me. Kuroo looked as though he was going to hyperventilate before turning to Daichi wiping the tears from his eyes.

" D-do you guys seriously not have cell towers in Miyagi? Is this something I don't know about orrr?"

"Well, I'm sorry that us simple country folk get excited when it's our first time in Tokyo." Daichi hissed, glaring at his clearly amused counterpart.

A loud clap gained sounded through the chaos that we had created which everyone's attention. Coach Nekomata and Ukai stood in front of the glass doors accompanied by who I assume was a staff member of this school. He was a tall man wearing a white and black windbreaker jacket black pants and glasses.

He must be a coach

" Hello, everyone and thank you for showing up so promptly and thank you Karasuno for making the long journey out here. I am Coach Yamiji the coach of the Fukurodani boys volleyball team. I am going to be showing you boys around and where each team will be sleeping. The Shinzen and Ubugawa High boys have already been settled in so if you'll please follow me."

Each team was shown to their separate rooms every room consisting of 12 futons with 6 lined up on each side of the room. While the team was getting settled in Takeda came in with a clipboard and cleared his throat.

"I just got the schedule for the two weeks so everyone listen up. Tomorrow is a free day meaning that we can do whatever we want with tomorrow like relax, sightsee etcetera. This Sunday and next Friday are also going to be free days so I'm sure you are all looking forward to those. The rest of the days will be when the training camp takes place so make sure you rest up. Um I think that's all so ill let you continue to get settled and we will see you at dinner" Takeda said with a smile before turning and closing the door leaving us to sort our stuff out.

"We should go sightseeing tomorrow!" Nishinoya said excitedly jumping up and down on Asahi who didn't seem to be fazed at all.

"Yea sounds good I'm in," Ennoshita said

"Ooo I know a really good place we should go for lunch too! It's a few blocks away from here." I blurted out not realising what I had just said.

Oh, sweet Maji burger Hinata's back don't worry!

"How do you know a place? Have you been here before?" Yamaguchi asked clearly confused about what I had said before staring at me with a puzzled look in his eye.

"Uh-uh Oh! No no, I've been seeing the reviews online! People have really been hyping this place up. I mean we don't have to go only if you guys want."

"Of course Hinata that sounds great!" Suga smiled 'We should plan what we wanna do while we are here so we can get some ideas!' He suggested. The team immediately got started to list place they wanted to see and activities they wanted to do while I sat back on my futon with my legs crossed.

Looks like I'm finally back. What's the worst that could happen right?

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