《please notice [chris sturniolo]》011.



Chris entered Avani's house last. Everyone else was a few steps ahead of him already when someone bump into his back.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" He turned around and his legs almost gave out when he saw the girl in front of him. Her eyes widened and she looked like she was about to say something when someone shoved the girl closer to him.

"Say something!" The other girl that pushed her was smiling. "Sadie!" Then she left with a smirk on her face.

"Chris?" She sounded breathless.

And honestly? Chris was breathless too. Sadie Madden was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

The boy nodded and Sadie smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hey." He finally said, hugging her back.

"I didn't know you were already here." Her voice made him almost shiver. It was so soft and nice and... fuck, he's got the biggest crush ever. "Why didn't you tell me, dummy?" She moved away a bit, her arms still around him. His were at her waist.

"It took me almost ten minutes just to get the courage to come inside." He admitted, blushing a little.


"I was nervous. I hate parties."

"Do you feel better now?" She asked, flirty tone in her voice. Chris felt her fingers playing with his hair.

"Now that I finally met you, yes. Much better." He says, flirting (with God knows what bravery).

"Chris! Where the fuck- oh."

The pair turns their heads to the person that called him. Nick is standing there with an energy drink in his hand, Matt's beside him with raised eyebrows and Madi has a hand slapped across her mouth.

"Nick!" Sadie yells and runs towards him and hugging the boy tightly. "Holy shit! You're actually here!"


Nick seems equally excited, he even lifts the blonde girl a little, which causes her to laugh. He puts her down and Sadie goes to Matt next, hugging him tightly and happily saying how nice it is to finally meet him. Madi is last, she seems a little starstruck when Sadie greets her the same as the triplets.

"This is going to be awesome! I'm taking you everywhere!" Sadie looks like a little kid, all excited and happy like that it makes Chris' heart melt.

They all talk for a while, moving to a corner of the house, ignoring the other people drinking and dancing around them. The five of them all talk as if they didn't just officially met that night, it amazes the boy how much Sadie fits in their dynamic.

"We're going to get more drinks." Matt announces suddenly. "Nick, Madi, come with me?"

"Matt, you can go-" Madi elbows him on the ribs. "Ouch, okay fine." Nick says rolling his eyes, but getting what his brother is doing.

The three of them leave Chris and Sadie alone. He suddenly feels nervous when the blonde girl turns around and grabs his hand.

"Come with me, I want to show you something." And so, he follows her up two sets of stairs until they reach some room on the third floor. Sadie opens the door and then walks to the balcony. "Look at the stars, they're so pretty this time around."

"They are." He says, looking up. A few seconds later he feels a pair of eyes on him, so he looks back down and Sadie is watching him already with a smile on her face.

"I can't believe you're actually here." She whispers in a soft voice. "So, what do you think about me? Am I what you imagined? Because you certainly are better than what I thought."


"Has anyone ever told you how bold you are?" He asks with a lopsided smile.

"I hate when people aren't direct. If it doesn't affect anyone, if it doesn't harm anyone, why wouldn't I do what I feel like doing?" She shrugs. "It's so stupid, being afraid of saying or doing something and not doing that out of fear is pointless."


"Because, Christopher, being afraid keeps you from making memories." She steps closer to him and wraps her arms around his neck. "I can tell you're scared of making a move on me and I've been wanting for you to kiss me since three hours ago and you just won't do it." She pauses. "Do whatever, say whatever you want as long as no one is getting hurt."

"You intimidate me a lot." He says suddenly. "That's what I thought. And how pretty you looked in your outfit, how nice your hair looked and- and how soft your lips seemed."

"Do you want to see it for yourself?" She comes closer, their breaths mix and Chris actually feels his stomach drop when she bats her lashes at him.

He finally lets himself put his hands on her waist, feeling her skin against his fingers makes him blush. He quickly looks at her lips, parted and pink, so full and seemingly soft. He pulls her closer to him, until her body is fully pressed against his.

"I don't know how." He whispers, staring into her big brown doe eyes.

"I can teach you." She smiles and cups one side of his face with her hand. "Whatever you want to do is fine, Chris. I can tell you're nervous." She drags her thumb across her cheek, caressing him lightly. "If you're not comfortable I can-" She tries to step back put he pulls her back again against him, making her smile.

"I want to kiss you."

"Then do it."

The moment he leans down and connects their lips, it feels like everything is slowing down around him. And as she deepens the kiss and carefully guides him through it, he feels fucking butterflies in his stomach. If you ask him, he would describe it as one of those Ratatouille moments with fireworks and shit.

Chris doesn't exactly know how much time has passed, it feels like 1 second or 1 hour, it's confusing. But when they finally separate, both of their chests are going up and down and their lips are red, glossy and swollen.

He slowly opens his eyes only to find her with hers still closed. He leans down back again, forgetting he's at a party and his brothers are probably looking for him downstairs.

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