《BORING.》Chapter 24 My Friends?


"What?" I asked staring back at the psychiatrist.

"Izzy, I will only say this one more time." He paused and I nodded.

"These, friends of yours were some of your last ones. And I don't want you thinking about them when we start your treatment. So, I will set up a ride for you and you can go to there graves back at home, and say your final goodbyes."

"When is this happening?"

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, to be fair, he has went over this 3-4 times already. "Today ." He said.

I smiled, smacked my hands down flat on my lap and sat up straight. "Thank you!"

He waved his hand in the air for me to leave. I stood up and followed the guards behind me back to my cell. I was handed a small suitcase before entering the small room. I sat down on the ground and opened it up. It was a bag of clothes that my mom had packed me.

It had been rummaged through. A crumpled note from my mother had been left behind.

'Just wanted to make sure you had something to wear!'

-Love Mom.

Normally after looking at something like this, I would cry, but not a drop. I guess since she's the one who left me here, I kinda hate her now.

The guards knocked on the door. "Are you done yet?" They called.

"No, not yet!" I called back.

I started changing clothes.

After being in such uncomfortable clothes for so long, I picked the most comfy I could find. I slid some comfy grey sweat pants over my legs and pulled a navy t-shirt over my head.

'Much better.' I thought.


"Okay!" I yelled.

The door slowly opened, "come." One of them said. I zipped up the suitcase and happily skipped out of the room. One guard shut the door, the other began walking with me. "You don't talk much do you?" I began gazing up at the guard, he just glared back down at me.

We finally stopped at the common room, I took a quick look around.

"Ken!" I shouted running towards my white haired friend.

He was in the same position I last saw him in, feet kicked up on the coffee table, nose down in a book and no one sitting across from him. I leaped on to the couch across from him and threw up my feet. "Hey Ken!" He looked up at me, but this time his eyes were a nice brown.

"Why do you look so happy?"

"I was just told I can visit my friends graves!" I cheered.

"Oh, good for you. By the way, you still haven't told me why you're in here."

"I murdered people!" I shouted with joy. "But to be honest, it was fun!"

His eyes widened. "That's unexpected."

"Yeah, I know." My smile only continued to grow bigger and bigger. I looked around the room, 'This is home.' I thought.

The guards who were maintaining the room walked over to me. "It's time." They said.

'That's dramatic.'

I was escorted outside to a black taxi cab, I bent down and crawled into the small car. I clicked in my seat belt and off we went. I stared out the window the whole ride, seeing the trees pass as we drove by made me so happy. I haven't even breathed in the air from outside in so long.


When we finally got to our, um, destination. I reached for the door handle as fast as I could to get out of the car and see my old friends, click. Hm? The car suddenly locked again, after I had just unlocked it.

"Not just yet crazy." The driver said, "Hold out your wrists."

Clack, clack.

"There you go."

He placed light little handcuffs around my wrists and ankles.

"Don't go running off now."

I could her that sarcasm in his voice, I'm guessing that was supposed to be a joke. I reached for the handle of the door one last time, looking back at the ginger-haired driver, who was now waiting for me to get out.

I swung the door open and slowly made my way over to the graves, hearing the clank of the chains as I walked. I got down on my hands and knees, making it a bit more comfortable for me. I noticed a lot of people had visited considering the graves were filled with all kinds of flowers, pictures, and candles. One picture caught my eye much faster than all the others.

It was the one that the three of us took together many years ago, way before were started killing. The three of us standing there together looked so, dinky and innocent. Anthony still having his flatter hair with his cowlick on the front of his head, Will still wearing that big blue sweater and old DC's. And me, standing in the middle of them, still having my oval blue glasses.

I started to sniffle a bit, trying my best to hold back me tears, but one after another, they came rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm, sorry." Was that only thing I could say.

In the fight in the treehouse I did nothing but stand there, Will and Anthony died because of that. I had Misa who I'd known just as long as both of them and I let her die because of a stupid club rule. I had Dan and I had to kill him too, now I have no one.

Looking at the gravestones through the blurred vision of my tears made me cry even more. Seeing Anthony's grave buried right next to Will's, it's just sad because I know that there's nothing in them. They burned to death. I slowly started gasping for air, I thought it was just because I was crying but, then everything went black.

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