《BORING.》Chapter 22 Goodbye?


*Izzy's P.O.V*

Just as Anthony jinxed the situation, Dan raised his axe.

Dan struck Will's left arm and he fell to the ground in pain.

"WILL!" He yelled.

Dan grabbed Will's hood and dragged Will into the forest.

I looked at Anthony.

"Go." I whispered.

Anthony let me down easy on the ground and chased after Will and Dan.

*Anthony P.O.V*

I let Izzy down and chased after Will and Dan.

"Will!" I shouted, moving branches out of my face.

I started running to the tree house, when I was finally able to see, a trail of blood caught my eye. I followed it with my eyes and it dragged all the way up the ladder and into the tree house.

I ran over to the ladder and quickly climbed up the it. Almost slipping a few times on the blood stained ladder.

When I got up the ladder my eyes were automatically drawn to Will's body that was bleeding out on the floor.

"Oh my god! Will! It's okay! We can fix this!" I shouted.

I got down on my hands and knees in the pool of Will's blood. Being blinded by my own fear and sadness I started pressing down on Will's wound, trying to stop the blood from leaving his body. I unzipped my sweater and tied the sleeve's around Will's wound, but blood still continued to bleed out of Will's wound.

I helped Will stand. "Thanks." He huffed between breathes.

"Anytime, bro." I replied.

Dan suddenly jumped out of the back room and started attacking me. I pushed Will towards the wall and tried my best to take him down.

He swung left and right till he made a mistake leaving a gap of the axe wide open for me to grab. I latched on to it, not letting go anytime soon. We fought back and forth pushing and pulling trying to get each other to let go. We waltzed all over the tree fort, somewhere in the processes we knocked over something in the back room.

I got my arm around the full base of the axe and pulled with all my might. Watching the grip of the axe slip away from his fingers. I quickly swung the axe from below my hip towards Dan's face. He dived to the floor. I climbed over top of him and flung the axe from over my head towards Dan's face.


He gripped the axe trying to keep it inches away from his face.

"Uuugh." I grumbled.

I was so close, till I heard the ladder creaking and lost my focus.

"Argh!" I yelled, as Dan pushed me off him. When I was pushed off I lost the axe in the processes.

Will dived for the axe before Dan could get to it. Will grabbed the axe from the ground and stood up straight. He swung at Dan but he again dodged, Izzy was standing behind Dan over the hole of the tree fort.

Will tried his best to stop the swing and ended up sticking the axe in the wall. He tried getting it out but it was not use. He bad arm didn't let him use all of his strength. Izzy tried to help but it was no use. Dan saw this opportunity and tried to punch Will and Izzy.

They both quickly averted the situation and moved. Dan grabbed the axe out of the wall with all of his strength. Will was about to run to the other side of the room towards Anthony but slipped on a huge pool of fluid on the floor, landing directly on his left arm.

Dan raised the axe to Will who was in pain on the floor.

"WILL!" I yelled.


*Will's P.O.V*

I saw Dan raise the axe over his head, I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the axe to cut the wind and hit my body. But before Dan swung I heard a thud.


I continued squeezing my eye's, but I noticed I felt no pain. There wasn't another bloody injury on my body.

I opened my eyes to find Anthony on all fours over top of me. He took the hit, before Dan could swing Anthony jumped over top of me to take the hit.

We locked eye contact. "Anthony! Why would you do that for me." I yelled as tears welled up in my eyes. Dan ignored what was happening between us and went straight for Izzy.

I continued staring up at Anthony.

"I got you bro, I got you." He whispered.

Anthony gave me a small smirk before his arms gave out, he leaned towards the floor beside me and landed on his stomach with a thud .

"ANTHONY!" I screamed.


I got up forgetting about my arm. I got on my knees and looked over his back. It was covered with blood. The cut was too deep to stop the bleeding. The cut went from his right should down to his left hip.

"Get him," Anthony mumbled. "I'm not important right now."

I did exactly what he said and went straight for Dan who was swinging at Izzy in a corner. I raced towards Dan to punch him right in the face, but before I could get to him he jammed the axe into my right side. I grabbed the handle of the axe and kept it in my side with my left hand, and punched Dan with all my might in the face. Before Dan could compute he stumbled and fell through the hole where the ladder was.

We heard his yell get quieter and quieter as he got closer to the ground, breaking every step of ladder on his way down, ending with a thud.

"ARGH!" I groaned in pain.

"Will here!" Izzy ran over to me gripping the handle of the axe.

"1..2..3!" She shouted ripping the axe from my body.

Blood poured out of me like a volcano. I laid down next to Anthony.

"Izzy," Will chocked on his own blood a bit. "Make sure that bitch is dead."

*Izzy's P.O.V*

I nodded my head while a few tears streamed down my face. I need to go finish the job, or at least double check to make sure it's really done.

I slowly shimmied down the rope of the ladder, almost sliding all the way down and getting rug burn because it was all slippery. When I finally got to the bottom of the ladder I let go of the rope and wiped my hands off on my sweater, it's not like it mattered at this point.

Dan laid flat on his back, the face of his cheek was to the ground. I got on my knees next to him and shut his eyes.

"It wasn't suppose to be like this." Tears continued to roll off my cheeks.

I leaned towards him and placed my head on his heart. It, it was beating. I lifted up my head but it was smacked back down by Dan's arms rapping around my neck.

"You're too soft." He whispered.

I started to struggle, punching and kicking.

"LET GO!" I screamed.

"Izzy move you're head to the left!" Will yelled from the top of the ladder.

Dan kept his grip but I wiggled my head over a bit, so my head was on Dan's neck. Will dropped the axe from the hole of the tree fort and it landed in Dan's gut.

"AHHH!" He screamed letting go of my head, sitting up and trying to remove the axe.

I was in a state of shock for a second, watching Dan struggle. But then he pulled out a match and threw it at what was left of the broke ladder. It looked as if it went out as he threw it, but the rope lit on fire, trailing all the way up to the tree fort.

In an instant, it burst into flames. I licked my hand.

"Gasoline..GASOLINE!!" I shouted. "WILL! ANTHONY!"

I stood up and grabbed the handle of the axe and ripped it from Dan's body. Some of his guts started spilling out, but just to make sure.

SLASH! SLASH! CHOP! Went the axe in and out from Dan's body. By the time I was done the only thing that was left of Dan was a pile of blood, guts and bones.

*3rd person P.O.V (On Will and Anthony's behalf)*


Will dragged Anthony's body to the back room and laid down next to him.

"Were gonna die aren't we?" Anthony asked, trying to use his strength to flip over onto his back.

"It look's like it." Will answered.


Fuuuuuuuuuu! The place was beginning to go up in flames.

"Will it's so cold, but so hot."

Will looked over at Anthony.

"You look pale dude." Will replied.


Anthony and Will's hands intertwined.

"Some how I knew it would end up this way." Will's voice started becoming quieter and quieter.

"Where do you think were going? Heaven or hell?" Anthony asked.

"Definitely hell." Will chuckled.


"Don't you think?" Will could barley utter a word.

"Anthony?" Will continued, staring at Anthony that had his eyes closed.



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