《BORING.》Chapter 20 Dan?



The ax continued swinging from above his head into the body. Again and again. What were we suppose to say? What were we suppose to do? We've never faced another murderer in hand to hand combat before, and we don't even know what this guy is capable of. What Dan is capable of.

"What do we do?" Will whispered still staring straight ahead.

"I don't know." Anthony whispered back.

"Should we leave." I asked.

"But who's body is that? And why is Dan doing this? We have to know." Will told us.

Dan stopped chopping the body and stood up straight. He dropped the ax and started looking around.

"Crap." Anthony scoffed, diving into the bushes with me and Will right behind him.

"DAMMIT!" Dan yelled.

He started climbing up the ladder almost slipping because of his blood covered shoes. When he was finally high enough on the ladder not worried to look down, we raced over to the body.

"Oh my god." A shiver went down my spine.

"Who is it?" Anthony tilted his head trying to get a better look at it.

I picked up one of the shoes that belonged to the body. Wiping some of blood off the logo, I noticed.

"Aren't these Mikey's?"

Anthony quickly skipped over the body to see if I was right.

"Yeah, they are."

I dropped the shoe and continued to scan over the body with Will and Anthony."

The body was completely torn apart. And just a second ago. Dan was separating the arms, legs and head from the body. Also there was something a bit different from the body. I rolled over Mikey's separated head and saw the bruise we left on the back of his head.


"Hey guys check this out." Anthony pointed out something a bit different.

Mikey's heart was missing.

"Dan took it." Will stated.

We saw the ladder shaking a creaking.

"He's coming back!" I whisper yelled.

Running back to the bushes I tripped on a huge tree root sticking out of the ground.

"Eep!" I shrieked.

Dan had just got down the ladder and started searching for where the shriek had came from.

Will and Anthony sat quietly in the bushes, watching me try to crawl away from my doom. Dan must have seen a glimpse of my clothes because he started rushing my way.

On my hands and knees I continued to crawl through the bushes. The branches grew thicker and thicker, making it hard to escape but hard to be found. I sat in a midst of sticks surrounded by leaves. Inhaling quietly yet exhaling loudly I took a rest.

I never thought of Dan to be this type of person, he always seemed so chill and happy. As long as I can get away from this I'll be fine, he still doesn't know it's me.

I heard branches cracking underneath someone's footsteps. I heard it pick up, slow down, then stop completely. I used both of my hands to cover my mouth.

Three slow steps came closer to me. A snap of a twig sent a shiver down my spine. I looked around me looking for a big or somewhat sharp stick to protect myself with but it was too dark to even see.

Leaving one hand still covering my mouth I started reaching around. I felt nothing but twigs and prick like a thorn entered the tip of my finger.

"Ow." I whispered.

"Owwwww." I continued.

It hurt so much! I looked at my barley visible hand in the darkness.


I need to get out of here. I thought.

I squinted my eyes trying to find an easy way out.

There was a free little patch that led out further into the dark woods. I wasn't sure whether or not Dan had walked away, but this was my only chance.

I slowly crept towards the small patch, sticking my head out from it, I looked around.

Squeezing out my torso out I slipped through one leg at a-


My whole body was out but my foot was caught on something. I felt something grip my ankle and slowly drag me through the dirt back to where I had just came from.

"No!" I shouted.

"NOOO!" I screeched.

Dan had got a hold of my ankle! How is that even possible?

Digging my nails into the dirt, I continued to scream and kick as much as I could. Where were Will and Anthony? Could they not hear me?

Dan's grip started to slip. I clawed more and more, finally reaching a small tree that had looked to be planted about a month ago.

Gripping on to it with my small hands, I clung on. Dragging myself up to the tree, I wrapped my arms around it still on my stomach, trying hard to pull myself up to stand. His grip was slipping more and more by the second and while that was happening he started pulling harder and harder.

"LET GO!" I screamed.

"No!" He yelled.

I used my last bit of strength I had left in me to yank my leg as hard as I could up to my stomach once more. I was so super close to being able to stand. Dan had been using all of his strength to make sure that wouldn't happen. He let out a loud groan smacking both hands on to my one ankle and with another great pull. Dan had brought me back down to my stomach. With that Dans hand had slipped leaving a scratch on my ankle.

Quickly taking the chance I charged through the dark forest ignoring the stinging pain he had left on my ankle. Running faster and faster I had seen a street light in the distance. Dodging and swinging branches out of my face I had finally made it to the exit. Out of breath, I collapsed.

Huffing and puffing was all that I could do sitting there on the ground. And then it hit me. I just left Will and Anthony in there. Alone, in the dark forest, with Dan.

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