《BORING.》Chapter 19 New Killer?


*Anthony's P.O.V*

"What?!" I shouted louder, getting up from my chair.

"Dude, shut up." Will whispered grabbing my arm bringing my back down to my chair.

Izzy walked into the class sitting next to us.

"Oh my god someone died yesterday, was it one of you?" She whispered.

"No. We were just talking about that." Will whispered back.

"I didn't know about this until now, who was it that died?" I asked eagerly.

"Westly." Izzy replied quickly seeing Ms. Haass walk into the room, "the guys said that before he died, you were the last one to see him."

I leaned a bit closer to her, "yeah, I was. We had beef, and I planned to cut him off but, I changed my mind."

"Oh." They said simultaneously.

"Yeah." I said turning my head to Ms. Haass.

She had stacked up a bunch of worksheets on the table beside her for language. But it was kinda hard to pay attention considering there was a killer on the loose and we had no clue who it was.

Wow, I thought, so this how everyone else feels, scared.


*Izzy's P.O.V*

It was about 9:37pm and I was still awake. The thought of someone killing made me sick to my stomach. To think there's someone out there killing people out of the nowhere just like us, and we have no clue who they are.

But the area of killings around here are pretty small, I'd bet money that it's someone we know.

"Ugh." I groaned in frustration, continuing to roll around in my Pikachu onesie.



The next day was as bland as usual, waking up by my phone blowing up by Dan, only Dan. I wasn't still hung up on Misa it's just that doing stuff she's a part of without her is weird.

I slipped on a loose shirt and track pants. Straightened my hair and put on my eyeliner and a flower crown, just because.

I grabbed a lint roller and got all the cat fur off my sweater.

Damn cat.

I switched off the T.V and saw Morgan Freeman taking about the fresh boold that had just recently happened. Maybe it was Mikey! After all we knocked him out and left him there, and haven't heard from him since.

Maybe this was him taking out his anger or a warning. If it was Mikey there are way to many reasons why. I want it to be Mikey so that we know who it is. But at the same time, if it's Mikey and it's some type of warning...then were doomed.

I tried my best to squeeze the last drop of juice out of my juicebox. Then I slipped on my shoes and skipped to the bus stop. Meeting up with Dan I gave him a nice 'Hello' and he swug me a nice 'Hey'.

We boarded the bus with out a care in the world. Today Smitty was sitting with Will and Anthony in the back of bus, leaving no room for Dan. So today he sat beside me.

"So you hear of the new kill today?" He asked.

"Yeah, I can't believe it. At least this time it's not someone from our school." I exhaled in relife.

"That's true, but they were still murdered in the boys locker room, at our school."

"I wonder who has the drive to murder so many people?" I rumaged through my bag for another juicebox.


"Same. The police can't even find the body."

Pulling up to the school we all exited the bus. All of us sat in our little circle. This time Smitty instead of Misa.

"So, another kill at our school." Smitty oddly blurted out.

"Yeah." Will added.

"They said that the person was killed here but they can't find the body, how is that even possible?" Anthony asked.

"The night Westly "disapeared", there was heap of blood left on the ground that belonged to him, after running a bunch of DNA tests." I said.

"Oh." He replied.

More and more kids started piling up as time flew by and soon enough the bell rang.

"Later." We all announced to each other sadly.

Will and Anthony followed me to French.


After school me Anthony and Will decided to hang out like normal children do, instead of always meeting up only for killer meetings.

We were all hanging at Anthony's house. Sipping on Gaterades, chillin'.

Till Anthony had a bright idea.

"We should go check out the fort."


"Dude shut up, my annoying brother's sleeping!" He shouted back.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But think about it, we haven't heard from Mikey in forever. Maybe when we hit him on the head with that bat he actually died. Mikey only has a mom, who works from 10:00pm at night to 7:00am when she comes home early in the morning. He leaves at 8:30am for school and comes back at 3:30. She barely see's him. He's practically a delinquent who misses school on a natural basis and not to mention very little friends. So little that he had time to make a killer club. You really think that there's not even the slightest chance that he's actually dead."

"Damn Will." I clapped my hands.

"Thanks, I've been practicing, so are you in? 'Cause I'm leaving with or without you." He got up from the comfy living room couch and started putting on his shoes.

Me and Anthony thought he was just bluffing, all the way up to the point where he was already out the door shutting the door behind him. Me and Anthony quickly reacted to this a jetted out the door chasing after him.

When we caught up to him we found ourselves on the same little cement pathway that we used to stroll on all the time. The on we used to stroll on in fear for our lives.

At the entrance of the little forest late at night, we took a deep breath and entered. Creeping down the dark dirt path nearly there we heard a weird sound. As we approached the sound only became louder and louder.

It was kind of like an ax hitting a tree, but guckier.

When we finally got there what we saw in front of us was horrifying. My eyes widened, my jaw dropped, my body froze stiff and still.

Someone standing over a body hacking an ax in and out of a body on the ground that was already clearly dead.

It was a boy with brown hair, it was a boy wearing black...it was .

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