《BORING.》Chapter 18 What Are You Doing!?


The two boys launched themselves into the air reaching as far as they could for the ball that had been thrown. Anthony stretched as far as he could for the ball, and when he did a bit of his shit stretched up with him, and something shiny and silver was showing beneath his waistband.

There was a knife in the waist band of his shorts.

What are you doing!?! Was the only thing going through my mind. I waited till the game ended, we won. The team that had just lost was facing another team and our team had ran up on the stage to grab water bottles and talk to friends.

Anthony walked up to me and Will with a huge grin on his face.

"Did you that clean block?" He asked excited. "It was so clean! He tried to run up on me and I was like BAM! Not today!" He shouted.

I waited till he noticed that I had something to say.

"What?" He looked confused.

"Anthony, what is in your waist band?" I was dead serious.

The smile on his face suddenly faded away.

"Oh that." He mumbled.

"Are you dumb!" Will shouted. "What if Mikey saw that!? We could be killed!"

We were standing behind the crowd on the stage that was trying to watch the game. They all gave up looks of disgust.

Will didn't care. He continued staring Anthony down, waiting for a response.

"Come here." Anthony grabbed Will and me by are arms and dragged us into the boys change room.

"Okay one of the guys on the other teams last week said we suck and that all the calls were bs, so I'm gonna set him straight." He gazed towards the floor, avoiding our eyes.


"You're going to kill him over basketball?" Will just looked dumbfounded.


"Actually to be fair nobody liked Preshous to begin with." I quietly added.

"SO YOU'RE TAKING HIS SIDE!" Anthony continued to raise his voice.

"DUDE! WHAT TH-" Will was cut off by Matt. F who suddenly entered the change room.

"There you guys are I've been looking for you." Matt walked up to Will.

"I saw your post sorry I forgot about the game." Matt awkwardly looked at Will.

"What?" He asked.

"I got a game to play." Anthony left the change room slamming the door behind him.

"Izzy what are you doing in here?" Matt asked.

"It's a long story." I mumbled.

The three of us walked back up on the stage.

Anthony played more aggressive than usual.

Will looked at Matt. "By the way, I know you were playing League, nice try."

Matt looked at Will and laughed.

Best friends I thought.

A few flash backs of Misa went through my mind. But I was broken out of my peaceful thoughts when I heard screaming.

"YAAAS ANTHONY!!!!!" Kayandrah screamed.

Anthony had just stole the ball still looking pissed. Two people came up to block him and he quickly passed to Terrell.


There were 10 seconds on the clock and Terrell had the ball in middle of the court winding up to take the shot. Everybody on the other team gave up. Terrell was about to shoot when he looked at the and it was at 7 seconds he paused waiting for it to go down to 3.

When the clock struck 3 he shot with ease. Just before the clock struck 0 he got it in. A clean swish.


Show off I thought.


*Anthony's P.O.V*

The game ended with the season and we took home the trophy. We beat every team with no problem. It made me so excited. Me and the team took a picture in front of the trophy case and the principal put the big trophy right next the girls in the front.

It was truly beautiful.

I saw brown hair drift around a corner.

"That's him." I whispered.

"Dude, what are you staring at?" Isacc asked.

"I'll catch up with you guys later. I don't wanna go home in my outfit." I said quickly running around the corner.

"Hey." I said.

He slowly turned around remembering the sound of my voice.

"You." He said.

"Yeah, me." I replied quickly.

I slowly reached for the knife in my waist band.

"I guess you deserve this." He said tilting his head.

"What?" I said confused.

"I owe you an apology, you guys won fair and square."

I let my hands fall down to my sides. Why did he apologize? I can't kill him now. That's like killing someone trying to give you a hug.

I just stood there in silence. I couldn't wrap my head around what had just happened.

"'Kay dude, bye." He said walking away.

I was still standing there. What had just happened.

"Hey kid! Schools over! Go home!" The janitor yelled.

"Okay." I mumbled.

I walked home. And went straight to bed.


*Will's P.O.V*

"There you are!" I yelled.

It was lunch time and Anthony was getting his lunch out of his locker.


"Dude, what happened yesterday?" I waited for a reply.


"Did you kill that guy." I tilted my head.

"No." He replied quickly.

He walked away, fast too. What happened?

I sat down next to him as he nibbled on his tuna sandwich. He seemed really mopey.

"Hey, Anthony there was a kill last night you know. Are you lying to me?"

Anthony looked at me with wide eyes.


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