《BORING.》Chapter 16 Teacher?


*Izzy's P.O.V*

The teacher jogged into the room standing at the front desk. She seemed to let us talk a bit more while she shuffle some papers.

"Kayandrah you're such a thot!" Someone yelled.

I looked to see where all the noise was coming from to see a girl I've never seen before.

Kayandrah was a black athletic girl from our school but she's been here for a while, there was some other chick new to our school, she was black and tall.

"Rayonna what're you doing fham!" Kayandrah yelled.

It looked like they were fighting, I think.

"What do you mean what am doing!? Put your hand right there!" Rayonna yelled back.

Kayandrah smacked her hand down onto the desk where Rayonna was pointing to.

"DO IT!!!" Kayandrah screamed.

"GIRLS!!!" The teacher interrupted.

The teacher stormed over to the desk the girls were sitting at.

"What go you think you're doing!? I should send you down to the office!" The teacher continued to yell.

Kayandrah stood up from her seat ready to put up a fight, something she was kinda known for but the moment she looked at the date she slowly slouched into her seat.

"Please be quite! I don't want to send you to the office on the first day." The teacher said walking away from the girls table.

"Bitch." Kayandrah mumbled.

Rayonna broke out laughing, not holding back one bit.

"STFU RAYONNA." Kayandrah spoke in a flat tone.

She continued before the teacher broke through her laughter.

"Sorry for being late for class, my name is Mrs. Haass and I will be your teacher for the year. I would like to begin the day by sitting in a circle, to learn everyone's names."


Ugh. I thought to myself. It's the same stuff every year. There's only one new kid in the whole school, we obviously know everyone's names.

A few minutes later after making our circle Mrs. Haass told us how to play this little game. It was like a game of catch. You have one cruddy little plastic basketball and you throw it around the room to whoever you just can't pass it to the person who threw it to you, trying to make sure everyone gets a touch. If you get the ball you have to say your name and one thing about yourself that no one else would know.

But who wants to go around the class throwing a ball at each other spitting out dirty little secrets about themselves? Whatever, this is only the basic first-day mumbo jumbo. So I went along with it.

Adian got the ball first.

"Uh, hi I'm Adian but everyone in here already know me so yeah. And I've never liked Math."

The ball was thrown back to Mrs. Haass.

"Okay, ummm." She looked around the room for another victim.

She tossed it to Rayonna.

"I'm Rayonna, my friends call me Jamal, and this is the third school I've been to."

She threw the ball back and Mrs. Haass quickly directed it to me.

"Haii, my name is Izzy and...and..." I honestly didn't know what to say so I chucked the ball back.

"Izzy you didn't say anything about yourself." Mrs. Haass and the rest of the class began to stare.

"I don't have anything to say that everyone doesn't already know." I looked around only seeing familiar faces.

"What do you mean what about Rayonna over here she's new."

I looked toward Rayonna, who didn't really seem to give a crap. She started to look at me shake her head.


That's what I thought no one cares.

I looked at Mrs. Haass and when I said this, I said it very clearly.

"Mrs. Haass no one cares."

She looked at me as if she was about to snap.

I heard Anthony beside me gulp hard, as if he was scared for me.

"Izzy at recess please stay in." She spoke as calmly as she could.

"Okay let's continue." She smiled brightly like it never happened.

I stared at the floor for the rest of the time in my chair. When the bell rang everyone left their chairs where they were so they could get to the good basketballs and whatever. I sat there continuing to stare at the ground.

I heard footsteps around me then a chair pull up directly in front of me.

"Izzy." She began to speak.

"Why did you do that today?"

I didn't say a word. Didn't even move.

"Fine, if you don't feel like talking just listen."

'That's what I was planning.' I thought.

"You're never like this. Is something going on at home?" She tilted her head trying to get a glimpse of my face.

Why do I feel like I've been asked this question before? Oh yeah it's the same damn question every teacher asks when you act out like a normal human being.

I still didn't move.

"Well I advise you not to do something like that next time."

When she said that something in me snapped. I wanted to hurt her so bad. I wanted to rip her apart. I wanted to grab a pair of scissors next to me and stab her with them.

But I didn't.

The bell rang and a few minutes later, 25 students ran into the room.

A few of my friends started bothering me asking what's wrong.

I tilted up my head and smiled.


I've never wanted to hurt a teacher so bad.

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