《BORING.》Chapter 14 Make Up Meeting?



Anthony has to sit next to Mikey in a few of his classes, but none of them would speak a word to each other. It was only the 6th period of the day and Mikey was feeling sick. Will always tried his best to turn his attention away from Anthony as much as possible.


**Izzy's P.O.V**

School was finally over, thank god. It was such a pain to hear one specific teacher that is not my favorite, talk all the time. It's as if we never learn we just hear about her life, none stop, 24/7. I was on the bus in my seat waiting for Misa to sit next to me, when I remembered that she wasn't even alive anymore. It made me feel sick. 


"A text? From who?" I mumbled to myself.

I pulled out my phone to see that Mikey had messaged me a new time for Anthony's make up meeting. OOoooo that's going to be good. While I was at it I took a glimpse at my notification wall. I was getting Tease's all over the place, I forget that I got the stupid app after Will showed my a long time ago.

I looked at the latest status updates, there was only a few but there was only one that really caught my eye. It read.

'Izzy is so cute, no one would ever expect her to commit murder. - Posted an hour ago.'

My jaw just dropped. I didn't know how to react. I leaped out of my seat and right to the back of the bus where Dan, Will and Anthony sat. 

"Guys look at this." My voice felt shaky.

"I know I just read it." Will said nervously.


"Now what, like I didn't already have my own problems." Anthony muttered.

Me and Will took another second to look at our phones. "But Izzy it doesn't even matter no one thinks it's real look at the comments.

'Izzy? Lol no way!'

'Are you joking!? Izzy couldn't hurt a fly.'

'Bruh, that would never happen!'


"See nobody's taking it seriously." Will smiled.

"But what if some people do?" She stopped making eye contact with Will and sighed.

"They won't." Anthony said.


Izzy started walking towards the tree fort. You think for someone who walks there every other night would get used to it by now, but every time she had to leave her comfortable home, walking anywhere felt like a mile. She saw Will some what in the distance in front of her. She was going to run and catch up but she didn't feel like it.

She saw Will climb up, then she followed. A few minutes later Anthony joined and they were all waiting for Mikey. About a second and a half later Mikey joined them in the fort.

"Hello." For a guy ready to get his kill on he didn't sound very scary.

"Hey." Izzy answered.

"Today's discussion will be on the new year coming up and how many recent kills that have happened recently." He started to pace like always.

Will raised his hand.

"What?" Mikey asked.

"Um, Mikey I think we should get some chairs in here, sitting on the floor isn't so comfortable." 

Mikey's face was plain with no expression. 

"What?" He started to look angry.

"I was just thinking we should...get some chairs."

Is looked like Mikeys eye was about to start twitching.


"BUT. That's beside the point, what about Anthony missing a meeting?" Will had a big bad grin.

"Oh yeah, guess that slipped my mind. But we'll get to that later. So shall we begin?"

We all gave little nods.

"I've noticed that Misa's not here, is she dead?"

We nodded again.

"So who gets the kill?"

Izzy spoke up.

"We all thought that it would be fair to give it to Anthony, since he hasn't killed anybody."

Mikey gave a small smirk. "Oh, teamwork."

Mikey yanked down a string that let out the big board with everyone's faces and exed out Misa with a bright red marker. Mikey then pulled the string and the board went flying back up.

"Now can someone tell me what today is? Will what is today?"

"Today is December 29, 2014."

"Yep and by January we will be starting a new year with new classes! But that also means that you guys might get split up. If you do, you guys need to be more aware of yourself's and be careful."

Everyone just continued to nod.

"Okay so that's recent kills and the new year. So Anthony... What am I gonna do to you."


"Um, before you start I forgot that we had a meeting. And I had a game on my mind, so if you did tell me I might have forgot." Anthony's voice was shaky.

"Hmm, that's a very good excuse." Mikey walked towards Anthony making him even more scared.

"Anthony you know what I don't even think you've missed a meeting before, I don't think anyone here has missed a meeting before. So I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna let you off with a warning."

Anthony sighed in relief.

"But I'm still going to punish you, know that right?" 

 "What?! But you said you would leave me with a warning!" Anthony yelled.

"Yes but like I said no one has ever missed a meeting, so now I will have to make you an example."

Anthony's jaw dropped. 

"Wait! An example!!" Anthony couldn't stop yelling, he couldn't contain the anger and confusion that was running through his body.

"Anthony, I'm gonna need you to stand."

I don't wanna stand, I don't want to move, period. He thought. 

"Fine! I can take it!" Anthony stood up on his two legs and puffed out his chest as if he was some big man.

Mikey quickly ran to the little back room that the tree house had, the room was filled with weapons. He took a while to choose between a knife and a baseball bat. But he choose the bat. A few scratches was not a punishment.

Mikey walked back into the little room with the three children. 

"Are you ready?" Mikey asked.

Anthony looked down at the baseball bat that looked like it was used to beat a tree or something.


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