《BORING.》Chapter 13 Missing a Meeting?


"Awh, she died so quickly." Izzy tilted her head staring at Misa's dead body.

Her head was smashed in and it looked gruesome.

"Yeah, I know." Anthony was holding a bloody baseball bat.

"So, where are we gonna dump the body." Will raised up a shovel.

"Don't know, don't care." Izzy squatted over Misa's body and looked her up and down. She reached into her backpack and pulled out her plastic bag.

"All I care about is which piece of her I'm gonna take. If you were in Misa's position, what piece of your body would you want me to take."

Will scrunched up his nose. "What kind of question is that?" He asked.

"A good one." She quickly countered.

"I would want you to take one of my bones." Anthony said. "Maybe a small one."

Izzy looked up at Will waiting for his answer.

"I would want you to take... My ear." Will started rubbing his ear. "I have nice ears."

"WILL THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!" Izzy shouted.

"IZZY SHUT UP. YOU'RE GOING TO GET US KILLED." Anthony whisper yelled.

"Misa had such nice piercings. I'd love to take them with me." She squat walked up to Misa's head a pulled out a little knife. She lined it up with the back up Misa's ear and slowly cut it off. She slipped it into the bag and carefully slid it into her backpack.

She spoke softly. "Thank you, Misa." And she began walking out from the ally.

"Let's leave her body here." You could barely hear her.

"Why? Come on we can jus-" She cut Anthony off before he could finish.

"I think at least her mom and sister deserve to know that she's dead, if we bury her they'll never find out." She walked away.


"SISTER." They whisper yelled simultaneously.

"You didn't know that Misa has a sister? Her name is Morgan, she's in the same grade as us. She was a few months older that Misa."


Their jaws dropped. No words, not even one.

They put on some hoods and walked out of the ally, Izzy pulled her beanie down. The deed was done.


They meant up during lunch, at their normal table. Isra came up to bother them just like usual. Today they seemed dead, completely lifeless, well it wasn't really Anthony, just Will and Izzy.

"Hi guys!" Isra came up smiling.

They glared at her with piercing eyes. "What?" Will asked face on the desk.

"Just wanted to say Hi, where's Misa?" Isra was about to sit down when Anthony smacked his hand down on the table where Misa use to sit. "DON'T." His voice was thick and scary.

"Well, shit." She turned and walked away.

Anthony continued to what he was doing. He started smiling again.

"Anthony, why do you look so hyper, and what are you writing?" Will tried to look up but it was as if his face was glued to the table.

"I'm thinking and writing down my ideas."

"About what?" Izzy became curious.

"Well, I have to make it up to Smitty before the game tomorrow."

"Why before the game?" Izzy continued to ask.

"What is this 21 questions!?!" People started to stare.

Anthony exhaled. "I want to make to up to her before the game so I'm not all distracted and thinking about it."

"What do you got so far?" Izzy continued.

"A few actually... Look." Anthony flipped the list around, and showed Izzy. Will's face was still glued to the tablle.



-Go out to eat. (Like take her out to dinner somewhere even tho im kind of broke.)

-Go out to a movie again. (Like when we watched Unfriended.)

-Chill at my house and find something to do.

-Chill at her house and find something to do.

"Anthony, these ideas are terrible." Izzy took the page from him and ripped it up.

"Hey! That's all I got!" He shouted.

"If want to WOW Smitty again you're gonna half to do something, that's something you haven't done. Something that will make her feel special." Izzy nodded at her own statement.

"I guess that makes sense." He nodded a bit.

"There's the bell, think about it okay." Izzy tried her best to pry Wills face off the desk. It was a stuggle but she managed to pull it off.

They all quickly walked to class.


Anthony was in game trying his best to keep his mind off it but he couldn't help himself. He thought about it as hard as he could before the game but he was drawing a blank.

Maybe I should get her flow- Before he could finish his thought he was bodied to the ground by a player on the opposite team. His coach quickly called a timeout.

"Anthony!? What're are you doing out there?!" The coach began to shout.

"I'm trying to play!" He shouted back.

"Trying!? If you were trying to play! Why were you bodied to the ground?! That's not one of my players!" The coach raised his voice more and more.

"But coa-" Anthony had no chance.

"NO MORE SIT ON THE BENCH!" The coach yelled at the top of his lungs.

Anthony sat on the bench while the coach did a few hand signals and called in new players, after that the rest of the game was a blur.

Later on the team started flailing their arms in the air proud of another win. Anthony forced himself off the bench that he felt as if he sat on for days. He started wobbling home with the rest of the loud guys.

"Did you see my buzzer beater Anthony!?" Terrel asked.

"Bro, your buzzer beater AMAZING!" Isacc added.

"OML that was amazin-" They went on, but Anthony stopped listening.

He took one more long glance at the crowd of parents and friends trying their best to rush out of the stands and go home.

Damn. Was all that echoed through his mind.


Anthony had finally reached home and he was beat. Anthony didn't live as close as to the school as everyone else did, so going there and back was a journey.

His tossed his bag on the floor and kicked off his shoes, he was about ready to go to bed early. Until he saw Will and Izzy sitting on his couch.


"What now?" He grumbled in frustration.

"Mikey is , did you forget that we had a meeting today?!" Izzy's mouth hung open as if she was in the position herself.

"Crap we better get go-"

"It's over." Will said.


"It's over." Izzy repeated.

"No, no it can't be over. Mikeys gonna..."

Anthony fell to the floor as if he was about to have some kind of break down. He knew for a fact that if he were to miss a certain amount of meetings he would be killed, but he wasn't even sure if he missed one or not. Even though this one was suppose to be important.


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