《BORING.》Chapter 11 Killer Trouble?


We all went out to the bus-stop smiling, well at least I was smiling. I looked around. "He where's Misa?" I asked. I got no reply just weird looks.

A few seconds later Misa burst through the school doors bolting towards us, not even looking where she was going. She looked up at us and pointed towards the bus. We all looked at the bus and back at her, confused. Till we saw Mikey chasing after her, following her every foot step.

He was mad, really mad. We quickly climbed into the bus, "Misa! Hurry!" Smitty yelled through the window. Morgan jumped onto the bus, Mikey was about to jump on with her. "WAIT! You don't take the bus home!" The bus driver Carrie yelled. Mikey took his foot off the bus and looked at the driver.

"What the hell! She doesn't take the bus home!" Mikey pointed towards Smitty. The driver sharpened her eyes. "That has nothing to do with you!" She shouted as she closed the bus doors and drive off.

We all looked down at Mikey as the bus drove away, and he looked back. He mouthed the words "Tonight." And tapped his wrist as if he was wearing a watch. All eyes turned to Misa. "Misa what did you do to piss Mikey off?" Smitty asked.

"Well," Misa began. "Just before the announcement saying school was going to be cancelled, I walked into the hallway with everyone else and got my stuff. Mikey walked up to me and asked where Izzy was. I said "idk." He starred down at me. "Why do you want to know where Izzy is anyway?" I quickly asked.

"Because, she's the one who caused all this. Now where is she?" He demanded. "I told you I don't know and even if I did, I don't snitch." I threw my stuff over my shoulder, and started to walk away. "Hey Misa where are you going?" He asked me. "To the bus stop with everyone else, god!" I shouted. There was a long pause.


"Who's everyone else?" He rose one of his eyebrows, and I noticed that I gave you away. There was another long pause between us, then I charged towards the door and you know the rest.

Silence was roaming the bus, no one wanted to say anything, until. "Oooooh Izzy, Mikey's gonna kill you!" Will chuckled. "Yea, I think he is." I whispered.


That night I was about to climb into my pajamas but I forgot, there was no point, I have to go to the club tonight. "Izzy! Are you going out tonight!?" My Mom yelled from her room. "Yeah Mom! Don't wait up!" I yelled back. "Have fun sweetie! Don't forget your key!"

It was 8:56pm and I was ready. Tonight we weren't all walking together like we normally did, so I was a little scared walking through the forest in the dark alone. When I got to the gate I looked up at the sign, took a deep breath and just went in. I was planning on just runing through but I thought doing that would freak me out more.

I found the ladder and started climbing. Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down! My mind screamed. When I reached the top everyone was looking at me. "Izzy. You're late." Mikey didn't sound very friendly. I looked at my phone it was 9:04pm.

I wasn't that late.

I sat next to Anthony, only because if Mikey came at me I could just throw Anthony in front of me. "Izzy do you know why I'm mad?" Mikey stared down at me. "Um, no." I stared at he waiting for a reply. The truth is I did know, but this is not a time to be speaking up.


"We'll before I start why don't we give Izzy a round of applause." Mikey started claping and the others stiffly followed.

"Izzy, I would normally be happy for you 'cause today is your first kill. But you broke three of my rules. You didn't dispose of the body, you didn't do it in an empty place and you left a trace behind."

"Yeah, so? I left that little trace of perfume there on purpose."

"I'm not talking about the purfume I'm talking about the TKC mark you left on the door."

"I did that for- wait how did you know I left a trace in the first place?"

"During recess when you made your plan, I was in detention for throwing markers at Misa. I asked to go to the washroom and I heard everything. When you left to go get Mr.Mac I had a moment to look around, when I got in there it smelled like your purfume. I opened the blood stall and saw your name written all over it. That's how I know."

"Oh" I gulped. "Yeah, oh." Mikey repeated.

"You and everyone else here are the only ones who know how I would kill, the cops don't."

"Yeah, Izzy does have a point." Will added.

"That's not the only reason I'm mad. When we killed people we cleaned up and videos the bodys anyone here who has killed has been through questioning. But we also got rid of the bodies, so they think people just went missing or where taken not killed, we kept them thinking. But now they know a killer or killers are on the loose."

Anthony raised his hand. "What?!" Mikey demanded. "So do we stop killing? We do have a higher risk of getting caught now don't we?"

"No, why don't we make a game out of this," Mikey started smiling. "Now that we have a higher risk of getting caught, its time to have little fun."


I finally got home after what Mikey told us and I was a bit scared. He really freaked me out! But nothing will stand in my way from winning. The battle begins tomorrow!


I woke up and jeted to school, yesterday my phone died, so it didn't go off this morning. I grab my bag and my shoes and charge to the bus. I made it just in time, I hope on and let out a sigh, "that was close." I slip on my shoes. "So, how was running in socks?" Misa asks. "Oh, if was great, thanks." I roll my eyes. "Why didn't you wake up?" My voice sounds strangly deep. "I did! I texted you!"

"Misa you know that my phone died."

"Yes. I did."

I just looked at Misa like, you bitch. When the bus stopped we met up at our grass spot. "So are we really gonna do what Mikey told us yesterday?" Will asked. "Do we have a choice?" Anthony mumbled. I've never seen them so serious.


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