《BORING.》Chapter 10 The Stall?


School was over. I was sitting in between Misa and Smitty. Smitty next to the window and Misa next to the walk way. Misa was reading some Walking Dead fan-fiction on Wattpad, and Smitty texting Anthony. I looked down at my phone and just kinda zoned out. Till the bus stopped and my head hit the back of the seat in front of us. Misa and Smitty broke out laughing. Smitty stopped laughing and stepped over me and Misa, she grabbed her bag from the seat beside us. "Bye guys" She smiled, waved and got off. Anthony quickly grabbed his bag and ran after her. "Bye!" He shouted right after hopping off the bus.

"GO GET HER!" Will yelled right before the bus doors closed. Misa and I got on our knees and turned to face Will and Dan at the back of the bus. "What the hell was that?" Misa asked. "What? I'm the supportive friend." Will stared at Misa. "No. I'm the supportive friend. You're the funny one." Dan crossed his arms. "Hmmmm, yea you're right. But-" Dan and Will went back and forth, and me and Misa just turned back around. "That's not even what I meant. I was just wondering why Anthony got off the bus. That wasn't his stop." Misa shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Idiots."


I got home, took out my pony-tails, took off my head band, changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth and went straight to bed.


I woke up and did my morning routine. I skipped breakfast, as usual. Grabbed my bag, yelled to my mom goodbye and I was out the door. Today was the day, the day I take someones life.

I walked awkwardly yet, quickly to the bus stop. I got on the bus last second. I fell behind during my morning routine, I couldn't find my head band. I sat down at the very front of the bus, leaving Misa to sit alone. The other day when the chapter was all about Anthony.

I got the class lists from my teacher Mr. Mac. I thought I should kill someone I don't like, and I hate everyone in grade 7 so.

I scrolled up and down the list's with my eyes, over and over. I hated so many people on the list's but, its kinda hard to choose someone to kill. Ending someones life for a stupid club? Whatever. It's not like I have a choice.

Hmmm. Who would nobody miss?...."Cassidy!" I shouted. "Cassidy Valentine!"I shouted even louder. Everyone on the bu started looking at me. "What?!" I yelled. They all turned back around...Except for Will. He just gave me this weird smirk then turned back to listen to Anthony.

A few minutes later the bus pulled to a stop. We all got off and walked over to our little spot on the grass where we talk till school starts. We all sat in silence. "So Anthony, how'd your movie with Smitty go?" Will asked. "Good, good. Unfriended was pretty good." Anthony and Will kept going, but I got up. "Izzy what are you doing?" Misa asked. "To the washroom." I answered quickly and ran to the washroom.


I thought since today I'd be killing someone, that I should make it special. I took my backpack, went into a stall and changed into a pair of clothes I brought.

Grey and white sneakers with white shoe laces, rough grey tights, a black tank top and a white belly top over it, that had a black 'X' on it. I stuffed my other clothes into my bag and walked up to the mirror. I reached into the front of my bag and pulled out eyeliner and mascara. I put on a little mascara and lined my eyes with eyeliner, and made a wing. I closed them back and put them back in my bag.

I took out my pony-tails and took off mt headband. After I put away my headband and pony-tails, I reached deep into my bag and pulled out a flower crown.

It had turquoise, light pink and light blue flowers in the front. And the back was mostly vines. I gently put it on my head. "Perfect." I whispered, smiling into the mirror. *BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIING* The bell rang. "What?!" Guess I was in here longer than I thought. I glanced into the mirror one final time, then reached into my bag and took out three paint brushes and a nail file. I zipped up my bag and left the washroom.

I jogged to my locker, grabbed my binder and headed off to class. I had math. I the three paint brushes into the right side of my waist band. I opened the door to the class. Mr.Mac was at the front of the class setting up today's lesson, while everyone else was talking about whatever.

"Izzy I was wondering what was taking you." He finished his last sentence on the board then turned to face me. "What were you doing?" He leaned on the desk in front of him and waited for an answer. "I couldn't find my binder." I walked over to my seat beside Misa and sat down.

"Okay class," Mr.Mac started. "About a week ago I gav-" I stopped listening and started using my nail file. I started filing the sides of each nail, making a wolverine like point at the top of each nail. These might come in handy.

"Izzy!" Mr.Mac called. "How would you solve this equation?" ... I thought for a second. "I-I don't know." A few people giggled. "Pay a attention please." He said flatly. He faced the class and continued what he was saying. This is going to be a long day.


The hour went by and class was over. While everyone was in a rush to leave, I grabbed a pair of sharp scissors from a plastic bin. I stuck them in the right side of my waist band and slipped out of the class. I walked quickly down the hall to my locker and swug my bag over my shoulder. I saw Cassidy rushing down the hall with everyone else to recess. I ran in front of her and grabbed her by the shoulders.


"Cassidy! I need to talk to you right now!" I whisper yelled. I didn't want people to know it was just me and Cassidy in the washroom, I would be blamed automaticly, or seriously questioned. We walked down the hall for a while, he following right in my footsteps. It was lunch so I had alot of time and it was outdoor so no one was in the halls.

We walked into the washroom at the farthestpart of the hall, near no classrooms. No one really uses it, people just come in here to write on the stalls.

"In here" I whispered. "Why are you whispering?" She asked. "Cause' if the teachers hear us they'll kick us out." She thought for a moment. "Oh yeah, my bad." She whispered. "So what did you want to talk about?" She stared into my eyes with a questioned look. "Wait, lets not talk in here, lets talk in there..." I pointed to the stall on the very end. "Um, Okay." She said slowly. She looked kinda uneasy.

When we got into the stall, Cassidy stared at me again. "Kay what was so important?" She looked mad, yet scared. "Well, you see Cassidy," I started fiddling with the scissors in my waist band. "Trust me you're here right now 'cause you were random," I threw my bag under to the stall next to us.

"Izzy what are yo-" I cut her off.

"I need to do this for the club," I took a step towards her.

"Izzy stay away from me!" She cried, her back to the stall.

I grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her towards the stone wall. She hit the wall hard, then slid to the floor onto her back. I climbed on top of her and she tried to scream, I used my nails and slowly slid them into her neck. Her arms were trying to get me off, as the blood spilled from her neck.

I felt my nails hit something but there was some room behind it, so I got my nails behind it and tore it out. It looked like a cord or some type of wire, but covered in blood. Cassidys blood was all over me and the floor.

She was about to die in a few seconds so I had to, I needed a piece of her. Just as her life was about to end, I took the scissors out of my waist band and stabbed her right in the center of her eye. When I was taking out the scissors, her eye came out with it. I carried it with me.

I got off her body and noticed that I was soaked with her blood. I walked over to another stall and changed back into my old clothes. I had perfume in my bag and sprayed it into my bag, don't want the smell of blood following me. I took the eyeball off the scissors and carefully put it into a container in my lunch bag, and I put the scissors into the lunch bag next to the container.

I walked over to the sink and started getting hand fulls of water and throwing it over the body where I touched her and where I sat on her. Clean up is most important.

I walked into the stall and looked down at her dead body. I squaded next to it, trying not to step in any blood. I took the three paint brushes out of my waist band. I took the thinest brush of the three and dipped it in her blood, fresh from the small hole I left in her neck.

And painted in messy writing:

From: Art Collector

-TKC 4 Life

"Great, now I just need to make sure no one sees me come out of here." I looked down the hall, left and right, no one. I walked down the hall as casual as possible. I took out my phone thinking I could call my mom and go home, but that would be suspsious. So I put my bag in my locker and went outside for the last 10 minutes.

I asked Mrs.HunterBell, an E.A, if I could go to the washroom. You know where this is going.

I ran to the washroom and got in there and screamed as loud as I could. I heard it echo through the bathroom and down the hall. I ran to my classroom, when I got there I pretty much broke open the door. Mr.Mac was quitely eating his lunch. "MR.MAC! You have to see ThIs!" My voice cracked at the end. He dropped his sandwich and followed me to the girls washroom. His jaw, dropped.

All techers carry a walkie-talkie on them 24/7. I'm pretty sure he contacted Mrs.Correl our princeable. 2 minutes later half of the office was upstairs. Mrs.Moesdyke (Who works the front desk in the office) went back downstairs to make an announcement and I was told to leave the washroom. "All teachers please gather all your students into your classroom and wait for further instructions." Mr.Mac came out of the washroom. He pointed me to the classroom, then went outside to get other students. 7 minutes went by and everyone was in the classroom.

Another announcement came on. "Teachers please get all your students ready to leave the building and go home, school will be cancelled for a while."

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