《BORING.》Chapter 9 Anthony?


*Anthonys P.O.V*

I finally got home from that crazy 'meeting'. I walked slowly up the stars feeling kinda hazy. I passed my parents room, and saw a mirror hanging right next to the bathroom. I couldn't resist. "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's gonna be the greatest killer of them all?" A wide smile spread across my face. "Not you!" My little brother Deon shouted, running past in his pajamas.

"KYS!" (Kill Your Self) I shouted back. I'd normally chase him but I have practice in the morning, a make-up date and probably a bunch of other crap. I dragged myself to my room half asleep, threw on some random clothes as pajamas and flopped onto my bed. I curled up into a ball and passed out.


I slowly opened my eyes and looked directly at my clock. 6:30am great! I got up, grabbed my basketball stuff and ran for the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I put all my stuff on and slid on my Jordans. I looked into the mirror, "lookin' good."

I didn't wanna wake up the fam so I tip-toed down the stairs (IF YOU DIDN'T GET THE JOKE YOU SUCK!) . I usually don't eat breakfast but toast is cool. I put some toast in the toaster and made sure to only put n on like 2, I like my toast like my skin, golden. I looked at my phone, 6:52am, I got time. I grabbed my toast and jogged to the bus stop. "7:00am" I whispered.

I got on the bus and started talking to Will and Dan about last weeks game, as usual, nods and short responses. The bus stopped and we all got off. "Cya guys later!" I yelled waving goodbye to Will and the others. The bus comes early for me and the others so we just hang in the school yard and talk about whatever, but most days I have practice so.

I got into the gym, first one there as always. I ran to the change room real quick and sprayed Axe all over myself (Don't judge me). I walked back to the gym and all the guys were there. "Hey Anthony!" Wesly yelled walking towards me. "Ready for some 1 on 1?" He smiled and threw the ball at me. "Yeah, and I'm ready to win!" I smirked. "Nu uh!" Isaac butted in but he ALWAYS does.


Isaac a short kid. He's black and bald. He has 3 other siblings that go to this school. He wears pretty much Nike everything and pulls his knee socks up really high. Today was black and blue all over. A black backwards hat with a blue Nike check mark, bagged blue shorts by Nike, black knees socks hoisted up as far as the could go and black and blue Jordans. Oh, and a baggy blue Nike sweater.

"I'm in!" Isaac shouted. " Isaac do you not know what 1 on 1 means? And dude its unequal 2 on 1 isn't fair." They stared at each other. "Then will get Gee to play!" Isaac shouted again. Gees name is Isaac as well, but his last name starts with G, and I don't even know what the G stands for. So hes Isaac G, or just Gee.

They both looked at me for an answer. "Fine, Gee can play. Wesly and me vs. you and Gee" We all smiled "Game on!" Gee yelled. 1 on 1 doesn't really happen when Isaac is here. We played for half on hour, the scores were tied and Wesly had the ball. The bell rang, classes were gonna start soon. We all looked at each other. "Last point wins?" I suggested. "YE!" Isaac yelled.

Isacc ran up to start blocking Wesly but it was to late too late. Wesly threw me a hard pass and I shot from the three point line, and of course SWISH. I was strutting around the room like a big shot, but I am so it's okay. "Yeah Anthony!" Wesly ran up to me and gave me a high five. "Come on guys!" Isacc waved us over. We got our bags off the stage and left the gym. We hopped up the stairs skipping one or two at a time and headed straight for our lockers.

Only few people were up stairs, till the second bell rang and it started to get crowded. I threw my bag into my locker. Someone tapped me on my shoulder. "Morning." It was Smitty. I gave her a hug. "Awwwwh" Izzy popped up out of the no where. "What a cute couple you two are." Misa joined her. "Shut up guys." Smitty smiled. "I gotta go Mrs. Bayford will kill me if I'm late again." She made a sad puppy dog face. "Oh okay," I hugged her again and she left for class.


At our school we have days, every day you have a new schedule of classes. I never know what day it is. I looked over to Isra, her locker is right next to mine. She had her head-phones on and she was turning up in front of her locker.

"Isra." Ignored. "Isra!" Ignored. "ISRA!!!" She took off her head phones, and now I had everyone in the hallways attention. "Bish whet?" She gave a mad, kinda confused look. "What day is it?" I asked nicely. "Oh my god Anthony, yesterday was day 5 so today is...." She was waiting for me to finish her sentence. "Damn, I was trying to be nice!!" I yelled, grabbing a pencil from my locked and storming off to class. I sat down next to Will Dan, and some kid named Matthew.


It was finally lunch. I saw Isra Will and Misa talking about something, Izzy was there but she wasn't talking. I was sitting next to Matthew at a different table, nibbling on my sandwich. I was watching very closely. Will turned to Misa. Our class has these really random awkward silence's and this was one of them. "So Misa, Wanna go out...?" My jaw hung open. Will told me he would ask her out but I never thought he'd actually do it. Everybody stopped what they were doing and stared. "...F-for lunch." Nice save. When one of us, as in the gang of friends we have, go out for lunch the rest of us follow.

"No I think we should all stay." Misa replied awkwardly. When the shots are called for the group, Misa is the one calling them. "Okay." Will just shook his head and slowly looked away. Well thats enough of that.


God. That felt like a long day. The five of us were all waiting for the bus. Man, I felt like I was suppose to do something today.....Oh yeah I was suppose to kill someone! Smitty ran up from no where and hugged me from behind. "Smitty what're you doin' here? You don't take the bus." I asked eagerly. "Will got me a spot on the bus today!" She looked so excited. "W-Will? How?" Will shot me a smirk. "I know people." T-T "You know a guy who knows our bus driver?" Will thought for a second. "You see I'd love to tell you but were outta time."


The whole bus ride all I could do was stare at the back of Smittys head. The moment Izzy and Misa saw that Smitty was gonna be on the bus with us, they took her from me.

"So Anthony, what's up?" Will qustioned. "What do you mean." I replied quickly. "You're not talking." Dan butted in. I stared. Oh, yeah I'm usually talking about something. "Just not feeling it I guess." I sighed. *DING!* I reached into my backpack and pulled out my cellphone. It was from Smitty.

SMITTY: 'So what movie do u want to see?'

ANTHONY: 'What are you talkin about?'

SMITTY: 'Your joking right?'

ANTHONY: '???'

SMITTY: 'You ditched our last date, and said you'd take me to the movies TONIGHT'

ANTHONY: 'Oh, sorry with my schedule and everything guess i forgot'

SMITTY: 'Whatever anthony'

ANTHONY: 'Smitty my bad.'


Dan was looking over my shoulder. "Who ya texting?" He asked. I just sat there in silence. "Anthony!?!" Will started snapping his fingers in my face. I blinked a few times. "I don't think I keep this secret much longer." I tried to say it as quietly as possible but they both heard me. "WHAT!?" They said in sync. The girls looked back at us. We acted casual till they turned around.

I totally forgot Dan has no idea about us being killers and all that crap! "What secret?" Dan leaned in closer. "Did I say secret?" I tried to look inocent. "Yes." Shit! "He ment to say sleepless." Will where are you going with this. We both looked at Will looking for an answer, then the bus stopped. Phew.

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