《BORING.》Chapter 8 TKC?


**Izzys P.O.V**

I slipped off my shoes and upstairs. I looked around and saw Wills door. I took a deep breath and slowly opened it."Izzy?" Preshous gave me a strange look. I just stood there. What was I suppose to say? Preshous you gotta get out of here Will's trying to kill you? Like she would believe that."Izzy, what are you doing here?" Still giving me that strange look. "Oh I forgot my phone case here." I'm a pretty good liar sooooo.

"Oh well, I didn't see any phone cases in here."

"Um I guess I'll be leaving then."

Guess getting Preshous out of there was a fail.

When I was walking out of the room, I glanced back at Preshous, she looked so happy that I was leaving. I slowly shut Wills door behind me. I walked down the stairs and saw Will in the kitchen. He was making food I think, all I saw was cheese and crackers on a plate. Will looked at me and waved goodbye. I put my shoes on and left and all I could think about was how Preshous was going die.

*Wills P.O.V*

I waved Izzy goodbye, when she left I was all in. "Will!" Preshous yelled. "I'm coming!" I yelled back. I made a plate of cheese and crackers and sprinkled them with rat poison. Yum yum. I took off the rubber gloves, grabbed the plate and headed upstairs. I walked into my room shutting the door behind me, and sitting down next to Preshous on my bed. "So where are we startin-" Preshous cut me off. "Why was Izzy here?" She said with an angry look. "She was just getting her pho-" She cut me off.

" Again! I thought this was suppose to be just me and you!" She shouted with anger. Wait. No way. "Preshous are you jelly?" She got up and looked me dead in the eyes. "Yes Will I am." She started. "If you haven't noticed I've had a really big crush on you. And I thought you liked me back when you invited me here today." My jaw dropped. "Okay Preshous I'm sorry, cheese and crackers?" I said like it was some kind of peace offering. "Sure Will, cheese and crackers."

Preshous took a piece of cheese and a cracker and stacked them on top of each other. She opened her mouth and swallowed them whole. We went back to work. The time flew by it was already 6:00pm, I was running out of time. My brother would be home in an hour or so and Preshous still looks fi- Preshous stood up holding her stomach.

"Will, I don't feel so- " Her mouth began to fill up with something, she ran for the bathroom but didn't make it. She got down on her knees in the hallway and started screaming and puking up blood at the same time. We locked eye contact for a split second. She fell over into her own blood. It looked like she passed out but she was obviously dead.


"S-shes dead." I stuttered. I ran down stairs and grabbed a mop and started wiping up the blood. The mop was stained blood red. "Were gonna need a new mop." I muttered. When I was done mopping I stared at Preshous's dead body. Where am I gonna put it? Never mind, I know the perfect place.

*Izzys P.O.V*

I was at home curled up on the couch. The T.V was on but I was actually watching anime on my phone. My episode ended on a cliff hanger as usual. I grabbed the remote for the T.V and started channel surfing. "Boring. Boring. Boring. Crap." I muttered to myself. I flipped onto the News and my jaw dropped.

The top News story was "Little Girl Found Dead." I couldn't believe Will just dumped her body somewhere random. I turned up the T.V, some man named Morgan Freeman was talking about the story (MORGAN FREEMAN IS AWESOME OKAY). "Preshous Watson was found dead in a cemetery next to her school. The cops have no leads on what could have happened." Morgan sighed then went on but I wasn't paying attention.

I pulled out my phone and started pacing around the room. "Will you're so retarded!" I shouted. I got a call from an unknown number, I normally wouldn't answer it but I thought it was Will. "Huuuuu haaaa." There was someone breathing into the phone so i hung up. They called back. I hesitated, then answered. "What!" I got no response. "Meet me at Path Forest now!" A dark voice yelled. "I don't wanna go! And who is this!?" I yelled back.

"If you don't come, your little secret about Danielle is out." He whispered quickly then hung up. What other choice did I have, if Danielle's secret gets out were all screwed.

I ran for my backpack in the closet then yelled to my Mom that I was going out. I ran out the building doors, then I saw Dan calmly walking by. Till I pounced on him and told him everything that was going on. He looked at me like he walked into a surprise party. "Izzy I have to go to Phils so see ya later." And he just walked away. I had no time to deal with Dan right now I have to to get to Path Forest.


I was almost there but i was out of breath from running, and if you didn't know, I don't run. I was walking breathing heavy, when I saw Misa, Will and Anthony walking on the other side of the street.

"Hey! Hey guys!" I shouted. They all turned and looked at me."Izzy what are you doing here!?" They all said in unison. They ran across the road. "I got a call" I mumbled as a chill went down my spine. "So did I!" Anthony added. "Me and Misa got texts." Will said calmly. Misa nodded. "I can't believe this crap! I was in the middle of a game!" Will yelled. "I couldn't finish my make-up!" Misa pointed towards her eyes. One was fine, but the other was barley done and was smudged. "I wasn't really doing anything so..." I shrugged my shoulders.


"Well, I had to leave a date." Everyone stopped walking and turned to Anthony. "A DATE!?!?!" We all shouted with surprise. "Yeah, well...." Anthony began. "I was gonna tell you guys before. But I'm dating Smitty." Our jaws were left hanging open. Will punched Anthony in the arm. "Dude why didn't you tell me!" "Ow! I don't know!" Anthony shouted. "Guys!" Misa yelled. "We're here." She said softy.

We all looked up to see a broken sign hanging on a fence gate."P-path Forest." I read aloud. We all looked at each other with fear. "Lets go." I sounded like a troupe leader. Everyone nodded. We were all walking as slowly as possible. I looked up to see it was getting dark. THUMP THUMP THUMP. "What was that!?!?" Misa shouted. "I don't know!" Anthony squealed. Someone in a big black cloak approached us.

"Come." A dark voice demanded. We all looked at each other and thought it would be a wise choice to follow him, not knowing what he would do if we didn't.

He took big steps, we had to almost run to keep up with him. Deeper and into the forest we went. The trees looked like they kept getting closer and closer together and the branches and leaves started blocking out the sky. I could barley see. The man in the cloak stopped, we all bumped into each other like domino's. He pointed up to a tree fort waaaaaaaaaaay up in the trees. He waited for us to catch on. Then we realized that we were suppose to climb it.

Will, then Anthony, then Misa and then me. I climbed slowly because I'm afraid of heights, but I wanted to go faster cause' the guy in the cloak was right behind me. We finally got up, I was so relived, but then the thought of getting back down made me cringe.

The tree-fort was the size of a normal bedroom. It was made of perfectly sanded wood. It was a nice light shade of brown. There was big window to my left, and a big white board with some markers. Next to a board that pulls down, that was up at the moment. It was nice, I almost forgot that I was up in the air in a square death trap.

There was a black blind above the window. The man in the black cloak yanked some strings and the blind fell down covering the window completely, like it wasn't dark enough already. He pointed right below the window. "Sit." He ordered. We all hesitated then sat down. The man ran to the other side of the room. There was a patch of flash lights tapped to the wall, and he turned them all on.

He walked over to the board and pulled it down. All of the lights hit the board. We all starred at it. It had a picture of every grade 7 & 8 in the school. Danielle and Preshous's faces were crossed off with red marker. All four of our faces were moved to a separate area of the board.

"Welcome, to the TCK. This will be your new home." He said slowly. We looked at each other like That's-not-happening. "Were not doing this! And who are you!" Misa wanted a fight. "Does the name Elk sound familiar?" He grabbed the back of his hood and pulled it down.

"MIKEY!?!?!?" We all were stunned.

Mikey is a 8th grader at our school that always hangs around Will and Anthony. He's kind of annoying. He really only hangs around other guys.

Mikey is tall. He has short brown hair. He always wears baggy skinny jeans, big sweaters or longs shirts and rolls up the sleeves. His black and red Jordan's are something he always wears.

He threw the cloak to the ground. "But your voice?" Anthony wondered. He took something from behind his ear. "Dark Vader voice over thing I found at my house." Wills mouth was just hanging open.

"Anyway back to what I was saying...You four Will be joining TKC." "TKC?" I questioned. "The Killer Club. You guys will be fighting to be top killer by killing as many grade 7 & 8's as possible. And you will or everyone will know about Danielle. Any questions?" Mikey seemed very...Satisfied. "I'm down." Anthony announced. "Guess I have no choice." Will said standing. "I'm in 2, I guess." Misa stood up next to Anthony and Will. "Come on Izzy." Mikey smiled. "No need to be boring." A big smirk spread across his face.

'I'M NOT BORING!!" I yelled and got up from sitting."I'm in!"

Me and Mikey shook hands. "As he said, Welcome to the TKC..."

"...But there is a small problem. If you want to be a member of the TKC you have to kill someone." We all looked at each other. Then straight at Will. "Yes that's right. Will is the first offical member." He grabbed Will and pulled him next to him, separating him from the rest of us.

"All three of you will be here tomorrow at the same time you got here...8:00" Mikey was about to face the board till I said. "All. Three. Of you?" "Yes, I wanna talk to Will about how killing feels. You could learn a thing or two from him. That is all. Leave."

Misa elbowed Anthony a few times till she got his attention."Hey Anthony, how do you think Smitty's gonna take it when she hears you're a killer." Anthony broke out laughing. When he finally caught his breath, he spoke in all seriousness. "Smitty isn't gonna know I'm a killer, cause' I'm not gonna tell her. She might get scared and break up with me, or worse call the cops."

"But what if she doesn't?" I almost whispered. "I'm not taking that chance." Anthony said flatly.

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