《BORING.》Chapter 7 Iyjah?


**Izzy P.O.V**

I'm 100% sure Will was going to kill Preshous, and I really want to stop him...but I Preshous, I really wouldn't care of she died. On the other hand, I really don't want to see Will in handcuffs getting shoved into a cop car. I guess I'll try to stop him, but I'm not gonna try that hard.

"Hey Mom! Can you drive me to Wills house!"

"No!" Well it looks like I'm walking.


Will doesn't live that far, he lives somewhere around the mall. It took like, five minutes to get there. When I did get there I was kinda scared to knock on the door. Raised my fist to knock when I heard. "Izzy what are you doing?" I turned to see Iyjah, Wills friend.

Iyjah is I guess, the funny guy around school. He always hangs out with Will, Dan, Cody, Anthony and, no that's it. Iyjah use to have dreads but he shaved them off, that was a while ago though so now he has a little bit of hair. He's black. Wearing a big red sweater, that it looks like he wears all the time. Christmas green skinny jeans and flat red sneakers with white shoe laces. Iyjah acts really stupid but he can be smart, sometimes.

"Izzzzzzy, are you there? I asked you a question!" Iyjah was leaning on a metal baseball bat. "Hm? Oh yeah, I just forgot my clear phone case at Wills. What are you doing here?" There is no way in hell that Iyjah can know Will is gonna kill Preshous. Not to metion he doesn't know about the whole, Danielle thing. "I'm here cause' Will said today we were going to Anthonys to smash stuff with baseball bats." He twirled the baseball bat a few times. I took a step back.


When Iyjah has hard objects you might as well run. One time me Will, Iyjah and a few other friends went out to KFC for lunch, and Iyjah brought a stick inside. He kept hitting Will with it and we all got kicked out. Anywhoozies.

"Izzy are you gonna ring the doorbell or what?" Iyjah gave me a strange expression. "Oh yeah." I kinda whispered, I don't know why. I knocked as hard as I could, what's the worst that could happen.

**Wills P.O.V**

When me and Preshous got off the bus, so many thoughts were running through my head. How was I gonna kill her? How was I gonna get away with it? What would happen if i got caught? "Will! Will!" Preshous was snapping her fingers in my face. "You've been spacing out ever since we left the last stop." Preshous had a concerned look on her face.

"Oh my bad" I felt myself sweating a little. Okay I know my Mom is at working till 10:00, my Dad is working till 11:00 and brother has detention till 6:00, but he's going to his friends house after words. So I think I can do this.

Okay let's do this. The bus stopped. Me and Preshous got off, headed straight for my house. I pulled out my Pedo Bear key and unlocked the door. "Uh. I guess you can go up to my room. First door at the top of the stairs." I said as calm as I could. "Okay." she replied quickly. I go straight for the kitchen and grab my Moms new yellow rubber gloves. Don't want traces.

"Will what are you doing!?" Preshous yelled. "J-just making food!" I yelled back. Okay okay okay. Mom saw a mouse the other day. I started searching around the kitchen. Ah here it is... Rat poision. *DING DONG* huh? I thought I I was all clear. I was almost stunned to see Iyjah and Izzy standing there.


"What are you doing here?" I really have no idea why they're here. Iyjah and Izzy just looked at each other like he's kidding right? "I'm here cause' we were suppose to go hit stuff at Anthony's house with this baseball bat." Iyjah said twirlig the baseball bat. "I'm here because I forgot my phone case." Izzy whispered. "Um well sorry Iyjah I'm gonna have to cancel. And Izzy you can go look in my room for your phone case. QUICKLY!"

Iyjah gave me a dirty look and walked off.

**Izzys P.O.V**

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