《BORING.》Chapter 6 Will?


**Izzy's P.O.V**

The next morning everyone was ready to go home, but that's only because last night everyone changed. Will got up first right at the crack of dawn at 5:00 am, he also woke up Anthony. Riley didn't move, at all, she was still terrified after last night. That night Dan took a shower after I stepped on him, he was still mad at me after that but he woke up at 11:00 am.

Then I woke up at 12:00 am, Dan was hovering over me, I think he was watching me sleep, I wanted to slap him but last night I stepped on his face, so. I just got up and sat next to Misa, she had a weird smirk on her face. Will walked over to me and sat in front of me on the floor.

"What?" I whispered. Everyone started walking over to the kitchen to eat something.

"Do you think I'll go to hell for murdering Dani?" He whispered back.

"Will I've known you too long to lie to you." I took a deep breath."Yes."

Will just walked down the hall into my room, there was a long pause, till he came back out with his back pack over his shoulder and had his phone in his hand.

"Will? Where are you going?" He ignored Misa. He walked out the door pretty dramatically. Anthony sat beside me choking down a spoon full of Froot Loops.

"What's with him?" He asked.

Dan bit down on a piece of toast and sat in front of the T.V on the floor, next to Riley's sleeping bag. *DING DONG* Riley immediately jumped up from her sleeping bag and ran for the door, probably thinking it was her mom.


"WHAT THE HELL?!" A girl a few inches shorter than Misa, with a pair of pink rectangle glasses, a neon pink belly top, long brown hair, black tights and neon pink sneakers, burst in yelling.

"Why was I not invited to this sleepover!" She yelled again pushing past Riley who was frozen at the door.

"Smitty!" Misa shouted with joy.

Everyone called her Smitty because she

A. Was one of the three Emily's in school and

B. Her last name is Smith, so you can guess where the nickname came from.

"Is anyone gonna answer me?!" She shouted.

"Well Misa is really the one who invited everyone." Riley exclaimed walking back to her sleeping bag.

"Oh, really?" Smitty said under her breathe giving Misa a stern look.

"Smitty I promise this is an accident." Misa said quickly running over to Smitty.

Smitty just turned around to leave with a "mmmhhhhhmmm" left behind.

To go home she doesn't have to go far, she lives on the floor right above me.

"Bravo." Anthony said with pure sarcasm, eating his last bite of cereal.

I got up and shut the door.

"Well, I think we should all get going now." Dan sounded really uneasy when he said that. Everyone got up to get their things from my room.

I stayed on the couch and looked at my phone. I kept getting notifications from Facebook, everyone was posting statuses about Monday, and then it hit me.

If people go nuts about Mondays, what are they gonna say when they find out Danielle died, at my sleepover!??!? So much crap started running through my mind.

"Guys!" I shouted running into room. Everyone was just throwing their bags over their shoulders.

"The fact that Danielle died doesn't leave this house!" I shouted.


Everyone nodded as they left the room, Dan came up to me before he left.

"Why did you smile when Danielle died?" He whispered. "She deserved to die" I smirked after he left the room with satisfaction. "Monday" I whispered to myself. "Monday."


It was Monday morning, March 9th, 2015. I woke up on the couch with a start, my cat Zoey was purring very loudly on my stomach, curled up in ball. I got up and did my daily routine, I yelled to my mom goodbye and ran out the door to catch the bus. Speaking of my mom, where was she in the last chapter? Whatever.

I met Dan and Misa at the bus stop, like I always do. The bus pulled up and we all got on and sat where we always do. Will sat at the back with the boys, and I heard Anthony start talking and I'm pretty sure I heard the word Danielle. I'm sure I'm just paranoid, then I got a text, it was from Will. It read.

"I think I'm going insane, all I can think about is Dani's death. And I think I wanna kill someone again." My eyes widened. I looked over the seat and right at Will.

"What?" I mouthed in confusion.

The bus stopped and we all got off. Will just walked past me as if it never happened.


I was walking down the hall when I saw Will talking to Preshous. A black girl who was wearing skinny jeans and a tight sweater with short sleeves, her hair was in a bun. I wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying, all I saw was Preshous nod then walk away.

I ran up beside Will and walked beside him, he was heading towards the cafeteria for lunch. Misa ran up beside us and walked with us.

"So what we're you talking about with Preshous." I asked.

"We're studying after school together." He said with a smirk.

"Since when are you friends with Preshous?!" Misa shouted confused.

"Since I care about my grades." Will said with grin.

"Since when do you care about grades?" I say even more confused.

"Whatever!" Will shouted, flailing his arms. We all went down to the cafe and had a good lunch. I felt so happy no one blabbed about Danielle.


We all got on the bus ready to go home. Preshous ran over and sat beside Will. They just chatted for a while till, Me, Misa and Dan got off. The bus drove away with Will, Preshous and Anthony still on it. Will looked out the window and smiled at me. I'm a 100% sure Will was gonna kill Preshous.

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