《BORING.》Chapter 3 Sleepover?


** Izzy P.O.V**

6:00 in the morning I hear the door bell going crazy *DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG!*. Misa and Dan don't usual wake me up this early I thought as I ran to go open the door, surprisingly, it was Will and Anthony. "Hi Izzy!" Will said with a bright smile. "Whatcha doin'?" he said as he walked in with Anthony. I shut the door and followed him to the couch with Anthony, " what are you guys doing here at 6:00 in the morning!" I whisper yelled. They both just gave me a weird look like this happens all the time. "Didn't you get The Tease. " Anthony said with a what-like face.

"What do you mean The Tease?" They both looked at each other, then back at me. "You're kidding, right?" Anthony said in a sassy tone, I looked down the hallway to make sure we weren't waking up my mom.

"No." I said flatly, Will sighed and took out his phone, he kinda just scrolled for a while, me and Anthony sat in silence. "See look at this!" Will handed me his phone, "Shh keep it down, if my mom catches you in here she'll kill me!" I whisper yelled again, looking down at the phone.

Will had a HTC phone it was small and white. I looked down at the screen to see a purple bar at the very top that said 'Your Status' right next to a search bar. "Oh, now I remember hearing about this." I mumbled to myself. The Tease is an app/website where its all about status, no pictures, no messaging each other, just status.

Everyone at our school has it, except me 'cause I deleted it. Anyway, someone at our school that is anonymous, goes by the name Elk. Elk chose's what happens and what doesn't, and people just do it for some reason, like there's going to be some wrath of Elk.

Now, it has something to do with me, The Tease read 'Izzy is going to be throwing a sleepover, and she's choosing who's coming TODAY - posted 6 mins ago' I handed Will his phone back and just sat there is shock.

Then said. "What? I don't want to have a sleepover."

Will replied with. "But you have to, the Tease said so."

"I don't care I'm not throwing one, and that's final... That still doesn't explain why you two are here though." I stood up and looked at the clock and then back at them, waiting for a response. "Oh we jus-" Will started, but then Anthony cut him off. " We wanted to come!" I stared at them, then yelled. "EVEN IF I WAS HAVING A SLEEPOVER YOU TWO WOULDN'T BE INVITED!"


I heard a squeak then footsteps oh crap my mom! I grabbed Will and Anthony and chucked them into the buildings hall. For some reason, I ran around the couch, instead of just hopping over it!

Wasting the little time I had, I flopped belly first on the couch, grabbed a pillow, stuck it under my head, and pretended to sleep. When my mom came in the room she looked over the back of the couch, to see me curled up in a ball, to what she thought was sleeping. She started walking back to her room and muttered. "Must've been the neighbors."

Yes, home free! I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up to the feel of my cat's sandpaper tongue, licking my hand that was dangling off the side of the couch. She looked at me and meowed, I just looked at the clock to see what time it was. The living room clock read 7:12am, I had to get ready, and get ready fast. I ran to my room and pretty much broke open the door, I glanced around the room quickly, not even knowing where to begin.

First I ran to my dresser and threw on some leggings, my closet was already open so I took a jumper off a hook. I snatched some hair bands off the dresser that held up a mirror, ran over to my night stand, ripped my phone and keys off of it and booked it down the hall.

Running straight for the door, I jumped into my shoes and slapped on my backpack. Shutting the door behind me, I ran down the hall and pressed the elevator button as many times as I could. The elevator finally opened, I jumped in and started pressing the lobby button repeatedly, it really made me feel as if it was moving faster. I made it to the lobby as I was running towards the doors I saw Will and Anthony waiting outside.

They said. "Hi." As I ran passed them heading towards the bus stop, but there was no bus. As I stood there confused, I noticed that it was kinda dark outside, I turned to Will and Anthony they were still at the doors, smiling. I walked over to them with a face that was not happy. Will pulled out his phone and stuck it in my face, the time, was 6:45 am. I automatically went to slap him, but dodged and yelled "YEET!" I glared at him. Then he blurted out " IT WAS ANTHONY'S IDEA!"


"WHAT, NO!" Anthony yelled back, "I don't care who's idea it was," I started " but who changed the clock?"

"Anthony." Will said with a grin. "Snitch." Anthony muttered. "You see," Will began. While you were gazing off into space, looking at the Tease, Anthony had the perfect chance to change the time of your clock. Without you noticing.

I sat there and nodded. Then spoke. "Why did you do it?"

"Because it would be funny" Anthony quickly replied. "That's the last time I let you in my house." I mumbled.


**Third person's P.O.V**

Anthony, Will and Izzy sat outside the whole time. Only because Will and Anthony wouldn't let her back in the building. Before they knew it the time flew by, and it was 7:30 am. Dan and Misa ended up coming along, and all five of them got on the bus together.

**Dans P.O.V**

I sat next to Izzy and Misa for once on the bus, and smiled as wide as I could. Izzy turned to me and said.

"What do you want Dan?"

I stuttered a little. "C-c-can I come to your sleepover?"

"No Dan." She said flatly I turned back to the front of the bus and started pouting.

"Ya Dan, gurls only." Misa said with a duh face.

"Misa you're not coming either" Izzy said as she turned to face her. "Ha" I laughed.

"But thats no fair, I have to go I'm your BFFFL (Best Fabulous Friend For Life)" Misa wined.

"No, I mean I'm not having one, period, no questions asked." Me and Misa gave her what-faces and stared at the front of the bus the whole ride.


**Misas P.O.V**

"But you have to have one Izzy, Elk said so." I wined following her to our table.

"Misa you've been at this all day, let it go" Izzy replied.

"But Izzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy you have tooooooooo." If there's one thing I'm good at, its getting what I want.

"You know what!" Izzy started yelling and I started smiling, "I'll have the stupid sleepover!"

:D "Whos going?" I asked "You know what, i don't even care you pick Misa" Izzy said as she left the cafeteria. I'm pretty sure everybody heard her 2, 'cause all the eyes turned to me.


**Izzys P.O.V**

It was 8:00 and I was at home telling my mom about the whole sleepover thing, she said I should have it because I never have them. My mom was moving around the couch in the living room, and the coffee table too. The living room was completely different.

The couch was pushed way off to the side and the coffee table was in the kitchen next to the real table. There was a space left over for sleeping bags, and apparently everyone was putting their extra stuff in my room.

Two seconds later the door bell rang and my mom locked her self in her room. I walked over to answer it expecting half of the school to be at my door, but there was pretty much no one. Just Will, Anthony, Misa and Dan, shocker. I held the door open for them they all strolled in, Misa showed them where my room was to put all of their stuff away and change. I was already in my Pikachu onesie feeling awkward as ever, Misa came out first wearing a pair of baggy black shorts and a black tank top with her hair down.

Will came out wearing a pair of white and black track pants with a big blue sweater. Anthony wore a pair of red knee socks, a grey, tight long sleeve shirt and a pair of black basket ball shorts. Dan on the other hand, wore a big grey shirt with a huge pair of plaid pajama pants.

We watched a horror movie and played truth or dare, Dan was the first one out so he's going to wake up covered in pizza sauce. We also went through six bowls of popcorn. The night was really fun, by 11:14 everyone was asleep.

It was 11:55 at night, when I was woken up by the sound of a car outside my window. I peeked my head out to see what was going on. There was a small white car with a tall blonde women in the drivers seat, two kids got out of the back seat and waved good-bye.......

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