《BORING.》Chapter 2 School?


**Dans P.O.V**

When the bus pulled up Izzy and Misa got on first then I got on. Since the bus comes to this street 2nd, the only two people that are on the bus are Anthony and William (but everyone calls him Will). Will was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a baggy blue sweater and a pair of worn out white DC sneakers. He's dirty blonde and has curly mushroom hair and blue eyes (oh, he's kinda chubby).

Anthony was wearing a pair of silver basketball shorts, white and red Jordans, black and neon green knee socks and a tight Nikey shirt that was all black with green lining. Anthony is popsicle stick skinny, is pretty much bald and has brown eyes and is mixed.

I normally sit with them. If you're asking why, it's because Izzy and Misa only talk about four things on the bus. Youtubers, Anime, boys and bands. They're so boring, the things I do with Will and Anthony on the bus are much more exciting. Just kidding, the things we talk about are pretty much the same as what Izzy and Misa talk about, and when I say we, I mean Anthony.

Anthony just tells us old stories on things while me and Will comment in between. Like old girlfriends he's broken up with, really exciting things that happened during a basketball game or straight up drama that goes on during school. Me and Will just nod in between each story followed by an "aw man" or "really" each time.

**Will's P.O.V**

The bus has to go to like 16 stops and were only at the 4th stop! Will thought as he nodded his head to one of Anthony's stories. Until he actually started listening, Anthony began telling a story about his breakup with Danielle (but everyone calls her Dani). Of course I was interested, why? Cause' I'm dating Dani.


He kept going on and on how it was all her fault, and how all her friends started bitchin' to him about it after words. As usual I thought is was complete bull, and in the middle I interrupted him.

"Uh Anthony," I started "you're on the basketball team right?" Anthony just gave me an wtf-are-you-okay? type look and said "ya" in a duh tone.

"THEN GROW SOME BALLS!" I yelled across the bus. Complete and utter silence fell over everyone. Dan was looking at me, Anthony was looking at me, Izzy and Misa were looking at me, was looking at me. "WHAT!" I yelled. Everyone turned around, except for Anthony and Dan. Dan opened his mouth to say something but Anthony cut him off.

"Chill dog! If you didn't want me talking about your girl, you should've just said so." Anthony said putting his hands up like I was gonna shoot him. I just gave a really good what-face while twirling my hand in a what position.

"What do you mean, chill dog! You know I'm dating her so why would you bring it up?"

"I don't know! I thought you guys didn't even listen to me anyway!"

**Dan's P.O.V**

He knows? O.o

**Misa P.O.V**

Idk what the guys were yelling over, but it was annoying. That's just a normal day on the bus I guess. The bus stopped for the 9th time, I looked out the window to see who it was and it was Westly. Westly is like, the love of my life, he is sooo hot. He has blonde hair that flops perfectly to one side and perfect green eyes. He's really short, he was wearing a really big T-shirt, it was purple and gray skinny jeans. With his camo Jansport backpack.

He walked passed me to sit two seats back from me and Izzy, when he did I was like. "Hey Westly." He completely ignored me. >:'D I hate him so much, why do I like him again?


**Izzy's P.O.V**

Uh, Misa's looking at Westly again, it's not like it bothers me, it bothers me. Misa is always chasing after guys and when they break-up with her she cries about it, why? Cause' she didn't even like them in the first place, she just likes their looks. *Bing* it's a text from Misa, its funny how she texted me yet I'm sitting beside her. It said I replied a few seconds passed and I got another text.

I elbowed her in her side, her reply was an elbow right back. The bus finally stopped, we were at school. Thank god, I couldn't take another second on that damn bus.

Everyone got up and exited the bus. My first period French, and I French, like I'm never gonna go to France so why the hell am I learning the language I seriously don't need to. Will and Anthony felt the same way, I know because every French class they get kicked out for doing nothing.

Everyone on the bus walked inside the school, and split up to go to their lockers. When I got to mine Isra was in hers, her locker is right next to mine. She looked at me, smiled and said "hi" but let's be honest when is Isra not smiling. I kinda just ignored her and went into my locker, but still mumbled "hi" back.

I grabbed my binder and started walking to French. I saw the rest of the class waiting outside the French room. For some reason, almost every other day our French teacher is late for class, it's kinda weird though. The French teacher ran up the stairs in front of the French room and unlocked the door. Time went by fast and French was over.


**Still Izzy's P.O.V**

It was finally lunch time, I thought gym class would never end. I started walking towards the cafeteria, it was easy to spot Dan and Misa because they were complete loners. I sat next to Dan, he had a burger on his tray that had one bite taken out of it, I'm pretty sure he was done because he just sat there playing games on his phone. Misa as usual had nothing on her tray but a pop. I wasn't feeling very well so I just had nothing.

I buried my head in my arms on the table. Until Isra came up to our table and said.

"Uh, is it okay if I sit here?"

"No." Misa said in a flat tone. For some reason Misa has this whole problem with Isra, I don't know what it is, but I really don't care. Dan just kinda glanced at Isra then went back to his game.

"Welp Izzy its up to you" Misa said in a happy voice expecting the answer she wants.

"I DON'T CARRRRE" I roared.

"Welp that's a no bye Isra. " Misa said while turning back towards me. Isra and Misa fought forever over the seat but after a while, Isra got the seat. Before I knew it the bell rang, and lunch was over.


**Izzy P.O.V 4 Life**

School was finally over, I took the bus home with the same people. As always, I did the same thing I always do when I get home. Eat, watch some YouTube, watch some Anime, read some Manga. Then go to sleep.

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