《Normal is boring》28


I'm kind of nervous. Jax and I are sitting on the bed, the one that nobody did sleep on. The team is standing in front of us, they are talking for a bit, waiting until we are ready. The camera is standing in front of them, to make sure the girls aren't on the camera. We said to them we are recording this for our Youtube channel and that we will upload it later tonight, without the parts where you hear them talking or where they aren't standing behind the camera.

"Well. Hey people." I say. The talking volume goes down a bit, the interest is going to us.

Mom and mama are looking very proud to us, I mean, we didn't even start.

"Hey, we are Jax and Alex. We are going to play nine, sis, nine?" Jax asks me, dumbass, we can't count that well, "No bro, we are going to play ten songs for you tonight, he's a dumbass, I know. Well, we is my brother. " I laugh, the others chuckle too. Jax is looking a little bit mad.

"After that it's time to go to your rooms, I think." I say. Jill nods, confirming that's time to go to bed after that. It's like 8.30 PM now.

"Well, let's begin. This is St. Patrick by PVRIS (pronounced as Paris, like the capital of France)."

Jax plays the guitar in this one, in the middle I do some filling, otherwise the song sounds way too empty, that's what we thought.

The moments that he begins to sing, I see some surprised faces. Jax has a kind of high voice, while I have a deep voice. Jax sings this lyrics alone, I do some back vocals, but nothing more. If we do that, we make the song to big for a acoustic version with only our guitars. When we have a piano or drums, we can do more with the vocals.


When we end the song are the girls excited for me, that's what we hear. I hear some people day 'DAMN', or 'your kids are good tho' or 'that are my cousins'.

"How sounded that girls?" I ask. They answer with a mix of shouting/yelling, laughing and applause.

"I guess it sounded well, time for some Dutch music, English lyrics. The World can Wait by Waylon, performed by Alex and Jax." Says Jax, looking at the camera. Giving them some attention, otherwise it's kind of boring. I laugh thinking of it.

I start the guitar in and begin singing. This time the girls do the same, their jaws dropped.

( italicize is Alex, bold is Jax and normal is both )

I've been chasing dreams

Burning time

Both hands of the candle are flying by

Finally it's just you and me

Away from everyone telling us what to be

Outside they scream

Those crowded streets

And I love the silence when you're next to me

And baby the world can wait

Just hold on tight

Don't forgot to breathe

And leave it all behind

Make it all worth while

Spend the day wrapped up in this moment

Don't let it slip away

Baby the world can wait

Baby the world can wait

And baby the world can wait

Let's hold on tight

Don't forgot to breathe

And leave it all behind

Make it all worth while

Spend the day wrapped up in this moment

Don't let it slip away

Baby the world can wait

Baby the world can wait

Just swear to me baby

When life get's too crazy

We'll stop

And baby the world can wait

Just hold on tight

Don't forgot to breathe

And leave it all behind

Make it all worth while


Spend the day wrapped up in this moment

Don't let it slip away

Baby the world can wait

Just hold on tight

Don't forgot to breathe

And leave it all behind

Make it all worth while

Spend the day wrapped up in this moment

Don't let it slip away

Baby the world can wait

Just hold on tight

Don't forgot to breathe

And leave it all behind

Make it all worth while

Spend the day wrapped up in this moment

Don't let it slip away

Baby the world can wait

Baby the world can wait

Baby the world can wait

Baby the world can wait

"When you have your jaws picked up from the floor.....", says Jax, "I want to tell a little story about the song we played a few seconds ago." The girls are after a few seconds completely silent.

"Well... The World can Wait is one of the songs we never played for a audience. Today we felt we just had to play it. We never played it, because normally it's one of the songs I played for my sister, Alex, when she had anxiety. After our mother died, she had some really bad days, anxiety and she suffered from depression. I would play songs for her to calm her down, to make her feel home and loved. But one of the things that helped the most, were listening to Ashlyn, when she talked. She had, and has, a impact on Alex, Ashlyn, mama, I can never thank you enough for that. After Ash and Ali became our family, she is herself. She is happy, she can be happy and we are lucky to have you two, Krieger and Harris, as our mothers. We love you, please don't forget that." Jax says. I see some tears rolling in the girls eyes.

"Don't cry please. We didn't even play our most emotional song." I joke.

"You are just too good in making people cry tho." I hear Allie say.

"I second that Harry." Says Tobs. I laugh, did me make THE Tobin Heath cry?


We did.

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