《Easy Is Boring ✓》Chapter Twelve


It had been four months since Beck and Jade had gotten back together, and they were both so happy.

Jade spent most of her time at Beck's, rarely ever going back to her own house. And Beck loved every second that she was with him.

It was Saturday morning, and Beck woke up early as usual. He took one look at Jade, who was curled up on her side, sleeping soundly with her usual cute pout on her lips. He chuckled softly and stood up, walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

He fixed his hair and brushed his teeth, then slipped on a plain white t-shirt and jeans, along with black converse. Grabbing his keys, he left the RV to go and get some coffee from Jet Brew before Jade woke up.

He pulled in an empty parking space and went inside to the register, waiting to order.

"Hello there," one of the workers greeted as she walked up to the register. "What can I get you today?"

Beck didn't like the flirtatious tone of her voice, but just ignored it as he answered, "one black coffee with two sugars, and one milk coffee please."

The girl nodded. "Will that be all?"


"Are you sure?" She asked, cocking her head at him. "Because I think you forgot to ask for my number."

Beck bit his cheek, trying to keep himself from snapping back an angry remark.

"I have a girlfriend. Sorry."

"Well she doesn't have to know, silly," she giggled. "Just take my number and call me some time. We could have some fun at my place, and your girlfriend won't even know."

Beck's nostrils flared in anger as he replied, "I don't cheat."

"It's not cheating if you don't get caught," she replied, licking her lips.


"I'd like to speak to the manager please," Beck announced, fed up with the worker flirting with him.

The girl huffed. "Fine. Go ahead. I hate this job anyway."

Beck rolled his eyes and waited for his order to be done.

After a worker called his name, he grabbed the two coffee cups and quickly left Jet Brew, getting in his car and driving home.

As he arrived back to the RV, Jade was already awake, sitting up in bed with the covers pushed off of her, revealing a rather short nightgown that Beck was definitely a fan of.

"Coffee," she demanded, making him chuckle as he handed the coffee to her and sat next to her on the bed.

"What took you so long?" She then asked, practically gulping down the scorching hot liquid.

"The usual," he grumbled, taking a sip of his own coffee as well. "A worker flirted with me so I asked for the manager."

She raised an eyebrow. "Was it a guy or a girl?"

Beck rolled his eyes. "A girl."

"Hmm." She quickly downed the rest of her coffee, setting it down on the bedside table next to her. "As long as you tell her off, I don't care."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "So, you don't care that she was flirting with me? She even tried to convince me to cheat on you after I told her I have a girlfriend."

Her shoulders tensed at that, but then relaxed as she responded, "would you ever cheat on me?"

"Of course not."

"Then there's nothing to worry about." She kissed his cheek, then stood up and walked do the bathroom to get ready for the day.

He was shocked, to say the least, that she didn't throw a huge tantrum like he expected her to, but appreciated it nonetheless.


It showed that she was trying.

Trying for him.

After about a few minutes, Jade came out of the bathroom dressed in a black tank top and jeans, with her signature black combat boots adorned on her feet. Her black hair was curled, adorned with the purple highlights that he loved so much, and her make-up was done.

He thought she looked beautiful.

"So, it's Saturday," she announced, climbing onto his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. "And I'm not gonna spend my Saturday cooped up in here all day, so you better have a plan for something to do today."

Beck placed his hands firmly on her hips as he replied, "the beach?"

Jade scoffed. "I don't like the ocean."

"Jade, the dolphin was just being friendly."

"No, it wasn't. It wanted to kill me."

He chuckled lightly, stroking the sliver of skin that appeared as her tank top rose up on her hips with his thumb. "Dolphins are sweet, babe. It liked you."

She rolled her eyes. "No it didn't. We're not going to the beach, end of discussion."

Beck sighed and leaned his head back on the bed rest. "Well, what do you want to do today then?"

"Scissor shopping?" She gave him her best attempt at puppy dog eyes, which she knew he couldn't resist.

"We went scissor shopping last weekend," he reminded her, trying to ignore her adorable puppy eyes.


A sigh escaped his lips and he replied, "if that's what you want to do, then alright."

She smirked and pecked his lips, getting off of his lap and already heading out the door happily.

Beck shook his head, a smile forming on his lips as he grabbed his keys once again and followed her out the door.


"Beck, look at these!"

The tanned-skin Canadian walked up to where his girlfriend was, his arm sliding around her waist as he eyed the silver scissors she was examining.

"Those are nice," he said.

"They are!" She looked up at him. "Get them for me?"

He laughed softly and nodded. "Of course. Are those the only pair you want?"

She turned back to the scissors on the shelves, and he noticed how her eyes lingered on a pair of red ones before turning back to him and saying, "yeah, these are it."

He nodded. "Okay, go to the register and I'll be there in a sec."

She nodded and walked over to the check out counter, and Beck grabbed the red pair of scissors that he knew she liked but didn't want him to spend money on.

"Will that be all?" He heard the cashier ask Jade, and he walked up to them and placed the red scissors on the counter.

"These as well, please."

Jade looked up at him weirdly, not being able to hide the smile on her lips.

"Alright, that will be twenty-four fifty."

Beck handed the cashier the money and grabbed the shopping bag, walking out the store as Jade followed him.

As they headed back to the RV and went inside, Jade kissed him passionately, which he knew was her way of saying thank you.

And he absolutely loved it.


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