《Easy Is Boring ✓》Chapter Ten


The next day, which was Friday, felt long and exhausting.

Jade really wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody, and her head shot up from her locker when she heard a voice.

A guy stood in front of her, whom she had never seen before. She raised an eyebrow and shut her locker harshly, causing the guy to gulp.

"Uh, my name's Gilbert."

Jade rolled her eyes and snapped, "so?"

"Oh my god."

Jade managed to keep an annoyed look on her face, but on the inside she was laughing at how terrified the guy looked.

"I-I really like your shoes," he continued, making her scoff.

"I hate these shoes," she replied quickly. "They're ugly and they hurt my feet."

"Well then why do you wear them?"

Was he serious?

"Because I like to punish myself."

He swallowed, terrified of the goth in front of him. He knew he shouldn't have done this, even if it was for money.

"Well I think you look really nice today."

Jade let out an unamused chuckle. "Oh, so yesterday I looked gross?"

His eyes widened. "No, I-I just meant that- "

"That I usually look disgusting, but today I got lucky?" She took a step towards him, trying to keep herself from laughing.

"N-No," he answered, scared. "N-Not at all, and just, I-I just- " he sighed, turning to Tori and Andre, who were hiding behind a wall. "Oh, forget it. I'm not asking her out, you can keep your money!"

Then he hurried off, and Jade became angry, turning to face the two at the locker across the hall, who shared a scared look.

"You paid a guy to ask me out?" She glared at them furiously.

Tori immediately slapped Andre's arm and yelled, "run away!"


They both rushed off, and Jade ran after them, her morning becoming more and more ruined.


Tori and Andre hid in the janitors closet, gasping for breath while hoping Jade didn't find them in there and try to kill them.

"So what now?" Andre asked, trying to catch his breath. "We hide in here forever?"

Tori gulped down air, shaking her head. "Just until Jade is calm."

"So forever."

Tori shrugged. "Maybe. Or, she'll get her anger out by, I don't know, strangling a bear."

Just then the door sprang open, causing the two friends to cling onto each other and scream in fear.

Tori opened her eyes and saw Beck, which calmed her. "Oh, thank god it's you."

Andre nodded. "We thought you were Jade."

Beck raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you want me to go get her? She's right- "

"NO!" They both yelled, and Beck's brows furrowed.

"What's up with you guys?"

"Well, Andre and I were trying- "

"I got dragged into this."

"It was your idea to pay a guy- "

"No, you came to me and- "


Andre and Tori screamed, holding onto to each for dear life as Jade jumped down from the ladder in the closet.

Beck stood there, a bored look on his face. "Yeah, I shoulda told you this is a bad place to hide from Jade."

Jade ignored him and picked up a roll of toilet paper from the ground. "I oughta take this, and kill you both with it."

Tori frowned. "How could you kill us with toilet paper?"

Beck rolled his eyes, turning his attention to Jade. "Put it down."

She glared at him.

"Put it, down."

She frowned, but obeyed him and placed the toilet paper back on the ground.


"Now what are y'all so wazzed off about?" He questioned Andre and Tori.

"These two butt cheeks paid a guy to ask me out on a date," Jade explained to him, feeling a little hurt.

Beck's frown became deeper and he turned back to Andre and Tori.

"We were trying to help!"

"Why do I need your help?"

"Because guys are scared to ask you out!"

"That's how I like it!"

Andre sighed. "I got dragged into this."

"Look," Tori said. "We thought that- "

"You thought- "

"We thought," the Latina shot the musician a glare. "That if you got asked out by a guy, you'd be more okay if Beck asked out a girl."

Jade looked up at the ceiling, then looked at Beck. "Oh my god, how many times do I have to say it? We broke up, ask out any girl you want."

But she really didn't want him to.

Tori let out a sigh of relief. "See, I told you you should've just asked out Meredith!"

Jade's eyes widened. "Meredith?!"

Andre walked over to a shelf, grabbing five rolls of toilet paper and hugging them to his chest.

Beck sighed. "Jade- "

"I knew it," Jade scoffed, glaring at her ex. "I knew it two years ago when you were in that awful play with her."

Andre frowned. "I think I wrote that play."

The goth ignored his statement and continued, "and Meredith is always like, "Beck why don't you come over so we can rehearse our lines? Oh Beck, I made you some cupcakes!""

Beck rolled his eyes at her, letting out an annoyed sigh through his nose "Meredith brings everyone cupcakes, her dad owns a cupcake shop."

Tori was surprised. "He does?"

Beck was getting more irritated by the minute. "Yeah, Frank's Cupcakes."

The brunette gasped. "Ooh, they're good!"

Andre grinned, still clutching the toilet paper close to him. "Yeah, they make some legit cupcakes."

Jade sighed heavily through her nose, not even caring at this point. If Beck wanted to date that, then he could go right ahead.

"You know what," she said, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. "I don't care. Go out with Meredith." She shot him a look and placed her hand on the door handle. "Enjoy her cupcakes."

And with that statement, she left the janitors closet, leaving the three exhausted and confused.


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