《Easy Is Boring ✓》Chapter Seven


"So," Cat started, sitting down in the chair next to her best friend. "Have you came up with a song to sing at the Full Moon Jam?"

Jade leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs as she looked at Cat. "Yeah, I have. And I actually like it."

"Yay! Did you write it?"

"I did."

"Cool!" Cat giggled softly. "I heard Beck is back at school today."

Jade nodded, picking at her nails. "Mhm."

Before Cat could say anything more, Beck walked into the classroom, which was Sikowitz's.

Tori, Andre, and Robbie all trailed in behind him, sitting in the front together, while Beck sat in the chair on the left side of Jade, but not before scooting it away from her a little.

Which made Jade roll her eyes.

"Okay!" Sikowitz's exclaimed, startling everyone as he hopped in through the window beside the stage. "Acting time! Tori, Andre, Cat, Beck, Jade! Up on the stage!"

The five of them stood up and walked to the stage, waiting to hear what scene Sikowitz would tell them to perform.

"Alright!" The man took a sip of his coconut that he had in his hand. "Tori, you are a private investigator for a crime that Andre committed, who is the son of Beck and Jade. Cat, you are the young woman that Andre has killed. Beck and Jade, you two are obviously husband and wife, and Andre is your son. Now, action!"

Tori immediately got into character, turning to face Andre and his "parents."

"Excuse me, but may I take a look at the inside of your basement?" Tori asked Beck and Jade. "I have been informed that your son has committed a murder."

Jade raised an eyebrow, also getting in character. "I'm sorry, but I can assure you that our son is not a murderer. You have the wrong boy."


"I can promise you that I have the right person, Mrs," Tori replied. "Now, please step aside so I can take a look around."

Beck placed his arm around Jade's shoulders, causing her to shiver under his touch. "My wife is telling the truth. Our son has not done anything wrong."

Tori sighed. "I'm sorry, but if you could just please leave it to me to investigate. If you are being truthful, then there should be no problem with me taking a look."

Beck and Jade shared a look, then stepped aside.

Andre stood there, hovering over Cat's "lifeless" body, and Tori gasped in mock-surprise.

"You are under arrest for the murder of Courtney Grayson," Tori announced, coming up with the random name at the last minute.

Andre frowned. "Aw man."

"And scene!" Sikowitz exclaimed, clasping his hands together. "Excellent! You five may go take your seats."

They all headed back to their seats, and Beck walked back with Jade, his hand subconsciously brushing against hers.

She wondered if he even noticed.


"Zach, just leave me alone," Jade mumbled as he leaned against the lockers next to hers.

"Again, no can do," he clicked his tongue. "Just because your little ex-boyfriend broke my jaw doesn't mean that's gonna stop me."

"I still don't understand what you want with me," she sighed, shutting her locker and turning to face him.

He chuckled, taking a small step towards her. "I don't want anything to do with you," he brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "I want you."

Jade stepped back, slapping his hand away.

He didn't like that.

He grabbed her hand, pulling her across the hallway and to the janitors closet, shoving her inside and locking the door behind them.


"Open the door!" She exclaimed angrily, trying to shove past him but couldn't.

Zach chuckled lightly, shoving her against the wall. He held her there, while she tried to wiggle free.

"Let me go!"

"You're not that smart, are you?" He quirked an eyebrow at her as he pinned her arms to her sides. "I've already told you that wasn't gonna happen."

"Zach," she was practically begging him now. "Let me go. Please."

He pretending to think about it for a moment. "Well, since you said please...nope!"

"Please, Zach!"

"Stop whining," he rolled his eyes. "You're giving me a headache."

Jade swallowed thickly. "Good! So leave me the hell alone! Just let me- "

He cut her off by pressing his lips to her, and her eyes widened in shock.

She tried pushing him away, hitting him, kicking him, anything. But it wasn't working.

Zach smirked against her lips, trying to deepen the kiss.

So she did the last thing she could think of.

Her teeth sank into his lower lip, biting as hard as she could, causing him to yelp and immediately pull away.

Blood dripped from his bottom lip, and Jade smiled in satisfaction.

"I'm gonna beat the hell out of you!" Zach yelled, bringing his fingers up to his lips.

Jade smiled innocently at him, tilting her head to the side. "What'd I do?"

Zach shot her a glare. "Why you little- "

"Bye!" She quickly unlocked the door, rushing out of the janitors closet as fast as she could.

She wasn't watching where she was going, she just speed-walked as fast as she could.

Which made her bump into someone.

"Chiz, I'm sorry," she said breathlessly.

But then she looked up.

"Jade," Beck's brows furrowed. "Why were you running?"

Jade brushed a strand of her out of her face, trying to catch her breath as she blurted, "Zach kissed me and I tried to push him away but he wouldn't let me and I bit his lip and he got mad and- "

"Woah, woah," Beck cut her off. "Where is he now?"

"Janitors closet."

Beck nodded, clenching his fists as he made his way over to the closet, while Jade reluctantly followed.

Zach groaned when he saw Beck coming towards him, still touching his lip, which was still bleeding.

"Really?" The blonde asked, laughing softly as he looked at Jade, who stood behind Beck. "You had to tell on me to your ex-boyfriend? How pathetic is that?"

Beck just looked at him, smiled sweetly, then punched him as hard as he could in the face.

And he got suspended from school once again.


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