《Easy Is Boring ✓》Chapter Six


The following week was awful.

Beck was suspended, and he spent the entire week locked up in his RV, staring up at the ceiling, thinking about the most important thing to him.


His parents never bothered to check up on him. They never cared. Ever since his brother died, his parents were distant.

They never paid attention to their youngest son, who was still alive.

Beck could understand why his parents were like that, though. Losing a child must be a terrible experience to go through.

But he still wondered if it was selfish to wish his parents still cared about him.

He let out a heavy breath, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as his thoughts swirled around Jade.

How her smile would light up his world.

How her laugh was the most beautiful sound to his ears, tied with her beautiful singing voice.

How her gorgeous blue-green doe eyes would light up when she talked about something she liked.

How she would wrap her arms around his neck when they kissed, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip, causing her to deepen the kiss as she slightly stood on her tip toes.

Everything seemed to remind him of her.

Of how he was planning on proposing before they broke up. He had already bought a ring and everything.

But then the break-up happened.

And that ring laid in his bottom drawer, collecting dust for all he knew.

He hadn't looked at it since the day he purchased it.

He had always dreamed about how they would spend the rest of their lives together. How they would have two kids, a boy and a girl.

How the girl would be exactly like Beck, and the boy would be exactly like Jade.

The girl would have tan, caramel skin, with long flowing brown hair, chocolate eyes, and a sweet, calm personality just like her father.


The boy would have pale skin, piercing blue eyes, short dark brown hair, and a snippy attitude just like his mother.

The two would look like complete opposites, but no less related to each other.

And they both would be beautiful.

Beck practically couldn't wait to have children. He wanted to start a family with the love of his life.

Get married, have kids, spend the rest of their lives together.

Who knew one simple misunderstanding could ruin everything.


"Okay, write a song," Jade sighed, holding a pencil to her pad of paper. "It's not that hard, I've written tons of songs."

But her pencil never once made a move.

"Ugh," she groaned, leaning back into her black spinny chair. "C'mon, think! What song would be perfect to sing for a huge showcase...?"

She sighed again, not being able to come up with anything.

And soon, her thoughts wandered off to Beck.

Beck never understood her as much as she thought she did. He would always try to help her with whatever she needed, but it never helped.

He always thought he knew her.

But he didn't know her.

You think you know me

But you don't know me.

He thought he could control her.

Thought he could treat her as if she belonged to him.

You think you own me

But you can't control me

You look at me like there's just one thing that you see

So listen to me

Listen to me~

Jade wrote those song lyrics down, biting her bottom lip in concentration as she poured her emotions out into the song that described her and Beck perfectly.

You push me back

I'll push you back

Harder, harder

You scream at me

I'll scream at you

Louder, L-l-l-l-louder~

She was dangerous.

And she had always warned him how dangerous she was, but he never listened.


I'm dangerous

I'm warning you

But you're not afraid of me

And I can't convince you

You don't know me~

Jade wanted him to stay. To stay in this horrific relationship, even though it hurt.

But the longer that he stayed, it felt like the ice was melting. Like ice that was thawing out, and made it seem as if nothing ever happened.

And the pain that she felt, was okay.

And the longer that you stay

The ice is melting

And the pain, it feels okay

It feels okay


The goth smiled softly to herself, her mind wrapping around her previous relationship that she had with the guy she loved, and will forever love.

You push me back

I'll push you back

You scream at me

I scream at you

Louder, louder

Louder, louder, louder, louder

Louder, louder, louder~

She loved him.

And that was the one thing that would never change.

And he knew her.

He probably always had known her.

For who she truly was.

You push me back

I'll push you back

Harder, harder

You scream at me

I scream at you

Louder, l-l-l-l-louder

I'm dangerous

I'm warning you

But you're not afraid of me

And I can't convince you

And I don't have to

I think you know me.

Jade smiled again contently, placing her notepad on her desk. That, was the song she was going to perform at the Full Moon Jam.

And hopefully, Beck would realize that it was meant for him.

That no matter how much they fight, no matter how difficult things get, they would always love each other.

Always be there for each other.

Because as long as they loved each other, who cares how toxic their relationship was?

But she didn't view their relationship as toxic. She viewed it as unique. Special. One of a kind.

Not easy.

It was never easy.

It was never going to be easy.

As long as he was there for her, she was there for him.

As long as he loved her, she loved him.

No matter what.

Even if it hurt, it would be okay. The pain would always feel okay, because she was his, and he was hers.

And when she would perform at the showcase, maybe, just maybe, he would realize how much he meant to her.

And maybe, they could go back to being who they were before.

Beck and Jade.


As they should be.



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