《Easy Is Boring ✓》Chapter Four


"I knew it," Beck grumbled, walking down the hall to his next and last class of the day. "I knew they had a thing for each other!"

He slouched down in an empty seat in his history class, irritation flashing in his eyes.

They were probably making out in there. Her hands were probably tangled in his hair, and his were placed on her waist.

He probably shoved his tongue down her throat, which made Beck's blood boil.

"Friends," Beck scoffed, chuckling humorlessly. "Yeah. Right."

There was absolutely no way they could be "just friends."


"I can't believe he saw us in there together," Jade voiced, sighing deeply as Cat shrugged.

"Tell him the truth," she replied, spooning a bite of cherry ice cream into her mouth. "Tell him that nothing happened between you and Zach, and that there's nothing to worry about."

"He won't believe me."

"If he doesn't, then he's stupid," Cat licked her lips. "But he's an idiot to not believe you, I mean, you guys had dated for three years. It'd be kinda dumb to not trust each other by now."

"Yeah," Jade let out a sigh through her nose. "I guess so."

Cat was actually pretty smart. Much more than people gave her credit for.

"So, just go talk to him."

"Right now?"

"Sure, I'm done with my ice cream," she giggled. "I'll call Robbie to take me home."

"Or," Jade wiggled her eyebrows. "You two can go on a date."

Cat rolled her eyes. "Not ready for that yet. Now, go get your man."

Now it was Jade's turn to roll her eyes. "Not my man, Cat. We're just friends."

Cat scoffed. "Yeah, friends that have slept together."



"Whaty? It's true."

"Shut up."

"Just saying," Cat shrugged, standing up to throw her empty ice cream cup away. "Friends don't sleep together."

Jade felt a blush creep up her neck and to her cheeks.

"I gotta go," the goth then mumbled, rushing out of the ice cream parlor and driving to Beck's RV.

Cat giggled from inside the ice cream place, dialing Robbie to come and pick her up.


Jade parked at the curb of the house, getting out of her car and walking to Beck's door.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked slowly, waiting for him to open up.

He did, and his brows furrowed when he saw it was her.


"Correct," she smiled. "Can I come in?"

Beck sunk his teeth into his lower lip, moving out of the way so she could go inside.

Her eyes widened as she saw that absolutely nothing had changed.

Her clothes scattered the floor. Pictures of them still settled on his bedside table. The dresser he had bought for her was still there, still filled with the clothes that weren't on his floor.

"Wow," she finally spoke after looking around. She blinked, but nothing changed.

Beck rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah..."

She reached down to pick up the black bra he had previously tripped over, and turned to give him a look.

Beck just shrugged.

She was completely shocked. She didn't think he would actually keep her stuff.

Her stomach fluttered. Maybe he actually missed her after all.

"So," Beck cleared his throat, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "I suppose there's a reason you came here, correct?"

Jade turned her attention from his RV and to the boy sitting on the bed. "Um, yeah. I just wanted to say that what you saw today wasn't what it looked like."


Beck raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because it looked like you and Zach were in the janitors closet, together, doing god knows what."

Jade pursed her lips. "Well, then it's exactly what it looked like. But we didn't do anything, I swear."

"That's hard to believe," he responded. "You don't have to hide it from me, Jade. Just say that you guys were what, making out? Screwing? Don't worry, I don't give a chiz. We're just friends, after all."

Jade frowned, crossing her arms over her chest as she pointed a heavy glare at him. "Zach and I weren't doing anything. I swear it."

"Jade, just tell me the truth."

"That is the truth, Beck!"

"No, it's not."

"Fine!" Jade yelled, jabbing a finger to his chest. "You wanna know the truth? I'll tell you the dang truth. He was harassing me, Beck. And if you don't believe it, then fine. Whatever. But he was. I don't like him, Beck. And I know for a fact that you don't either."

Beck subconsciously clenched his fists, fire blazing in his eyes. He did believe her.

He knew there was something bad about that guy.

And he was planning on making his life a living hell.

"That son of a- "

"I know," Jade cut him off. "But you can't fight him, Beck. That won't make a difference."

"Well what else am I supposed to do?" He shot back, standing up. "He can't keep harassing you, Jade. I won't let him."

"Violence isn't always the answer, Beck," she told him calmly. "I'll figure it out. I just wanted to let you know that I hate him, and nothing will ever happen between him and I. As much as I want you to hurt him, we both know that's not the best idea."

Beck let out a deep breath. "I hate that you're right."

"I always am."

"You gotta tell someone though," he said, running his fingers through his shaggy brown hair. "Tori's dad is a cop, right? Talk to him about it, he'll do something."

"Zach hasn't been doing anything but annoy me and trying to get me alone with him," she answered. "We have to wait until he tries to do anything more."

"That is not a good idea," Beck seethed.

"Trust me, alright?" She placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll handle it. Don't worry."

"If he does so much as lay a finger on you," Beck growled lowly. "I will beat the hell out of him."

"I said violence isn't always the answer, Beck."

"I don't care. He's not going to get away with touching you."

Jade chuckled softly, averting her gaze to her feet. "It's cute how protective you are."

Beck smiled weakly. "I have to be protective. You're my friend, after all."

Jade looked up at him, smiling back. "Yeah. I am, aren't I?"


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