《Easy Is Boring ✓》Chapter One


It had been three months since Beck and Jade broke up, and they were both more devastated than ever. But the two weren't the type to show their pain.

Beck Oliver was never the type to display his emotions. He was always so chill, so calm. Always so under control.

But when him and Jade broke up, he couldn't keep his emotions in tact.

That night was the first night he had cried in years.

He hated crying. With a passion.

But Jade used to cry a lot. Whether it was because of her arrogant father, or the nightmares that kept her up all night, she cried.

And he comforted her. He would try to do anything and everything to get her to calm down and help her go back to sleep.

Maybe he hated when he cried, not other people. The last time he had cried was when his brother, Ben, passed away in a car accident.

He hadn't cried since.

But that night, that awful night when he was stupid enough to leave the love of his life, he cried himself to sleep.

He hadn't been the same since then.

Beck never bothered to get rid of the pictures of them from when they were together, or have her take back all the clothes that were in the black drawer he bought specifically for her. He never touched any of her stuff. He couldn't bring himself to.

He hated how he longed to breathe in the vanilla scent that her hair used to have, or how he would practically beg to press his lips against hers one last time.

He hated that somehow, his bed still smelled like her. He hated how all of her make-up still laid around his bathroom sink, and that her hair products still stayed in the shower.


He hated how he missed her.

But of course he missed her. How couldn't he? She was everything to him and more.

And he was such an idiot to let her go.

Sure, he was sick and tired of all the fighting. He was exhausted from fighting with her over every little thing. He just wanted a break from it all.

But three months passed, and he knew that their break-up wasn't just a little break.

It was probably for good.

Beck groaned as he brushed his teeth, accidentally knocking over some make-up that scattered around his sink.

A tube of lipgloss caught his eye, and he quickly spit out his toothpaste and rinsed out his mouth before he took hold of it.

It was cupcake flavored, which was something Cat would have acquired, not Jade. But he remembered how she used to put it on every morning before school, and when he kissed her lips they were sweet.

He took off the cap and inhaled a whiff of it, wanting to remember how it smelled. When he realized that it was kind of creepy, he placed it back down where it was before.

Sighing heavily, he walked out of the bathroom in only his boxers and tripped over one of her black bras that laid on the floor at the foot of his bed. Even though he knew he should, he didn't even stop to pick it up and toss it away.

He left it there, knowing dang well he would trip over it again tomorrow.

He climbed into bed, pulling the covers up over his body as he wished Jade was next to him. The right side of the bed was empty, where she used to sleep.

He missed waking up to see his beautiful girlfriend still sleeping soundly, a cute little pout playing on her lips as usual. He missed waking her up with a cup of coffee in hand, so she wouldn't kill him when he shook her gently awake.


He missed every little thing about her, but there wasn't anything he could do about it.

He was the one who broke up with her, after all.

Beck closed his eyes, but every time he did so, her face would pop up in his head. He tried to shake away the memory of her, but obviously it wasn't working so well.

He shut his eyes tighter, and when it became clear that the thought of her wasn't going to just disappear, he drifted off to sleep, as he dreamt of her as he did every night.


It wasn't much easier for Jade.

In fact, quite the opposite of easy.

Everything reminded her of him.

Hell, she even had a picture of the two of them still as the lockscreen to her phone. She never bothered to change it.

She knew she should at least go pick up the many clothes she left at his RV, most probably scattered over the floor if he hadn't threw them out yet. She wished he didn't, but she was his ex-girlfriend. She'd be pretty surprised if he hadn't thrown out all of her stuff by now.

He probably even burned it all.

The raven haired beauty slipped on a small black nightgown, then turned to face herself in the mirror she had on the wall of her room.

She stared at her reflection, cocking her head to the side as she examined herself in the mirror.

Big blue doe eyes. Snow white skin. Jet black hair. Pink, plump lips.

She was pretty, right?

She wasn't so sure.

"Is that why Beck broke up with me?" She asked herself softly. "What if the whole 'tired of fighting' thing was an excuse?"

She continued taking in her reflection, frowning at what she saw.

She never thought she was ugly, but maybe everyone else thought differently.

Beauty was everything, nowadays.

"Why can't I look like Vega?" She questioned to herself. "Or Cat? They're both so pretty and skinny..."

Then she quickly shook her head. "No, I'm not fat. Right?"

Groaning in irritation, she continued, "am I fat? Ugh, I don't know anymore."

But just in case, she would only eat nothing but salads from then on.

The goth climbed into bed, sighing softly as she closed her eyes.

She needed to stop thinking about him.

He needed to stop thinking about her.

If only it were that easy.

But it wasn't ever that easy.

Before she knew it, she fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of him as she did every night.


The next day was rainy and cloudy.

Beck groaned and sat up in bed, almost smiling at how happy Jade would've been due to the gloomy weather.

But then he shook it off just as fast, not wanting to think of her. Dreaming about her all night was enough.

The tanned-skin Canadian hurried and got dressed for school, fixed his hair, grabbed his car keys, and headed out the door.

He arrived to school and headed inside to his locker to grab his books for first period as he did every day.

But something caught his eye.

He saw Jade at her locker, as usual, but talking to...

Another guy?


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