《Mundane Musings of a Misunderstood Mind》CHAPTER 3


What is the yardstick to measure success, and when are we really belly full with it? If I were to adhere to the presumption that YOLO (You only live once), then why are we running like headless chickens in this rat race when in the end, it all amounts to absolutely nothing? So, I could be a nomad or the President, and eventually, we would end up in the same place. Perhaps we achieve success to feed our enormous ego; what better way to satiate that unending pit than to try and live on in history books?

Let people talk about your story even after you die and gain immortality. No, this seat is not reserved only for a select few. All are invited: the serial killers and those responsible for genocide, fraudsters, terrorists, and, not to sound too cynical, let's not forget our politicians, business tycoons and our friends from the entertainment industry, the media and the legal profession.

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