《My "Stepfather"》The Mission


I get out the shower, putting on all black attire. Black shoes, black leggings, black hoodie and a black sports bra. Black socks, shit even a black thong.

I walk down the stairs tying my hair into a high messy bun. I notice Lucas on the couch wearing grey.

"Here we go" I whisper to myself.

"Ready" I say, just grabbing my phone.

One thing i learned, never bring your wallet, u want them to have as little information on you or your family as possible. And there's a pin for the house, not keys.

"So that's the real reason why you had to leave home?" He asked, pissed off.

"It's not your concern" I say already annoyed.

"It is when your fucking with work and business, your fucking your moms HUSBAND. Does that not alarm you" He shouts.

I get closer to him.

"Don't speak on shit you don't know about" I say, starting to get pissed off.

"Oh i get it, that's why you left, because your embarrassed and a whore" He says.

I smack him, it was instinct.

"I didn't leave, i was kicked out with shorts and a bra on NO FUCKING SHOES. Praying that I would get help from the one person i can remember. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed at this thing i have with him. If anything i'm embarrassed and ashamed of that shit." I say, very pissed off.

He stands there.

"My mother hated me from the very moment my father walked out that door. I'm sorry if i'm fucked up in the head but it's who i am." I continue.

"And you, probably the main one i trusted in my life at the moment dared to fix your lips like that to me." I say, walking towards the door.

I get a text saying he's arrived, I leave the house, getting in the car, slamming the door.

"Damn" Trey says.

Lucas gets in the back seat.

"The tension in this car is really high" Trey announces.

"The only thing higher is the smell of sex in the car" Lucas replies.

"Keep sniffing, that's the closest your gonna get to it, at least with Nya" Trey replies, driving off.

The car ride wasn't silent at all, Trey was being his annoying usual self. But after about 15 minutes we arrive.

Lucas gets out the car first walking to the building.

"Alright so how long have you 2 been fucking" Trey ask.

"Who, me and lucas? never" I say, surprised he would think such a thing.

"How many times y'all kissed?" He ask.

"We ne-" I begin to say.

"Don't lie" He says.

"Never" I reply.

"So what's the problem?" He ask.

"Well, um, he kind of called me a whore for" I begin to say.

"Wait huh" Trey says, cutting me off.


"Repeat yourself love" He says getting impatient, even though it's only been 2 seconds.

"I said he called me a whore but don't be mad" I say quickly, reaching for his arm already knowing he was going to try to leave the car.

"Nya" He says.

"Trey" I reply.

"I'm just going to talk to him." He says, one hand still on the door.

"I already smacked him" I reply.

He turns back around facing me, removing my hand off him.

"I'll wait till after we're done" He says.

"Good, now come on" I reply.

We get out the car walking into the building. Walking in Lucas's eyes automatically goes to my body, seeing if my clothes changed I assumed. And by my surprise my mother? Was standing in the corner, but did Trey care? no.


"Yeah he likes you likes you, too bad." He whispers in my ear, noticing where Lucas's eyes were wandering.

I rolled my eyes, smiling, the fact that he's really this confident amazes me. I walk over to Lucas.

"Whatd he say?" He questioned.

"Nothing important" I reply.

"So we're lying to eachother now" He ask.

I look around making sure nobody was around.

"Obviously this is about that one kiss that you said you was over. But you're not, so you lied first." I reply, whispering.

"I'm assuming husband over there doesn't know." He says, smirking.

"One kiss though, that's what your telling yourself? let's try 3." Lucas says, correcting me.

"The other 2 doesn't count, you kissed me" I reply.

"You kissed back" He says.

He steps closer to me.

"I can make it 4" He replies.

I step back.

"Not happening, look whatever is happening is going to mess with our work today. Don't let it." I reply, walking over to table to hear the instructions.

"Great, glad you guys can join" Treys dad says, sarcastically.

"I just received a threat, it was delivered to my front door actually. A note, and I know who it came from. Look, they know where I lay my head and if they know where I sleep i'm pretty damn sure they know where y'all sleep. Excluding Lucas and Sanya." He says.

"They're planning something, i don't know what but we need to hit them before they hit us" He continues, announcing.

"Question" I say.

"What" He replies.

"Do we know the layout of the building and whos in there and shit?" I question.

"No, we just know it's a club, members only unless you got a invite or are somebody's arm candy" Treys dad replies.

"So we're just going in there blind? No inside man, no nothing? This shit is the reason why you guys been fucking up." I announce.

"So what do you say we do Nya" Trey says, looking at me.

"I say we check the place out, send in some arm candy, give us a number of people, number of rooms, something. Because going in blind is a good way for a shout-out ending horribly. Compared to going in knowing where we're going and what we're doing." I say, confidently.

"So your going to be the arm candy?" Treys dad ask.

"No" Trey says.

"Yes" I reply.

"Don't listen to her, the minute they read her out it's over for her" Trey says, sternly.

"I say go for it" Lucas says.

"Yeah because your destructive, you don't think before you do" Trey says.

"What's your problem, aren't we on the same team" Lucas replies.

"I don't know you tell me" Trey replies, turning his body to face Lucas.

"Hey! Enough!" Treys dad yells.

"I'll get in contact with a worker there who owes me a favor. I'll get Lucas on the list with a plus 1, Sanya, u are the plus one." His dad orders.

"I don't like that plan" Trey announces.

"Why because it's not you?" Lucas says back.

"Yeah babe why?" Vea adds on.

"Absolutely because it's not me. I don't know you, nobody knows you." Trey begins to say.

"Isn't that a good thing" Lucas says, cutting him off.

"Not when your doing a mission with a strong valuable person" Trey says.

"I know her better" Lucas says.

"Doubt that" Trey replies, snickering.

Vea hits Treys shoulder.

"I've been working with her as she progressed I know her codes better, her signs and movements." Lucas says, sternly.


This has been going on for too long. But i'm not stopping it yet, they need to get this shit out or it's going to affect the mission.

"Oh yeah, send me in" Trey says, returning his attention to his dad.

"Can't" Treys dad replies.

"Because your weak" Lucas adds on.

"Oh yeah, i'll show you weak" Trey says stepping to him.

Alright, guess i'll stop it now, especially because vea is running over to Treys side, like shes capable of helping.

"Alright, y'all taking this too far, let's relax" I say, standing in Treys way of moving closer to Lucas.

He still looks pissed, like when he attacks him, he's attacking to kill.

"Trey" I say sternly.

He looks at me. I was going to open my mouth to say something else. But the eye contact between me and him was good enough. It was for a short time but it connected.

"Fuck" He shouts as he walks away.

I knew exactly why he said that too, because once he looked at me he had no control over himself. Whatever I wanted was how it was going to be, and he doesn't like that.

He doesn't like other ppl being in control of what he wants. I'm like his weakness, his kryptonite, but trust it's definitely vice versa.

"They can't send you in because they'll know you Trey. Come on you think their dumb, we got this." I say, trying to ease his mind, give him comfort.

"You guys are on the list, go get dressed, i'm pretty sure you guys have your own fun toys." Treys dad says.

I nod and so does Lucas.

"Here" Trey says throwing me his car keys.

I catch them.

"Okay, see y'all soon" I announce.

I get in the car and Lucas gets in the passenger seat. After the awkward silence in the beginning i turn on the radio.

*Arrives at the house*

After struggling to find an outfit for the last fucking hour. Well what felt like a hour, I settled on a red, skin tight dress. I take my hair out it's bun and just brush it down.


"Lucas" I say, calling out for him as i'm walking down the stairs.

I see he's already at the door in a black suit.

"Damn" He says, admiring my outfit.

"Stop" I reply.

"It's like that?" He says.

"At the moment, yes" I reply.

"I only have knives on my belt" I continue to say.

"So i have to carry your gun and mine yup okay got it" He says.

"Actually you don't, Trey has a leg holder in the car" I say, hoping he does.

He was just acting like he knows me oh to well, and i don't like that.

Lucas rolls his eyes and heads for the door. I follow behind, getting in the driver seat of the car.

I look in Treys glove department and find the leg holder. I take it out and drive off.

*After 25 minutes we arrive at the club*

"Earpiece" I command, with my hand out.

Lucas hands it to me.

"Gun" I command.

"First stop commanding me to do shit and second i don't have it." He says.

"What do you mean you don't have it" I say, turning my face to his.

"I thought u was grabbing it because you said he had a leg holder in the car" He says.

"Fuck Lucas" I say annoyed.

I take my phone out calling Trey.

"Wassup Love" He says answering the phone.

I lightly smirk, "Extra gun" I reply.

"Under the driver seat, where's yours" He questions.

"It was left at the house" I reply annoyed.

"Better know how to use mine, that's my baby" He replies.

I smile, "I thought I was" I reply.

"You are, that's just my first" He says.

"Wow" I reply.

"Nosa" He says, giggling.

"We have to go now" Lucas says, jumping in the conversation.

"Be safe" Trey says, seriously.

"Always" I reply, hanging up.

"Y'all are in love" Lucas says, sounding jealous.

"Someone's jealous" I say, annoyed.

After i put the gun in the gun holder and the gun holder on my leg, we get out the car, heading for the door. I turn my earpiece on and check it. Everything's good. Lucas announces himself at the door and the code and we are now in.

"Come in Nya" Someone on the earpiece says.

"Here" I whisper.

"Lucas?" They say next.

"Here" He says.

"Play a game or two, dance, don't drink, split up after a few. Sanya you pretend your going to the bathroom, head for the secret room. Lucas, tell us how many rooms, how many people, you get it" A voice says, i now realize it's Treys dad.

Fuck, I didn't tell my dad i loved him and was on a mission.

"Trey" I whisper.

"Wassup" He replies.

"My dad" I whisper back.

"Gotchu" He responds.

I smile, I love the way he just knows.

We walk to a table, joining in on a game.

"Welcome" The guy across from me says.

I just look at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Thank you" Lucas says.

"Haven't seen you guys before" The guy continues, talking to Lucas but looking at me.

"We're new around here" Lucas says.

"Who invited you guys" The guy ask, drilling us.

"I wouldn't worry about that, I would worry about how badly you're going to lose right now" I say, seductively talking and looking at the man.

He just smirks, "Doubt it"

After a few rounds I whisper to Lucas that I want to head for the dance floor. We get up about to walk away.

"Tired of losing?" The guy says cockily.

"Tired of sitting, going to dance" Lucas replies, laughing.

"Will i see you around" The guy says now directing his attention to me.

"Maybe, depending on If i want you to see me" I say, heading for the dance floor.

"Literal disgust" I say as we walk away.

After dancing for a while it was time for the plan to be in action

"I'm going to use the bathroom" I announce.

Lucas nods.

I go inside the bathroom, inside the stall.

"Details so far" Trey says in the earpiece.

"Security is tight, like 2 people stationed at every door" I announce.

"How many doors and exits" Trey continues.

"I counted 3 just from the dance floor to the bathroom." I say.

"Lucas?" They question.

"6, in total 3 on each side of the club" He whispers.

"And exits?" Trey ask.

"I'll check them out" Lucas responds.

"Do you know where to start looking for the secret room Sanya?" Treys dad ask.

"Yeah, saw stairs that lead downstairs, i'm pretty sure people will be stationed there too" I announce.

"If you can't flirt your way through" Treys dad begins to say.

"Use my knife, one stab or slice to the throat, got it" I say cutting him off.

*Awkward silence*

"I think you guys are forgetting who my dad is, where are you guys?" I say and question.

"5 Minutes out" Trey says.

"Kk, going to check it out" I say.

I leave the bathroom heading for the stairs, seeing 2 bodyguards stationed. I proceed to walk down.

"Nobody's allowed down here ma'am" The bodyguard says.

"I'm not worried about what is down there, i'm worried about what's down there" I say looking at a specific part of the bodyguards body.

The other bodyguard laughs while the one i was talking to smirks.

"Ma'am, are you drunk? We can get you a car ride home." He replies.

I begin to walk further down the stairs.

"The only thing I want to ride is you." I say.

"That's unfortunate" I hear a familiar voice say.

I turn around, "You found me" I say.

"What's going on." He replies.

"Apparently she wants to ride me" The bodyguard says, geeked, cocky like.

"Lies, I mean I said that but it was only a way to get through. I was looking for you." I say.

"Me?" The guy questions, raising an eyebrow.

"That's what i said, are you going to show me a good time?" I ask, walking closer to him.

He smirks, "Wheres your boyfriend" He replies.

"I don't recall having one of those" I say, reaching him and running my hand down his chest.

He grabs my hand, taking it in his, "Excuse y'all selves" He says to the bodyguards.

"Yes boss" The reply.


"Where are you guys located, there's 6 rooms, 5 people in 2 and 3 people in 4. The lobby has 3 tables of games set up and the dance floor is filled with girls, no guys." Lucas says, in the earpiece.

"We're about to come in" Treys dad says.

"Wait" I say.

"Wait?" The guy in front of me questions.

"Wait?" I hear in my earpiece.

"I don't have a condom" I say to the guy.

"Huh?" They question over the earpiece.

"Who says we need one?" He questions.

"We're moving in" Trey says.

Fuck. I want to tell them that there's 5 extra rooms down here and I didn't take the bodyguards out. Shit.

Me and the guy begin kissing and he begins feeling up on my body. Until there's gunshots going off and people are yelling and screaming.

"Fuck" He shouts

"Stay" He says, about to run out the room.

"You need us?" I hear, i don't know from where but somewhere.

"Not right now" He replies.

I look in the other rooms, seeing men, I take my gun out, well Treys. I check it out putting it back after realizing he has a silencer, great.

The first room had 3 people in, i walk in.

"Who let you in" One of the guy says.

"The boss" I reply.

"Doubt that" The other guy replies.

He gets up, i assume to remove me. I take the gun out, aiming at his head and firing. The other 2 guys reach for their guns quickly but i take them both out before they had the chance.

I hear footsteps running and I assumed it was because of all the commotion. With the guys falling out there seats. I hid behind the door waiting for them to enter. They're going to enter ready.

One guy steps in, i trip him so he falls and take a stab in the back of the neck. The guy behind him aims at me, shooting, but i saw it coming so i get up doing a trick to take his gun shooting him. But he didn't have a silencer. Now here comes everybody that's down here.

"Nya you good" I hear Lucas say.

"I can use a little help" I say peeking out the door, seeing about 10 people running towards me.

'A little' was an understatement.

"On the way" I hear Trey say.

The guys come running down, i go out the room, aiming at them, seeing that i shot 2 people.

"2 down, 8 to go" I whisper to myself.

"Boss, a girl down here is clearing everybody out" I hear one of the guys say.

They continue firing as i duck and dodge back into the room. I hear gunshots outside the door.

"Nya there's a code, let us in" I hear.

"Fuck" I shout.

I run back outside, shooting with both guns to distract. I open the door quickly letting them in. I pull them to the side as they're being fired at.

"You look hot" Trey says.

"Not the time" I say, out of breath.

"How many you take out?" Lucas questioned.

"7" I say.

"How many left?" Trey questioned.

"Idk, there's 8 in the hall but there can be more." I say.

"Okay plan?" Lucas questioned.

"Just shoot" Me and Trey said at the same time.

Trey took his vest off giving it to me.

"Here" He says.

"I'm good" I reply.

"Take the damn vest" He says.

I snatch it from him, putting it on.

We get back in the hallway, and begin to fire running into the first room.

After a while we take them out, making it into the last room. The treasure room as I would call it.

"Lookout" I say, taking my pick first.

The boys wander around, picking at things and analyzing before calling the men down here to gather things.

Now this next part was dumb, I was too busy fixated on Trey and how fine he looks that I forgot i was the lookout. Until i felt a arm around my throat and a gun pointed to my head.

"Hello Trey" The guy says.

They both look up, aiming their guns at him.

"Let her go" Lucas says.

"Why should I, she came in here and took half of my team out." He says.

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