《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 27


Y/n's Point Of View.

And just when I thought everything will go on my way and I will go back to France with a good news to Ran.

Everything went down the moment I saw Ran's mother again, in front of Mr. Haitani's mansion.

I came back here to take everything I have left, but never was I expected to see her just when I was about to leave.

I suddenly remember my scar on my face, I glared at her as she motioned her bodyguards to come and get me.

I was about to go hysterical mode but they covered my mouth. Pointed a gun on my side, I gasped when I felt the metal on my skin, I was terrified.

She's the real antagonist. She exists to ruin my life, and look at her right now. Smirking devilishly as she was looking at me.

"Take her."

I tried my best to get away from their grips, but her men are all muscular and huge. I can't even stand a chance against them.

"Stop fidgeting too much!" It seems like Ran's mother has some anger issues.

Because everything went black after I felt how she hit my head with a baton. My eyesight becomes blurry and everything just faded to black.


"Ran is only for Heather, get that inside your head okay?" She pulled my hair before drowning me again in a drum filled with water.

I was crying nonstop as soon as I got to this place, I don't even know where I am. I was chanting Ran's name nonstop in my head. Praying that he will come for my rescue.

She pulled my head back up again, "Now, you're going to write a letter for my son. Telling him that you've changed your mind and found a new man.. and that you will never comeback to him ever again."


"Are you stupid?! I will never do that!" I yelled at her, but it was a mistake.

She pointed a gun on my stomach, I suddenly felt like all of my blood were drained out. I am mostly scared of guns being pointed at me.

"If you don't... I will kill you, and your child."

And that's when my world stops, did she just say child? My child?

"I have no child! You are mentally ill! Let me go!"

"What a pity, you didn't even know you have a child inside you?" She laughed, "You probably didn't know who's the father is huh?"

"What child? I am not pregnant!" I protested, last time I checked I was not pregnant.

"That's not what my doctor said.. well, I was being generous to be concerned if I accidentally killed you when I hit you with a baton.. my sons baton. So I asked a private doctor to check up on you, big news.. you are pregnant."

My heart started pounding hard when she said that. It can't be, she must be lying. If I am pregnant, then I should tell this to Ran.. I-i'm pretty sure he'll be happy right?

But I found it hopeless, how can I tell him when I'm stuck here with his mother.. I don't even know where the heck I am.

"Let me go, p-please.. if ever you're telling the truth. It's your grandchild who I am carrying." Tears started to form again, I found it useless to fight with her.. I'm all weak at the moment.

"And you think I will believe that? With a thot like you? How impossible." She finally let go of my hair as she stood up. Shaking her head.

"Please, let me go.. Ran needs to know-"


"Don't feed her for three days, that's her punishment for claiming that I will let her carry my grandchild." And before I could even react, she closed the door shut.

Leaving me alone in this dark room, my hands were tied. My knees were bruised, my clothes are also wet.. what did I even do.

The worst part is finding out that I'm carrying his child in a situation like this.. I didn't want to know that I'm pregnant while I'm being kidnapped.

I joined my hands together.. praying that everything will be alright. I was praying that everything was just a dream and this isn't reality.

I was praying that Ran will come out of that door.

But sadly, after days of being inside here. Not knowing what the fuck is happening out there, I smiled as a drop of tear came running down my cheeks.

I was slowly loosing hope, It's only me and this child inside me.. Ran will never bother looking for me, that's because of the letter they forced me to write..

I doubt he will come and save me from the hell his mother created for me, and his child..

To my dearest Love.

You have probably noticed I'm gone, and by the time I was writing this. I am already on my way to a better place where you cannot find me. I realized that I can't be with a criminal like you, I've been dreaming to get out of your lives.. you and your father. And I finally did, I ran away with a man who promised to give me all the love in this world. Don't even try to look for me, because whatever you do.. I will never, ever comeback to someone who is as cruel as you, you don't have a life to begin with.. so how can you give me a better life?

-Y/n L/n.

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