《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 20


Y/n's Point Of View.

"I don't love you.."

I waited for his reaction, but then he shrugged and started the engine. "As long is it's not I won't love you, I'm cool with it."

I was speechless, I was just quiet until we reached back to the land. From everything Ran has done, I'm not even sure if he's telling me the truth or he just feels like loving me today.

Although I show him that I believe that Heather is just a payed woman... there's still a part of me that says otherwise. His proofs aren't enough, and I need to know more.

Anyway, his behavior didn't change at all. Until the next day came and we finally arrived back home. At this point, I don't even know what Mr. Haitani is thinking. There's already enough proof that I'm cheating on him.

Yet, he still demands me to be with him. A guy in a right state of mind would just dump me already. Like, how many times did Ran took me away from him?

"Merry Christmas."

My head was hung low as Mr. Haitani brightly greeted us. I was embarrassed, and Ran was not even looking at him. But I was stunned when Mr. Haitani grabbed the back of my head as he pulled to kiss my lips... in front of Ran.

I could feel how Mr. Haitani was directly looking at Ran's eyes as we started to make out. Guilt rush into me, especially when I felt Mr. Haitani's hands snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

He broke the kiss and smiled at me, "I missed you, darling."

"I-i missed you too." I forced a smile as my hand landed on his cheeks, caressing it.

"Come, let's eat.." He took the first leave, leaving us there.

And as I was about to follow him, Ran grabbed my wrist forcefully causing my back to crash on his chest. He grabbed the back of my hair and rested my head on his shoulder.

Seconds later, I saw him taking out a handkerchief. And started to drag it across my lips. My eyes closed because of how painful it feels, it feels like he's exfoliating my lips.

"Don't even let someone kiss you. Not even your own fiancé, got that?" He wasn't looking at me, but his tone was mad serious.


He let's go of me. And left me there as well, he was approached by Rindou on his way.. and it seems like Rindou whispered something that made Ran create this expression that I've never seen before. It was like as if he's scared of something.

I sighed, following them to the dinning area.. where most dramas happen.

And as soon as I arrived there. My brows furrowed, seeing a unfamiliar girl sitting on one of the chairs. My glance shifted to Ran, he was frowning as well as the girl has her head low.

"Ah yes, I asked Rindou to search for her. Then I invited her to eat with us, since sooner or later.." Mr. Haitani glance at Ran, "She will be part of the family."

My heart literally dropped to my stomach. It's Heather.

I glared at Ran who's just looking at her. So turns out that Heather is real, because she's sitting right here.

I shrugged this ache in my heart as I sat down next to Mr. Haitani, and in front of me.. is Heather.

"Come take a sit." Mr. Haitani ordered both Ran Rindou.

I noticed how hesitant Ran is sitting next to her. But he did anyway, I felt his glance over me.. But I ignore him, Rindou sat on my other side.

"Heather, I want you to meet my fiancé.. Y/n." Mr. Haitani said, introducing me to Heather.

We both made eye contact, I could see how her pupils were shaking but she smiled at me.

"I-it's nice to meet you." She sweetly said.

I wouldn't deny the fact that she's beautiful. She also looks very elegant, just like what Ran's bitch mom said. But why does it seems like she's uncomfortable.

"It's nice to finally meet you too." I gave her a smile.

"Sooo, how did you and my son met?" Mr. Haitani changed the topic.

"W-we... uhm... w-we've met online, sir."

To make the table scene shorter, all that happens was we basically eat as Mr. Haitani keeps on asking her questions about their love story. I can't stand hearing it honestly. While Ran remains silent the whole meal.

After that, Mr. Haitani excused himself because he's going back to his office work again. Meanwhile, Rindou asked for a help with a cake he's currently designing in the kitchen.

"Y/n wait.. let's talk." Ran said, stopping me and Rindou from our tracks.


"I'm busy, Ran. You should be focusing your time with you girlfriend." I gave him a fake smile before walking to the kitchen.

I don't know, his word yesterday of saying 'have faith in me' suddenly popped inside my head. Tsk! Sugar coated words to just sleep with me, what a jerk.

"It took some time before she finally agrees to come with me. Dad is really forcing me to bring her here." Rindou said while he was mixing the frosting.

"Oh really.." that's all I could say because my mind is blank right now.

"Oh shoot, I forgot the small designs in my room. Can you please get it for me?" He asked.

I sighed and nodded and went it my way. My mind is really blank, I feel like a dead plant walking and walking with no energy at all.

"You could've refused."

I suddenly heard Ran's voice as I was passing his room. The door was slightly open to out of curiosity, I decided to peek. And saw Ran and Heather talking.

"I-i'm sorry, your brother was really pushing me to come with him." Heather responded.

Ran sighed, "Didn't I told you to not come here anymore?" Even though he was irritated, he's still not raising his voice.

"I did not even know how they manage to know my location, sir. I swear I just came here by force." She explained herself to Ran.

"It's fine, I'll just fix this.. you may go now." Ran dismisses her.

I was zoning out that I didn't even realize that Heather open the door and was shock to see me eavesdropping. My eyes widened as I realized that they're staring at me.

"Y/n..?" Heather was confused to see me.

"I-i.. I was just walking by and I heard some arguing. I apologize for listening." It was embarrassing to say that. But my mouth just decided to spit it.

"Are you going to start ignoring me now?" Ran spoke, walking towards us. "Now that you saw her here in my room?"

"What are you talking about? Why are you acting as if we're really close?" I glared at him, I couldn't contain how mad I am to him.

"We are. I now that no matter how I explain things to you, you would never believe me."

For some reason, this triggered my wrath as I shifted my eyes to Heather. "Is he really just paying you?" I needed answer, right now.

"Yes.. I'm sorry, but since this is the last time we're going to see each other. Might as well just tell you the truth." She began, and Ran just let her speak. "He's paying me, so me and my son can survive. He pays me a lot so I stayed and let myself get involved with this scary household."

My eyes soften, I was not expecting her answer. But her answer is basically the same as what Ran told me.

"I saw you two together at a mall with your friends. And when he told me that he no longer needs me, I already knew that it's because of you. But I was not expecting it when his father introduced you as his stepmother." She bite her lower lips, I was just standing there and listening. "I know what it feels like to be in your shoes. I've also been there, I feel in love with my fiancé' son.. but we didn't end up together since his father got me pregnant.. he left me, but I couldn't stay with his dad so I run away as well.. but I was too broke, so when Ran came to help me I was happy because me and my son won't starve to death anymore.."

I was not expecting her to tell me everything.. I just asked a simple question.

"Ran introduced me to one of his friends, and hired me to a job.. that's why I don't need to pretend to be his love interest. I'm sorry if I caused you any pain just by existing as his pretend lover." She gave me a smile, before exiting from my sight.

She nodded at Ran before she started walking away. My eyes were just staring at her disappearing figure. I was speechless, I don't even know what to fucking say anymore.

"See? Even Heather knows how much I love you.. you're just denying it to yourself that you don't love me back." Ran chuckled, leaning on the door frame as he has his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"I still don't love you."

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