《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 13


"My poor baby."

I didn't have the time to react when she suddenly walked towards Rindou as she cupped his face as if she was babying him.

Looking at this woman that Rindou just called mom, well.. she's elegant and beautiful.. she looks young to be honest. But seeing her literally frightens me.

"Mom, I didn't know you would visit." Rindou was surprised too.. while I was just sitting there, watching them.

"Hearing my poor child getting hospitalized made me worried, so I came here as quick as I can."

"Mom, I am not a child anymore.. cut it out." I saw how Rindou blushed due to embarrassment as she removed his mother's hands from his cheeks.

She looks like a business woman, like those woman who don't need a man to relay too.. unlike me. Why the fuck am I suddenly feeling insecure over this old lady?

"Anyway, who is she?" Her brows were raised as she pointed at me.

"She's Y/n.. Dad-"

"Your father's fiancé, I see.." she started giving me a very intimidating look. Like I am a bad bitch, but I can't even do anything right now.

"She's nice mom, you don't have to be like that to her." I saw how Rindou held his mother's hands. But she yanked it away, crossing it in front of her chest as she intimidated me.

I maintained my eye contact on her scary gaze, she feels like those moms that will most likely say 'You cannot have my son'

"Oh is she? That probably explained why she's engaged with your father.. and probably fucking your older brother!"


I can't find the words to defend myself. Probably? Bitch I already fucked your son. But I can't say that, because it's either her or Rindou would snitch on me.

"Quiet, Rin. Stay out of this.. I just can't believe what I heard from our maids. Where did your father found her? At a bar? Street? In which dirty place does she usually belongs to?" This is why I hate bitchy old ladies.

"Mom, enough. Those maids are making assumptions on her relationship towards my brother. And none of that is true because she's just trying to be close with us." I appreciate how Rindou was defending me though, but I kept my silence because I don't wanna say something mean to her.

"Really? Why? Did she slept with you too? That's why you're defending her?"

"She didn't, Mom!"

"Tsk! A bitch doesn't have a place in Haitani household."

"That's why you no longer belong to the Haitani household." I said, glaring at her. I had enough, I can't take this bullshit anymore.

I tried my best not to talk back because she's still Rindou and Ran's mother.. due to respect I let her talk shit to me. But she's going too far.


"Are you saying that I'm a bitch?" She squinted her eyes on me.

"It's not my fault that I'm too gorgeous that's why your ex husband and your oldest son is folding because of me."

"Who said that my son is folding over you.. he already introduced a girl to me, and that's not you." My words back fired me.

I felt an ache in my chest again when she said that. A girl, which means only one girl. And it's not impossible that she's talking about the same girl Rindou and those maids were talking about.

And it fucking hurt me.

"I'll see you again, Y/n." And with that, she picked up her purse and walked out of the room with her heels making noises.

"I'm sorry for that." Rindou apologize, but I shook my head and gave him a smile.

"It's not your fault, you don't have to say sorry." I was deeply hurt, it feels like my chest is bleeding and I felt how heavy my breathing is.

Why am I even hurting over someone like Ran? It's clear to see that we just used each other for excitement. He's only using me for excitement while he treats someone else like a princess. And that thought fucking hurts like hell.

"My mother is insane, that's why I understand my dad though.. don't mind what she just said." Rindou was trying to make me feel at ease, but what his mother said about me wasn't really the painful part.

It's what she said about a girl.

"She's not the first one to say those to me. So don't worry." I sighed before standing up, "I have to go, I'm pretty sure your brother will be back.. I'm sorry if I have to leave you here."

I didn't let him respond as I quickly went for the door, I know his urge to stop me but I was fast enough.

And the moment I opened the door, I suddenly bumped into someone who just open the door at the same time I did. No surprise, it was Ran.

I looked away as I proceeded to leave without saying anything. Seeing him made it even worse, I'm hating the fact that I'm feeling like this over someone who loves someone else.

Author's Point Of View.

"What's her problem?" Ran was confused when you ignored her as you left.

Rindou sighed, as Ran closed the door after he got in.

"Didn't you bumped into Mom?" He asked his older brother when Ran finally sat down on the couch in front of him.

"Oh she was here? I didn't saw her, I went out to smoke though." Ran responded, crossing his legs.

"Well she was here, and guess what happened?"



"She fought with Y/n because of this things going on between you and her."

Ran was taken aback, "Huh? What did she said to her?"

"A lot.. I'm not Y/n, but I was hurt for her." Rindou said, shaking his head as he fixed his posture.

"Is that why she ignored me?"

"Probably.. say, what's really your relationship with Y/n though?" Rindou decided to flip the topic to that rumor.

But Ran chuckled, "Nothing, you know that I only wanted to put a ring on Heather's finger."

"Right.. her name is Heather, now I remember."


Days passed, Rindou finally recovered and was allowed to go home. Well, when it comes to you. You never left your room.

Mr. Haitani would only visit you and bring you some food or gifts. But you suddenly don't feel like seeing people after knowing that every single maid are there is stabbing you behind your back.

Ran? You tried to forget about it, but it feels like your first heartbreak from your first ever boyfriend. You're not even in a relationship with him. He's just someone you just fucked once.

"Hey, Darling. I'm having a special dinner for tonight. Come on, join us." Mr. Haitani's gentle voice was heard by you when he entered your room.

"I don't feel like it."

"Come on, please? Just this once. Plus, someone wants to meet you." He smiled at you making you confused.

"Who?" You asked.

"You will see, come on." With his smile, you finally got convinced to get out of your room as you took his hand.

He guided you to the dinning area. All the maids seems happy today because of their smile.. but they're not smiling over you.

Your eyes widened as you saw the same woman who talked shit about you days ago. Sitting next to Rindou, you chuckled as you thought that this is a family dinner but they just didn't have any choice but to include you.

But since you're already here, might as well enjoy it. You're unexpectedly sitting next to Ran as Mr. Haitani is always sitting in the middle chair.

Ran's mother is sitting on the opposite direction of him, while Rindou was in front of you. You could feel some maids stares because you're sitting next to Ran. You feel like a k-pop idol being ship to another k-pop idol.

"It's the first time she ever visited again, so she wants to meet you." Mr. Haitani said. As you all started with your food.

You stayed quiet all the time while they're having their conversations. Ran's mother would often bring back some of their old memories but either Rindou or Mr. Haitani would change the topic.

You don't have the mood to even speak, you just want this to be finished and go back to your room again to isolate yourself from everyone.

"So, Rin. Have you asked your father which dirty place did he picked her up?" Ran's mother has a sarcastic face pasted on her.

"Mom, please don't start." Rindou whispered to his mother, but she chose to ignore it.

"Anyway, how were you and Heather, Son? Oh I missed that sweet girl, she's literally a sweetheart compare to someone I know." She was smiling at Ran, but of course she didn't stop there.

"Heather is such an elegant lady who knows her manners. So I wouldn't be surprised that you liked her, so when are you going to propose to my future daughter-in-law?"

You bite your inner cheeks to prevent yourself from showing any emotion as you just stayed silent. She's intentionally saying this in front of you, to make you compare yourself to an angel like Heather.

Hearing those descriptions about her made you look down on yourself. Yeah, that's the girl Ran would want to have for the rest of his life. You bet he doesn't even call her names or aggressive towards her.

"I'd be happy to meet her too, son." Mr. Haitani spoke.

Ran doesn't know what to say and he was just nodding to his parents.

"I hope she doesn't hear these crazy rumors going around the house. Because I know for the fact that my son will never hit a low class woman who knows nothing but to spread her legs to every man she sees." Ran's mother looked directly at you.

Mr. Haitani stopped from eating as he glance at his ex wife. "I do not allowed such words in my house, quit it."

"I apologize, I was just saying." She shrugged as she smirked at you and proceeded to eat her food.

Ran looked at you, silently eating. He knows to himself that this dinner was already a mess.. and it wouldn't be good for anyone if this continues.

So he made the most stupid decision he could ever do, without even thinking twice. He stood up, gathering everyone's attention.

"Let's go." You were shock when he grabbed your wrist, making you stand up.

You were confused as you looked at him, but part of you was cursing him inside your head because he made you look more suspicious. But he just smiled at you.

And before he could even pull you to run away, you felt another hand grabbed your other wrist.

"Let go of my fiancé, son."

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