《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 6


Y/n's Point Of View.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Morgan yelled, taking all the attention of the people inside the coffee shop.

"Calm down, Morgan. You're embarrassing us.. anyways, what happened next?" Raven fixed her gaze back at me after scolding Morgan.

Morgan told me to stay away from Ran, and after knowing what I just did. She went insane and started to scold me over and over again, while Raven was just listening to my story with a smile.

"I told him I want to go home, since I don't wanna pull all of my move on the first day." I said, drinking my tea as I smiled, feeling proud.

"If I were you, I would've asked him to take me to a hotel and rail me like there's no tomorrow." Raven laughed as she was shaking her head.

"Y/n, you still have time to stay away from him. If his father found out about this.. for sure your sugar baby life is over." Morgan started to nag again.

"I know that, but he wouldn't know anything about this. His house is basically at his office."

"So will this relationship you have with this dude continues even if you married his dad already? What if you fell for him? You're putting yourself in a huge mess." Morgan has a point, and my plan from the start is to show Mr. Haitani how truthful my love is for him until I can finally secure the bank account.

But Ran ruined that. It's Mr. Haitani's fault for having such a fine eldest.

"Stop nagging jeez, let her have fun. She's going to end up getting married anyway. So do whatever you want to do. Go fuck your stepson." Raven spoke again, winking at me. Making me giggle.

"I want him to be crazy over me, I want to see him beg for me.. whine for me and all that shit." I honestly want him to be all over me, to be the point that he can't live a day without seeing me.

"I'm still curious why you brought us here, we should be at the bar right now celebrating because you're finally securing that bank account." Raven said.

"One more year, and I'll finally secure it."


I got back to the mansion right after I hung out with my friends for almost the whole day. But boy I wasn't expecting Mr. Haitani to be here.

"Did you had fun with your friends?" He greeted me sweetly as his hands snaked around my waist while he placed a kiss on my forehead.


"Uh-huh. What about you? You're home early?" He usually comes home late at night. So seeing him while the sun is still alive is new to me.

"I forgot something here, and I also waited for you to tell you that I'll be busy again and won't be able to come home tonight." He explained, he already told me about this yesterday. He must've forgotten about it since he's old.

But then suddenly, I saw Ran and Rindou walking towards us. So I suddenly wrapped my arms around Mr. Haitani's neck as I kissed his cheeks.

"I missed you." I smiled at him, I know Ran heard that because he was looking at us.

"Gosh, get a room you two." Rindou complain as they both stopped in front of us.

This time, Ran wasn't looking anymore. He has his eyes fixed somewhere else.

"Rin, where are you two going?" Mr. Haitani asked, when he saw his two son.

"At a bar, to have some fun. You know what fun I'm talking about right dad?" Rindou gave Mr. Haitani that look

While I just realized how my plan on making him jealous back fired me. Now I'm the one who's pissed off knowing that Ran will be out tonight to go fuck some girls he sees at a bar.

Tsk, I can't let that fucking happened.. He's only mine.

"Have fun boys-"

"Wait." I cut him off, earning the attention of them all except for Ran. "Since you're going back to work, and they're also going out.. I might feel lonely here all alone." I pouted, which is cringe. But I know Mr. Haitani's weakness.

"It must be hard for you since you're still getting used in this mansion.... why don't you take Y/n with you?" He said to Rindou, I wanted to jump out of joy since I don't have to do more acting for him to actually have that idea.

"Oh, yeah sounds fun.. what do you think?" Rindou asked Ran. But Ran just shrugged his shoulders. But I don't care if he's acting cold right now, because I am not letting him have that type of fun tonight.

"I think you guys are ready to go, be careful and don't loose sight on her." Mr. Haitani reminded his two son.

I don't have to change because I'm already wearing the perfect outfit to go to the bar. Also the perfect outfit to pissed off Ran. Yeah, I was wearing a scandalous outfit as ever.

I did my goodbyes to Mr. Haitani while the two waited for me. I acted all sweet and stuff like that before walking with the brothers towards the main door.


I don't actually know the things about these two, they always wear a suit whenever they go out. Just like Ran yesterday.


We arrived at a bar shortly, Ran was driving while I had some conversations with Rindou the whole ride. It wasn't quiet as it was yesterday when there's only me and Ran.

"My older brother told me that you already know about the bonten executives. So yeah, we're meeting them here." Rindou said, while walking to the direction of a private room they reserved.

"It's no biggie. This is better than staying at home bored and all of that." So far, I got some stares from dudes as we walked towards the private room.

Meanwhile, Ran hasn't spoken a word yet. Which was new since he used to be so bold and says a lot of bullshit, but now he's quiet.

I didn't get to meet him this morning, since I woke up late and I went to my friends as soon as I woke up. So why is he so quiet all of a sudden?

Anyway, my panties- I mean jaw literally dropped when Rindou opened the door to reveal more handsome guys. I used my eyes to count them and there's about six more good looking guys.

I'm only familiar with the one, which was the same guy I met yesterday. And they're all accompanied with a girl, except for the guy who has black hair with dark circles under his eyes.

And to the corner, there are two girls.. probably reserved for Rindou and Ran. Well too bad, Ran is already accompanied with me so they better not try me.

"Stay near us, slut." Ran whispered in my ears as they both walked towards the red long sofa.

"The brothers are here, and they're with their stepmom."


I literally froze when the guy with pink mullet announced that. I was shitting myself because of embarrassment, I could feel how hot my face was when they're all looking at me as I followed the brothers where they sit.

What he heck is wrong with that guy? Is he high or something?

"Isn't she too young to be your stepmother?" The guy with a huge scar on his right face asked as he picked up his glass and drank from it.

"She is, but who cares anyway." Rindou shrugged.

After that, the two girls from earlier stood up to sit next to Ran and Rindou. I was sitting in between them so those two have space on their other side.

I was pissed, yeah jealous even though I'm prettier that this bitch who just sat next to my man. I was even more pissed when Ran entertained her. He was smirking and shit like that while he has his arms around her shoulder.

The girl was obviously into it, what am I supposed to do here? Wait and watch them eat each other? No fucking way?

"She's pretty, why don't you just wifed her Kokonoi? Since you like to waste your money, and she's into guys with lots of money." Okay, I was offended when the guy with pink mullet again. I swear to God this guy is high.

"Yeah, just steal her from my dad." Rindou added as he laughed.

Well looking at this guy named Kokonoi, he's hot too. Like I would smash him, after knowing that he's rich too.. if he decided to take me from Mr. Haitani I would let him. But at the same time Ran still exist.

"So you won't have a hot stepmom anymore? Bro it's literally a dream come true to have a hot stepmom." Pink mullet dude said after kissing a girls neck.

"Well why don't you guys asked her instead of debating." It was the guy with a beard this time.

And they all looked at me, "I'd take it." I said in a smirk while looking at my glass before drinking it bottoms up.

They all started to make a noise, while Kokonoi was looking at me with a grin. I winked at him, and noticed how he blushed when he saw me winking at him.

"Then it set, Kokonoi's next mission is to steal Ran and Rindou's stepmom away from their father!" They all cheers, Yes including me and the other ladies.

While Ran was just sitting quietly next to me. After my glass touched theirs and us drinking. I decided to tease him now.. since I could feel the tension because he stopped entertaining the girl.

"I guess I have to say goodbye to you now." I chuckled, teasingly shrugging my shoulders.

"Kokonoi won't take a slut like you." He's mad, I could feel it. That's his punishment for entertaining that bitch next to him.

"You wanna bet?"

He didn't respond to me, but instead. He pick up his shot glass that has alcohol in it. And to my surprise, he poured it all over my chest, causing me to gasp as I felt the cold liquid entering my dress and sliding down in between my breast.

"What the heck?" I hissed at him.

He smirked, "Oh, my apologies... here, let me lick it for you."

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