《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 1


"So you're going to be our stepmom?"

You're expecting two boys who are probably a spoiled brat and will be a bitch to handle. But to your surprised, you're welcomed by two fine man. One has a mullet, and the other one has his hair styled in a way where you could describe him as the better looking one.

"She's the same age as you, Rin. But, still treat her with respect." Your sugar daddy/now fiancé ordered while these two guys in front of you were just giving you a judgement look.

You're having mixed feelings when you saw the guy next to the dude with mullet. You felt butterflies in your tummies just by looking at this fine man. You're sure your undies are probably wet because of him.

"Tss! This is so sick, wait 'till Sanzu hears about this." The guy names Rindou laughed, while the guy named Ran was just casually having a lazy smile while holding a baton that is resting on his shoulder, while his other hand is inside his pocket.

But they really couldn't careless about your presence, as they both started to walk away from you. And Ran giving you a smirk before walking to the main door where you just got in from.

Your eyes followed him, as they finally disappeared from your sight when the huge door was closed.

"Sorry, darling. Those two doesn't know their values and often just messing around.. but they won't be a pain in the ass." Let's call him Mr. Haitani, he has his hands around your waist while two of his body guards were standing behind you.

You nodded and smiled at him, while all you could think of.. Is his handsome oldest.

Mr. Haitani is a dilf, rich and has a good physical appearance. Why did you decide to just throw away your education in exchange of him being your sugar daddy?

It's simple, you go by the quote 'Why get a job, when you can have a sugar daddy?' Luckily, you found a jackpot.. the only worse part is. He has an attractive son that caught your attention at first sight.

Then what's the purpose of graduating college if you'll just ended up getting yourself a sugar daddy? Simple, school taught you nothing.. you find school useless. You want things to be in front of you ASAP without working hard for it.


So when Mr. Haitani proposed to you after meeting you within two months. You said yes immediately with a smirk on your face, and once you got married you'll have all his money in your bank account.


"His house was huge, you can literally tell how filthy rich he is just by seeing his lambo collection in his garage. He literally showed me off earlier, and I can assure you that I hit a jackpot!" You're currently on a phone with your best friend, Morgan who is a hundred percent disagreeing with your decisions.

"Y/n, please rethink your decision. I know a lot of job offerings for people who just graduated college." Morgan response from the other line, making you roll your eyes.

"Anyway, his son oldest is older than me. I wasn't expecting him to be that hot, but I'm definitely into him." You giggle as you ignored her words.

She sighed, "Okay stay away from that dude. He won't do good on you if you're trying to have a good impression to his father."

Morgan is your best friend since middle school. She's always the mom of your friend group and she doesn't do fun all she does is focus on working hard for her future, which is definitely unlike you.

Since your parents died at a very young age. You're in your aunts custody, and with a new environment.. you met your other best friend, Raven. Who has the same personality as you.

She also got herself a sugar daddy, now she's currently having a vacation in hawaii.. celebrating her graduation there.

"Oh please, Morgan.. it's not like I'm literally going to fall for him. Do you think I'll replace money over.." you gagged. "..love?"

You heard Morgan chuckled from the other side, "Of course you won't. Anyway, don't forget my reminders.. stay away from him. Just call me again if you need anything, I have work to do."

"Oookay, have FUN at your work." You teased her, but she immediately hanged up on you. "Tsk! Rude."

Now that you're done putting away your stuff. You basically have nothing else to do. You did had your own room in inside this mansion, why?


Because you came up with a lie, telling Mr. Haitani that it's in your traditions that you're not allowed to sleep next to him or have sex before marriage.. and he believes it.

He's still your fiancé, marriage is a year from now. You felt kinda pissed since you have to wait for a year before actually getting a position when it comes to the inheriting.

"I wonder where did those two went?" You asked yourself, finally picking yourself up to just walk around the house.

Mr. Haitani is always busy with his work. So you don't have to be with him 24/7 even if you're living inside his house already. Today is a great example, he just drops you off, showed you around then left.

Your feet took you to the garage again. You decided that you want to take a selfie of his cars to brag on your instagram, to make those insecure bitches more angry.

And so that's what you did. The garage seems empty so you took your time taking bunch of selfies, and all that shit making sure you look good in every photo.

"Hmm, is there another brand of cars in here?" You asked to yourself as you started to look around.

This garage is probably bigger than your whole aunties house. You can get lost here if you're stupid enough, so you walked to the direction where you didn't go earlier when Mr. Haitani gave you a took.

And you jaw literally dropped when you saw six more expensive looking cars park inside this garage. They're in different brands, not just lambo.. it feels like they have it all in here.

You got all excited and went to the first car close to you. It was a Mate Black Ferrari that screams expensiveness. And you're loving this car at first sight.

You looked around you first to make sure no one is around. Before sitting down on the hoods comfortably before taking out your phone again.

And as you were about to hit click, you suddenly jumped out on your feet when you heart a loud horn from the same car you're currently sitting on.

You furrowed, dusting yourself as your eyes were fixed on the car. Later on, the door from the drivers seat opens. Revealing the same dude you're currently simping for.

You just realize how tall he was when you have to follow how he gets off the and ended up looking up to meet his cold eyes.

He closed the door and casually walked towards you. Putting both of his hands inside his pocket, the man lean towards you, having your face few inches away from each other as he looks at your soul inside you body.

It feels like he scanned you, before standing straight again. His eyes landed on your hand which is holding your phone, you're shock when he just snatched it away from your hand.

And since your phone doesn't have a password. He got an access inside it, and from the movement of his thumb. It seems like he was swiping to your photos looking if you actually took a picture with his car.

"Hey that's rude, give me my phone back!" You tried to have it back, but he slapped your hands away and proceeded to look through your phone.

"I said give it back!" You got pissed off and aggressive snatched it away from his hands, and since you weren't careful enough. You accidentally took off his gloves as well. Causing it to fall on the ground.

You both looked at the gloves on the floor. Before you hesitated to pick it up. "H-Here, I'm sorry.. it's your fault because you-"

You didn't get it continue your words, as he suddenly grabbed your cheeks forcing you to look at his cold purple eyes again. Your eyes were widened with his sudden action.

He stared at you for a bit, "Tsk! Slut." He chuckled as he let go of your cheeks.

Before you could even react to what he just called you. You just saw him walking away from you, you don't know what just happened..

But the butterflies in your tummies, are hyped up right now.

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