《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Chapter 15: Human World Conference


" Damm grandpa looks sick "

Serenity is cute and the best girl! "


3rd pov

Here can see a lot of people from many different nations in one place

Talking to each some have a translator/interpreter with them to help the talk

After a while, the place starts to quiet down as the door to the place was open and a group of people can be seen coming in

A person wearing a cool helmet-like thing and wearing a long black that was flattering even though there was no wind to make it sway

And besides, the person was a lovely cure purplish dark skin girl who wear a business suit and is holding a Tablet

On the large only footsteps from the two newcomers can be heard no one was talking and even if they did they only whisper

After they reach the center they stop walking and the masked guy starts talking

Mask/Void: Welcome ladies and gentlemen Ms. and Mr. President from almost every nation who have agreed to join this conference my name is Void the one who wish for this conference to happen "

The man said in a weird American British accent

Void: We'll I won't take your time too much and I will go to why are we gathered here, first I must thank the President of China Mr. Zé Dōng Máo for making this meeting possible "

A person then stands up from his seat

C.P Ze (China President): You're welcome now why don't you start and get to the important stuff that we need to discuss today "

Void: Well of course I will gladly start the real thing that I want to discuss with all of you the most important people in Human society or what I and some others call the Human Faction "

The room starts getting rowdy, especially after seeing some suspicious man in a mask is about to talk weird things

Void: Alright everyone please calm down because I will show you all a video of some of the things we will discuss in this meeting "

Void: " Serenity start the video please "

Serenity or the purple hair woman then touches the screen on the tablet it then shows a large holographic screen that everyone can see

Some of the President m are shocked by the technology that is so advanced

And then the video starts and shows a group of high school students with their faces blurred and a large naked beast is fighting with some magic and stuff

Void: Now I'm sure you all thought this is nothing but a film, pro, and acting so I shall show it that Magic is real and not just fiction and some believe "

As the man said that everyone in the room start to fall to the floor excerpt Mr. Ze, and serenity is now unable to get up as the gravity in this room is now heavier

Some president: Stop t-t-t-t-t-this at once "

Gravity then starts returning to normal as some of the presidents can now get up and stand while still a bit shaky

And some was still on the ground cause their bone was a bit too fragile and now have a harder time standing up

France. P: " c'est de la folie "*

Void: Well you can say it's far worse than madness it's Chaos "*


Void: Well then now why don't we help you guys and girls got healed up shall we? I will introduce you to one of my head scientists plus a doctor that will help you all, Doctor Aizen please come in "

As the guy said it a person then come into the room

The person was wearing pretty old-fashioned Japanese clothing and also has a Katana strap on his waist

The man then went to the nearest person who is on the ground and start treating his wound

Dr. Aizen: Now please calm down sir and here drink this "*

He said as he feed the man a syrup-type medicine and the person started feeling good after a few minutes

And so Dr. Aizen start treating everyone who is injured in the room and Dr. Aizen is now standing beside

Void: Alright now that everyone is healed up shall we move on? "


Void: No one? No objection? Then let's continue "*

Dr. Aizen then gave Void a test tube with a purplish substance and a Box and Void take it

Void: Now some of you may wonder what is a horrifying and shameless monster in the Video before? Well yes, it is a Demon or some call it the Devil but for this creature, they are called a Stray Devil "*

Void stop talking for a minute so that the other can process what he is saying

Void: And for some of you who want to ask, yes Angel, Fallen angel, and some mystical creature from folklore are all real and exist even to this day even God exist well used to exist "*

President 2: So you telling us that God does not exist? "*

Void: No no they do exist well most God but the one you would call Allah, Tuhan, Christian or Catholic God is dead since a decade ago due to the war that happens between the Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, the myths being such as Fenrir or Dragon, or even a Half God being such as Hercules "*

They all went into a state of what could be said panic

And some even tried to attack Void but they instant fall to the ground as the gravity become heavier around Void

Void: Now now please calm down I know this is hard to process but it is the truth so I will give you all some time and you can also ask some questions if you want "*

German. P: * Wie können wir nie wissen, dass sie existieren? Haben sie eine Art Magie, um unsere Erinnerungen zu löschen? "

Interpreter: so how come we never know they existed do they have some kind of magic to erase our memories? "*

Void: Well now that is a good question and yes they can erase our memories and they can do it and depend on how strong the Supernature who cast this they can do it to the extent we might forget one of our family members that they ever existed "*

The room starts to get rowdy again

Void: Well if you all want to cooperate with one of the lead scientists Dr. Aizen here we may be able to create a medicine that can break the magic and let you get your memory back but it's currently still in development "*

President 3: if they are anything like in movies and books how are we supposed to kill them and also why should we even bother to deal with them in the first place "*


Void: Well that is a good question, well you see this Demon takes Human with strong power or what they would call a Sacred Gear it's essentially a Weapon that comes in many forms that exist in few certain Human "*

Void stop again for a bit to give the other time to process

Void: and due to this Demon or Devil would kidnap Human and turn them into what they call Reincarnated Devil and enslave them, brainwash them, or some of them gladly become one and serve the Devil or Demon. And then there were Fallen angels this being would kidnap Human and steal their Sacred gear but doing this will kill the Human "*

Void stop yet once again to give time and continue to explain

Void: Then there mythical being or some would call Monster from folklore and legend such as Dragon, Medusa, Nine tail fox, Cyclops, this being are usually a neutral group as they care about being alive more than trying to war and attack Human "*

Void stop yet once again for everyone to process

Void: And there the worst one... The Angels frankly are the worst ones they may tell to be the kindest and most down-to-earth ones but they are not they are a bunch of selfish people who only care about their race and ignore those who call for help, those who asked help from the Demon kidnapping them and torturing them to death or until they break and yet Angel will not come cause they are an arrogant being who does not want to help people who have sin and is not part of a church or pray daily on the church "*

Void stop yet once again before continue

Void: And now how do we fight them well they all have magic but we humans have science, firearms, numbers, and our schemes, we have begun to make a prototype bullet that can make the Devil, Angel, and a fallen angel to lose or disturb they're magic for a few minutes and make them unable to use it "

Void then takes out a box and opens it and shows everyone a bullet with a brownish black substance in it

Void: This is the prototype

the bullet that we created with the help of China and our scientists we call it the Origin bullets and this was made using science and not magic this is purely made by humans and the machine "*

Void then put the bullet back into the box and now took out a test tube with a purplish substance

Void: And for this one shall we do a demonstration right now on what it can do shall we? "

Some of the presidents are confused and interested in what will happens

Void: " Serenity do it "

Serenity touch the tablet screen

The fire sprinkled in the room started activating and let out water no it's the weird substance that is being shown in the front inside the test tube that is being held by Void

The president, Vice President, The bodyguard, and the interpreter are now wet

And then some of them start sprouting Wing from their back which shock people

And these people then start trying to escape

Void: Don't let them escape and capture them all "

Dr. Aizen starts taking down the humans who are a devil

Some of them got out but you can hear a scream

And then the devil who got out was dragged and throw inside the room by a man who wear a formal business suit

Void: Now everyone please touch this Devil yourself and you can even try to cut the wing if you want we will give you a Knife just so you all can make sure and believe that it is not a prop or acting "*

The man who just comes in gave a Knife to some president, Vice President, and others to try a knife

And some of them did cut the wings off cause they thought it was fake but it was not and make the devil scream in pain

And now some felt guilty for trying and some were just purely shocked, while there that some actual creepy sadist president who enjoy this

One of the devils then attack one of the presidents with a Sword he summoned

But the man covers him and gets a sword stuck in his head

But the man did not die

Devil 1: " W-what how! "

Businessman: " Well I am not exactly a Human you see... "

And then some idiotic vice president told his bodyguard to shoot the man but he did not die

His body start changing his suit was ripped and his body specifically his hand start changing grotesquely and become a monster a hand

He swing his bladed arm and cut the Devil, the Vice president, and the bodyguard into two, and blood started sprouting everywhere

Void: This man's name is Gatou he is one of the members of our group and he is an enhanced and mutated human who survived being experimented on by the Devil and Angels "*

Most people are still shocking but they are listening

Void: Well this is one of the dangers of this being to humanity if they keep playing around with our kinds... Angels, Fallen angels, Devil well screw them if we want to survive we need to fight and earn freedom from Humanity! We always wage war on each other but now it's not the time to do that! We now have to work together to defeat them! After all, now we all have a more concerning and dangerous thing which is the Supernatural being! If we keep letting them toying with us doing whatever they want to us then what is the freedom that God gave and promised to us! They are all lies! We fight them! We must earn our freedom! "*

Some people are thinking, some are looking down, and some are mad

Void: Well let us continue this talk next week because you all will need time to think of this but I hope we all can work together and I will send a member of our group to guard you all until our next meeting but after that if you don't want to work together with us it's fine you can leave but we won't guard you anymore... Well, that's all for today hope you all have a nice day, also don't worry about the reporter and stuff I already take care of them "*

Void then leaves the room with his group


One week later

Now they all yet once again gathered at the same conference but it's cleaner as there is no blood stain on the wall or floor

Most of the president and Vice President is there although there are a few who left

Void: I see so I can take it that the people in this room agreed to work with us? "*

Some said yes and some are just silent

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