《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Chapter 14: New player has join the game



3rd Pov

Due to Kokabiel now the three factions would have gone to war but since he stopped now the leader and king want to do a peace treaty

And will have a grand summit

And now with the ORC looks pretty normal right now most of the members is here, although Y/n and Serenity is not here like usual

Rias: " So Issei I heard Y/n quit school do you know why? "

Issei: " I don't know I heard that he has some family problems to attend to that's all I know "

Rias: " Hmm did Nii-San call him to stop guarding this place "

A knock can be heard

Akeno went and open the door

There was a girl

Girl?: " Good afternoon sorry for intruding "

Rias: " It's fine, can I ask who are you and why are you here? "

Issei: " Huh? Sawa-Chan what are you doing here? "

Sawa: " Ara~ Issei-San hello again "

Rias: " Issei do you know her? "

Issei: " Yeah she just transferred here today on my class "

Sawa: " That's right my name is Yamauchi Sawa nice to meet you all and for my reason here is cause Y/n told me to help and guard this place per request of Demon King "

Rias: " So you work with Y/n I see "

Sawa: " Yes, but please don't do anything rash or dangerous cause I am super weak! So please don't attack or agitate some high Lvl people "

Rias: " Who do you think I am? Even I won't do something as reckless as to that unless it is necessary "

Issei: " Yeah like on Kokabiel case that was necessary if not the whole town will blow up "

Sawa: " Ah I heard about that from


Y/n, that was really troublesome wasn't it he even got hurt "

Issei: " That's right! How is Y/n? I mean is he okay? Cause last time we see him, he has a hole on his stomach and was dragged by Serenity to a teleportation circle "

Sawa: " You don't need to worry about that Issei-San Y/n-Chan is okay after all Serenity-Chan is taking care of him and she really really really love Y/n so it will be fine "

Issei: " I see well I guess there is no need to worry about him "

Rias: " By the way Issei can you call the others here I need to introduce someone to them, Sawa can also come if you want "

Sawa: " I'm going too! "

Time skip brought to you with a meme


After a while, every member are gathered

Rias: " Alright so everyone is here "

Rias then open the door which was closed and show a stair leading to underground

Issei: " Oh I never know there was a place like this "

Sawa: " This is pretty cool like a secret base or something! " Sawa said excitedly

Issei: " Don't you have some kind of base too or something "

Sawa: " Hehe we do have one but the view is mostly only beautiful at night "

Issei: " Is your base on a mountain? "

Sawa: " Maybe yes maybe no "

Rias: " Hmm... We have arrived "

They stop in front of a door and then Rias open it showing a coffin, TV, PC, and books all around, and there is also an air conditioner

Issei: " This place looks like a Shut-in heav- "

Issei was about to say something as someone suddenly appear on top of the coffin


Issei: " -en of a cute shut-in girl! "

Issei was having a perverted face

Sawa: " Fufufu Issei-San isn't he really cute? "

Issei: " Yeah! "

Sawa: " Right don't you just want to insert your little boy on him " Sawa whisper sweetly to Issei

Issei: " Hey she is cute so of co... Wait a minute "

Sawa: " I see... So you're gay Huh... "

Issei: " Oi! I'm not! I like girls with big boob's! And the hell! She is a he! "

Rias: " That's right although he looks like this he is a boy "

Issei: " Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh! Fuuuuuuccckkkkkkkk youuuuu Y/nnnnnnnnnn! "

And for some reason, Issei shout and curse Y/n who was a trap that won't lose to Gasper

Y/n: " Feels like someone is talking about me... "

Here we can see Y/n and Serenity in a fancy looking room

Serenity: " It's not some other girl is it? If it is then... "

Y/n: " Alright no matter how you have 95% Accurate instinct I don't think you can tell if it's girls or boys that are talking about me... "

Serenity then take out her phone and then Y/n went to grab her hand to stop her from calling someone

Y/n: " Stop, stop we don't need a mass genocide to be done and appear on news... yet "

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