《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Chapter 13: The Beginning Of The End


Y/n: " By the way, I heard from what Irina and your mother said you have a little brother where is her right now? "

Issei: " Ah... Well I don't really know, one day he just went missing and my parents won't tell me anything at all they only said that he is now studying abroad and living with my dad family there "

Asia: " Eh? He didn't say anything to you Issei-San? I mean before leaving "

Issei: " Yeah "

Y/n: " Don't you think that is a bit suspicious? "

Issei: " Well somewhat, but I always trouble him so... Our relentshionship is not that close either "

Y/n: " What kind of trouble would it be? "

Issei: " W-well you see... Back when I was a child I kind of a pretty selfish person back then... And I kind of always cheating on tests and homework by copying his works... And make him got in trouble... "

Y/n: " I see... Well I can know why he would hate you "

Asia: " Why would you cheat Issei-San! That is a no-no "

Issei: " I know that but at that time I can only think of myself and school was pretty hard and annoying so... "

I heard all this while giving Serenity a head pat so she doesn't go to killing mode

Asia: " Then you should say sorry to him Issei-San! "

Issei: " I will if I were to meet him that is... "

Asia: " Hmm? Why do you sound so unsure? "

Issei: "In my senior school I realized my mistakes cause a teacher of mine caught me cheating and give me a scolding and wise words, and after I kind of realized my mistakes, at that time I kind of keep try asking my parents to let me contact my little brother or at least maybe send a mail or something but... "

Y/n: " But your parents never tell you his contact nor address didn't they "

Issei: " Yeah... I did some investigation to try a search for him but I didn't find anything about where he is so I gave up "

Asia: " Ah! That's right maybe you can ask Rias-Prez to help you! "

Issei: " O-oh! That's right maybe Rias-Prez can find something "

Y/n: " But before doing that there is something you must absolutely do first "

Issei: " What's that? "

Y/n: " You need to practice how to say sorry to him "

Issei: " Huh? Is saying 'sorry and that I realize I'm wrong' not enough "

Y/n: " What makes you think that would be enough? "

Issei: " W-well... "

Meanwhile with Asia and Serenity who watch on the sideline

Serenity: " Asia let's go cook dinner I want to make dinner for Y/n "

Asia: " Ah! Okay, what are you planning to cook Serenity-San? "

Serenity: " A stew maybe... "

Asia: " That sound nice "

Time skip brought to you with a meme


Serenity made a stew with Asia and Issei's mom's help although the stew is somewhat purplish it taste pretty good...

Serenity and Asia went back to Issei room to Call Y/n and Issei to eat but y-what they see is

Issei prostrating and Y/n was placing his feet on top of Issei head

Issei: " I am really sorry! Please forgive me! "

Y/n: " Is that all!? I don't feel any feeling of wanting forgiveness in your tone at all! "


Issei: " I am really really sorry for being a no-good older brother! "

Y/n: " Well now why don't you kiss my feet to show how sorry you are "

Issei: " What no! This is supposed to be a practice! And I don't think he would be even asking me to do this!? "

He said as he now stand up

Y/n: " Fufufu~ What makes you think he won't ask that? "

Issei: " You! You! Enjoying this aren't you!? "

Y/n: " Ufufufu~ ara~ I don't know what you're talking about? I'm just helping you practice how to ask for forgiveness "

Issei: " Grr! "

Y/n: " Fufufufu~ "

And things got, even more, weirder and Asia went and call them for dinner and they eat the stew Serenity made

The stew tastes good despite looking a bit purplish

After eating they continue doing the group schoolwork a little more and go home

And at that night Hyoudo household spend hours going in and out of the bathroom

Time skip

Y/n: " Well well... If this isn't a weird thing "

I now sitting in a restaurant with Issei, Koneko, and The Sitri pawn Saji

Saji: " You may be my friends but this is just crazy! "

Issei: " I know but I need your help "

Saji: " I will be killed if President found out! I'm sorry but I will leave "

He was about to leave but Koneko grab Saji shirt

Saji: " Even you Koneko!? You Know you won't get away with this "

Koneko: " I know... But I don't want Kiba-Senpai to leave "

Saji: " Ugh... And you what are you doing here Y/n! "

Y/n: " Me? I'm just an observer, I will lend my help when it's needed "

We then went to search for the church girls and they are pretty easy to found

And now the church girls are eating a lot

Irina: " Never thought that we would sell our soul to the devil for food I am really sorry my lord "

The devils: "" Ugh ""

The devils had a headache cause of hearing that words

The girls keep praying and making the devil have more headache

After a while, we start discussing the stolen Excalibur pieces

And now we meet up with Kiba who want to destroy those Excalibur

Issei: " Alright Y/n can you go and check to find about the Excalibur alone? "

Y/n: " Who do you think I am? One of three Excalibur is no match for me I can defeat them quite easily, well unless like 100 people try to attack me with a scared gear and Excalibur piece that nay be troublesome "

Saji: " You are really confident in yourself Huh? "

Issei: " I guess we don't need to worry about him "

And so we split up

I went around checking a little before I went somewhere and meet the annoying crow

but he is a useful crow if he were to be guided correctly

Y/n: " So you have started the war Kokabiel? "

I ask as I hide behind a tree trying to just make sure no one see me and I also change my voice with magic

Kokabiel: " Of course! There is no need to hold back anymore! And you have also done a great deal in helping this plan of mine and you are pretty strong as well... So how about I gave you the privilege to work under me "


Y/n: " My my such an honor but sadly I must decline that offer I only help you simply cause our intrest are aligned "

Kokabiel: " Hahahaha that is true I will take my leave now and my offer is still on after I have started the war "

Kokabiel then leave and leaving me behind

And I smile

Y/n: " Fufu~ Well then be sure to work hard for me little crow "

I went home after wandering around and getting a message from Issei about what happened and stuff

Y/n: " Bronya would you mind sending a message to the snake that he can start to destroy the gate now "

Bronya: " Understood "


She said in a robot voice like as her eyes showed like a gear pupil which is rotating

Serenity: " What will you do now Y/n? Are we going to fight crow? "

Y/n: " Something like that... We simply will join and try to gain their trust no more no less just that and try to not help me too much cause I will be putting a show "

Serenity: " I understand "

Y/n: " It seems like the stage has been set "

Time skip brought to you with a meme


3rd Pov

A few days later the ORC are planning to fight Kokabiel and buy some time until the demon king come

While the Students councils or Sona is making a barrier so that outside people can't get hurt or know what is happening inside the school

The ORC fight Kokabiel but they are losing cause of how powerful Kokabiel is and cause if Freed using an almost complete Excalibur and not just one piece anymore but pieces that are combined

Freed was defeated and killed by Kiba, now only Kokabiel is alive but he defeats everyone easily and they also learn that God is dead

Kokabiel: " Haah... This Is getting really boring you people can put a fight at all and yet you are the future demon king? How laughable AHAHAHAHAHA "

Rias: " Grrrr! "

Issei: " Hey! Don't you say something like that about Rias! You damm crow "

Kokabiel: " Well then be gone "

Kokabiel then shoot a magic

And the other ORC member except for Asia who pass out try to shield themselves from the incoming impact but nothing happened

They open their eyes and see a giant ice wall protecting them

Rias: " Grayfia? "

Y/n: " My my it is such an honor to be mistaken as the strongest queen in the underworld "

They all look back and see Y/n walking as the surroundings start freezing up

Snow starts to fall down

Issei: " Snow? "

Kiba & Koneko: " Y/n "

Xenovia: " is she a really strong ice magic user to make snow also start to fall? "

Kokabiel: " Well well if it isn't the captain of one of the strongest mercenary group "

Y/n: " So you know who I am? "

Kokabiel: " Ahahahaha of course an ice magic user whose said can rival even the strongest queen of the underworld and the leviathan king "

Y/n: " I see... Well then it is a great honor to be known like that "

Y/n taps his cane on the ground and the ground start frozen up in a circle and it starts to raise from the ground

And now it's an ice pillar that is tall to the point where Y/n and Kokabiel can see eye to eye

Icicles start forming around Y/n and start forming a lot of lances and ice lances

Y/n: " Well then let the show start shall we? "

The ice Lances start flew to Kokabiel directions as Kokabiel destroy it pretty easily but his hand start frozen up

The fight went on for possibly hours? Or maybe just a few minutes?

Kokabiel: " Ahahahahahahaha is that all you got!? "

Y/n: " Well then shall I put up the real show "

Kokabiel: " Bring it on! You human "

Y/n: " Well then please do enjoy the cold that will hit you hard "

Y/n then raises his cane pointing up and a large magic circle appear in the sky

Y/n: " Well then enjoy fufu~ "

A very large giant ice no a meteor or maybe the right word we simply Madaraed

Sona: " This this massive magic energy... Everyone quick prepare for an impact! Strengthen the barrier more! "

Inside or in the school

A hit happened a meteor has hit its target and also the ground leaving a massive crater and a somewhat frozen and broken school

Y/n come down brushing the dust and snow in his clothes

Meanwhile, Kokabiel was nowhere to be seen probably laying in the crater

The other has their mouth open

Y/n: " So are you people alright? "

Issei: " Y-yes... What the heck was that!? "

Y/n: " Well the limit of my abilities and it will be troublesome if you people die now "

Rias: " What do you mean by that!? "

Y/n: " Well you see my client this time is a bit of an annoying one you see so if you were to watch out! "

Y/n pushed Rias and when Rias realize it she see a light lance stabbed on Y/n stomach

Kokabiel: " Tch! I miss oh well this school will be the start of war soon! "


Y/n fall down to the floor bleeding

Asia: " Y/n-San! "

Asia who wake up went to Y/n is and start healing him

Y/n: " I'm fine this but a hole in my stomach "

Asia: " But! "

Y/n take out a vial out of his pocket and drink it as his wound start healing

Y/n: " As expected of Phoenix tears, I'm all fine now "

Asia: " But!? Are you sure you are okay

Y/n-San "

Y/n: " Yes I'm fine as long as Serenity is not here caus-"

Y/n felt an intense glare and turn around seeing Serenity there who then hugged him from the back drag him to a purple magic circle and was teleported away

Asia: " Uh... Is Y/n-San going to be okay? "

A large cracking sound can be heard and it comes from the barrier

A white armored person can be seen

He then take away Kokabiel who was really hurt

Issei sacred gear then start talking to the white armored no the white dragon



Y/n: " Well then now let's start the show shall we "


Y/n then make a call with someone

Y/n: " So how is the production going over there? "

Y/n: " I see... A conference? Of course, I will come "

Y/n: " Alright see you soon "

Y/n close the call

Y/n: " Bronya tell everyone we moving on to the next stage "

Bronya: " Understood "

Serenity: " So what will we do next? "

Y/n: " Hehe we- "

As he said the scene show a moon

Y/n: " will be going to Europe and there we will have a conference with the presidents Ufu~ "


Meanwhile in another place

A giant gate can be seen

And a person can be seen walking toward the gate

???: " So this is the gate that leads to Tartarus? What a magnificent door indeed... But sadly I must destroy this door "

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