《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Chapter 12: Excalibur and Church people


It has been a few weeks and everything are going fine and I now have been somewhat close to the ORC

And now I'm just lazying around in the house and reading books

Y/n: " Hmm... The next stage of the plan should be starting soon... "

Bronya: " Should Bronya tell the other to be ready? "

Y/n: " Nah let just tell them later they are pretty busy themselves tell them once it has truly started"

Bronya: " Understood "

Serenity the come from the kitchen and pour some tea on the cup for me


Y/n: " Hmm... This place becomes pretty quiet cause everyone has left to headquarters or doing their next stage of plan "

Serenity: " But... This way you are fully mine Y/n... "

Y/n: " That is... True "

Y/n: ( If you ignore Bronya then that is pretty true... )

My phone vibrate and I got a message from Mirror Queen

Y/n: " Well well... It seems I won't need to wait for too long "

Now I and Serenity currently walking with Issei and Asia after school to issei home cause we will be doing a school group work project

Asia: " Sorry Y/n-San we end up needing to continue doing the work at Issei-San house "

Y/n: " It's fine Asia-chan "

Issei: " That's right! It's the school's fault! "

Serenity: " ... "

After a while, we arrive in front of a clearly not suspicious luxury castle mansion house

Issei looks somewhat pale as we arrive in front of his house

Y/n: ( Fufufu well well it seem the church people has paid a visit to a devil family house )

Y/n: " By the way Issei can you tell me where Is the toilet or bathroom in this house? "


Issei: " Ah just go straight and then left you should be able to find it "

Y/n: " Thank you " I then start walking away and Serenity was following me

And Asia has gone to the Living room and as I and Serenity start walking

Issei: " Wait why is Serenity-Chan following you to the Toilet!? "

Y/n: " Well... "

Serenity: " I go wherever Y/n go "

Issei: " Even when he is uh taking our load of uh... dirt on the toilet "

Serenity: " Yes "

Issei: " That was a fast and straight answer "

Y/n: " Well you see Issei you said you want to be a Harem King right? "

Issei: " Yeah! "

Y/n: " Then you need to get used to having a girl staring at you taking a dump "

Issei: " There is no way I can do that! "

Y/n: " Then you better throw away that dream of yours "

Issei: " No! I won't throw it away even if I'm dead! "

Y/n: " Hmm... Then I ask this are you into that BDSM stuff? "

Issei: " Well... That a little maybe... "

Y/n: " Then you better get Interested in that "

Issei: " Why should I "

Y/n: " Why? Fufufu... Such a foolish question you want Akeno-Senpai to be part of your Harem right? "

Issei: " Of course! I mean look at that big boob's "

Y/n: " Yes yes I know you like boob's you don't need to shout it but let me say this altought you should also know that Akeno-Senpai has a thing for S&M right? "

Issei: " Yeah I know wait! You saying I should start learning how to do those rope stuff "

Y/n: " Yes... And you should also prepare to be the one tied and being done some of that M stuff"


Issei: " Fck no! I don't want to be the one to receive that! "

Y/n: " Then you are pretty pathetic Issei "

Issei: " Like you ever got being treated like that! "

Y/n: " You fool! I have experienced it and I also have what I would call a questionable arousal cause of that "

Issei: " What the f*ck! There is no way a girl would do those kinds of stuff in real life! "

Y/n: " Pathetic... Issei you do know what a Chasity belt is right? "

Issei: " Of course I see those on Douji-wait you actually experience that! That thing Is real! "

Y/n: " Yeah... Those things are hurt... I can't take a leak when I want to take a leak... And getting hard will make you feel some pain... I'm not allowed to do anything unless the girls let me... "

Issei was shivering as he probably imagine it being done to himself but if he is serious then he needs to be able to withstand this

Y/n: ( Fufufu... Let see how long you can keep up that Harem stuff when you meet some crazy girl with crazy kink Onii-Chan...)

Either way, I go to the toilet trying to take a leak and it comes out pretty easy even when I am being stared at, well I guess when you have to get used to it, it becomes a pretty normal thing

After I'm done I went to the living and see two girls and Issei mom chatting

The girl also bring the Holy Sword Excalibur or at least part of it

Issei mom: " How did you mistake Irina-Chan for a boy! "

Issei: " But she always acts like a boy! "

Irina: " Ahaha it's fine I may have acted like that a lot when I was a child "

Y/n: ( Hmm... They are having a pretty fun chat and please stop staring at me Xenovia Quarta the holder of one of the Excalibur pieces )

After a few minutes, it seems those church girls will leave but as they are about to leave Irina to ask Issei mom something

Irina: " Sorry to ask this but how is

Y/on doing? "

Issei Mom: " He... He is doing fine he's currently studying aboard "

Irina: " I see... Tell or text him I say hello "

Issei Mom: " Of course "

Irina then approached me

Irina: " Sorry but have we met before? You're face looks familiar "

Y/n: " I believe we never meet before "

Irina: " Hmm.... "

Irina then stare at my face really close to a point if I were to move my head forward I would be kissing her






Irina: " Yeah I think it was just a feeling sorry! And see you again "

And so they then leave and so we are on our way to Issei room as Issei and Asia was preparing some snacks and drinks

Y/n: " Well glad that was over with... And Serenity please put the knife back to your bag... "

Serenity: " Yes... "

Y/n: " And no killing her... "

Serenity: " Why? Cause you like her? Is that it?Areyounotsatisfidewithus?Ievenallowedyoutohaveharembutmorethanthisisnotallowediwillkillthemcauseidontwanttoshareyoumorethanthis"

She starts rambling and threatening in high speed

Y/n: " Whatever your thinking about it's not that at all... I just think that I can use her for our future plan later "

Serenity: " ... You're not planning to seduce her are you? "

Y/n: " ... Nope just kind of like gaining trust by a friendship that's all nothing too extreme "

Serenity: " Okay... "

And so we do our group work and also become pretty 'good friends'



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