《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Chapter 11: Getting another experiment subject


At school on the class every students was sitting on they're seat but there was one person missing

Teacher: " Uh... Y/n L/n is he here? "

Male student 1: " No sir I don't think he is here "

Teacher: " I see.... Uh Serenity-San do you know where Y/n is? "

Teacher ask Serenity who was sitting silently

Serenity: " He is sick today so he couldn't come "

Serenity said in a dangerous tone that make the teacher shut up

Teacher: " O-okay l-let start the lesson f-for today then "

Y/n was still chained, Blindfolded, Naked, and gagged but this time the mouth gag has a hole that was connected with a pipe that connected to a container containing a 'water' yes water.... Not a Love Nectar yes totally not it just 'water' a water full of love

Y/n: " Grrllghsmmmpphhh... "

Y/n tried to freeze the chain but it have no effects at all

Y/n: ( Well I guess old way of escaping won't work..... Guess I need to summon her for help )

Y/n concentrate and a magic circle appear somewhere on the room as

Y/n still can't see anything and from the circle appear

Paimon: " Yahoo Paimon is here "

Y/n: " Mmmmphsbri "

Paimon: " Ara? You got yourself chained again for the six time in a month Pfft... Hahahahaha "

Y/n: " Mmmphdhed qbidwjr "

Paimon: " Ah! I will help you now! So please don't send me back to THERE I don't wanna be there anymore! "

Paimon then realesed Y/n from the chain as Y/n then take of the gagged and fall down to the ground

Paimon: " You okay? "

Y/n: " No... I can't felt my lower body at all "

Paimon: " Uwaah.... Well at least it not as bad as few month ago "

Y/n: " That... Is not just bad that Is nothing but dead warrant if I did not have a regeneration power "

After a few sec Y/n able to stand up while wobbling a little and try to walk back to his room with Paimon help

Paimon: " Uh.... When are you gonna hide your thing "

Y/n: " Once I get something to wear "

Paimon: " I see.... "

They able to get in to Y/n room as look like other girls were not home and as Y/n was trying to find something to wear

Paimon: " Can you be embarrassed or something being seen by a girl, I felt like my pride as a girl is shattered! "

Y/n: " Heh... You expect me to be embarrassed just cause of this, sorry but my sense of shame has long shattered due to some extreme stuff " Y/n said with a blank and gave up eyes

Y/n Pov

I then done wearing some clothes I grab my Cane to help me walk to the living room and sit on the sofa

Paimon: " You sure you okay "

Y/n: " Yeah I guess "

???: " Hehehe you for yourself in problem Huh "

A person can be seen comming out of an empty room

Y/n: " Ah Dabi you're here how you doing "

Dabi: " I'm fine and I suggest you take a bath boss you're reek of Girl smell "


Y/n: " I will after I can felt my lower body more better "

Dabi: " Heh must be hard huh having to take care a girl lust "

Y/n: " All I can say is it is hard no it's a full on dead warrant for me depends on which girl "


It's noon now and Serenity should be going home soon and I should start running and find a place to hide

And so I stand up go to the window open it and jump outside leaving Dabi and Paimon still inside the house

I start going to town and find a place to stay for the night I then went to the Manga-Cafe and rent a room

Y/n: " Ah.... It's been some time since I watch something cause the girls dosen't like me seeing girls "

I find an Anime to watch and Aftee I find it I watch it and when I was watching I the temperature start becoming more colder and I got a goosebumps and felt someone behind me

I turn around and see Serenity with dark aura around her

Y/n: " a-!"

Back with Dabi and Paimon

Dabi: " I will be going to make preparation for tonight "

Paimon: " Ah right that is today isin't it the Geremory marriage "

Dabi: " Yeah "

An orange magic circle appear and from the circle it light up and Ravel appear

Ravel: " Y/n my trash brother will be having his marri-" Ravel see Dabi and Paimon

Ravel: " Huh... Dabi-Nii San you're here! " Ravel went and hugged Dabi who hug back

Dabi: " Well hello there my dear little sister how ya doing "

Ravel: " I'm doing great now that we gonna do something to my trash of a brother "

Dabi: " Did he try do anything weird to you again "

Ravel: " So far no, probably cause me and Y/n are a lover and he dosen't really want to pick a fight with strongest mercenary group "

Dabi: " Good if he were to try something I will burn him alive "

Ravel: " Hehe.... Ah yeah I need to go now before the trash older brother went to find me! Tell Y/n I say hello bye! " Ravel them went to an Orange circle and disappear

Dabi: " Well then let's start the preparation "

Paimon: " Right!..... Wait shouldn't we wait for Bronya before we do this preparations "

Dabi: " Nah.. It's fine we don't need to wait "

And on other place with Bronya who was looking at clothes for Shiro with Mittlelt who look like someone else cause of using illusion magic to change her appearances and Bronya also holding a leash/Rope that was connected to Choker on Junko neck so that she dosen't run away making trouble

Bronya: " Bronya felt that she should go home now or something will happend "

Mittlelt: " Sure you can go home if you want "

Bronya: " Alright I leave Shiro with you, BakaKo let's go " Bronya said as she pull the leash

Junko: " Hey! Stop pulling me I can f*cking walk on my own just fine! "

Bronya: " Sure..... "


Time skip to the night of Geremory and Phoenix wedding at the underworld

The weeding hall was big a lot devil come some are dancing while some are chatting and a person come in to the hall it was Y/n

Y/n: " Ah looks like I'm not late for the party don't you think my beatiful poisonous flower shall we dance? " I say as I offer my hand to Serenity

Serenity place her hand on mine

Serenity: " With pleasure my love "

I and Serenity dance and other Devil was looking at us as but the man focused on seeing Serenity dancing while the girls are mostly watching me dance as I don't look like a girl much when using this clothes which make lots of girls going Fangirling on me which I don't like

After while we done and Ravel come

Ravel: " Excuse me, mind if I also have a dance my prince "

Serenity move away and head to the food place after she told me she is going to find some food

Y/n: " Why of course shall we dance my little fire bird "

Me and Ravel then start dancing altought this time only a few girls was looking at me cause they can felt Serenity deadly and dangerous Aura and glare

After a while we done dancing and just chatting together with Serenity while also enjoying some high quality wine which was served there

And after a while the wedding start and as they all about to get married someone broke down the door to the weeding hall it was Issei

Y/n: " Well... well I guess the experiment work quite good just need to wait for the full results " I said as I take a sip of the wine

Ravel: " I guess and I need to go now see you later Y/n " Ravel kissed me as she go to where her parents is as they need to check on Riser

Y/n: " Well then shall we go home Serenity "

Serenity: " Okay "

We teleport to home using magic and see Bronya with a case waiting and sitting alone on the coach at the living room

Bronya: " Welcome back Master how was the party? "

Y/n: " It's good and is the prototype ready? "

Bronya: " Yes Dabi almost destroy it but Bronya able to save it "

Y/n: " That is great good job Bronya " I said and gave her a headpat

Bronya: " I-its no problem Bronya just doing her job "

Y/n: " Now all e need is a call from Ravel on how the soon to be subject is right now "

After a while I got a call from Ravel

Y/n: " Well then now come Footman " I say as I tap my cane to the floor twice

And from the dark corner someone appeared

Footman: " Y/n-Sama what would you want me to do for you "

Y/n: " I want you to make sure our newest subject to use this equipment "

I said Bronya open the case and gave it to Footman showing the inside was a piece of accessories

Footman: " I understand I Footman shall do this mission I will make sure the subject use this "

Y/n: " Good now go and do your job "

Footman: " Yes! "

Footman the disappear into the darkness

Y/n: " Now what should I do " I say as I went and try to watch some movies but

Serenity drag me to our room and proced to more or less r*pe me again

On other place

We see Riser on his room angry and frustrated

Riser: " Grrrrrrrrrrr! How dare that lowly devil beat the breathing Riser! "

Riser throw stuff to the walls as he then start drink wine straight from the bottle

Footman: " Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho what a poor state you are in "

Riser: " Whose there! "

From the dark corner Footman appear

Footman: " Hello there "

Riser: " How did you come in here "

Footman: " Well I was attracted to here due to your anger "

Riser: " Riser anger? "

Footman: " Yes! And I can see you are really angey and want to kill this person who make you like this "

Riser: " Grrr! Just say what you want already! "

Footman: " Ohohoho it's rather simple my master want to gave you something that will bost your power "

Riser: " Power...? "

Footman than show a case and open it showing the accessorie

Riser: " How the hell would a woman accessories help Riser to have more power! "

Footman: " Now now I shall show you what it can do for now why don't you check how much mana I have? "

Riser then check Footman mana level which is really low and at it max

Footman: " Now I will wear this Accessories "

As Footman wear it his magical power instanly rise a lot

Riser: " What! How!? "

Footman: " Now now let me show you hat it can do even more "

Footman snap his finger as they were teleported to a forest

Riser: " What! An instant teleportation without magic circle "

Footman: " Yes! This accessories will level up your mana power and also your firepower to the level of a Devil king "

Footman created a really large fireball using magic and throw it as it burn the forest

Footman the take of the accessories and gave it to Riser

Footman: " Why don't you try it? "

Riser: " Fine Riser will test it himself "

Riser wear the accessories and instantly felt more powerful and felt his mana increased

Riser then created a really huge fireball using magic and send it and it hit the mountain and the whole mountain was burn to dust

Riser: " Ahahahahahahahaha With this Riser can do what ever he want! Ahahahahahahaha "

Footman: " Yes! You can "

Riser: " And who heck are you and who is your master "

Footman: " Me? I am nothing but just a simple Footman and as for my Master they dosen't want to be known yet and be sure to enjoy "

Footman said as he disappear to the shadow

Riser: " Ahahahahahahahaha! with this power I will show them that I Riser are most powerful devil in the underworld no the whole world will know! Ahahahahahahaha! "

Y/n can be seen on the laying down on the bed naked with Serenity, Bronya, and Mittlelt beside us also naked

And from the room dark corner Footman appear

Footman: " Sorry for disturbing but I have completed the mission "

Y/n: " Good you can go back for now "

Footman: " I understand " Footman then disappear to the shadow

Y/n: " Well I wonder how long will this prototype last before the side-effects kick in hehehe....... Well let's get some sleep "

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