《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Chapter 9: A Beginning of a big plan


As usual I wake up and do my usual activities and then head out to school with Serenity

As I arrived at the school I can felt an intense glares comming from the ORC members and Rias also flaring her Magical power and some people who can't handle it faint

Y/n: ( You won't intimidate with that kind of weak glare cause I have receive much more horrifying glare in my daily life )

The Red head walks away frustrated and irritated and a bit scared, as people around here start having problems with breathing

Y/n: ( Well that is done, now how should I calm the one next to me )

Serenity Realesed a huge amount of bloodlust at Rias and it also affecting the surrounding people

I gave her a headpat

Y/n: " Now now, please calm down Sere-Chan "

Serenity: "......... Okay "

And Serenity stop releasing Bloodlust and then we continue our walk to class

Class is done and someone come to the class

Girl Students: " Kyaaaa! It's Kiba-Kun! "

Kiba: " Can I ask Y/n L/n and Serenity L/n to come with me "

I stand up slowly so did Serenity

Y/n: " Sure " I say

While Serenity is just quiet and hugging my arm

And then we leave the class with Kiba and Asia while Issei is following ten steps behind us

And then we arrived at the old building

And get in to a room where we meet the red head and the other people on her peerage

And now I'm sitting on a the sofa and have a closed eye smile waiting on what they will be barking about

Rias: " I demand you to tell me who you are! "

Y/n: " Well I am Y/n L/n a second year student "

Serenity: " Serenity second year student "

Rias: " Grrr..... I said tell me who you really are! "

Y/n: " Now now, you are being too heated up you gonna become more redder than how you already are "

Rias then make a ball of destruction magic and aiming it at me

Rias: " If you don't want to then fine! You will tell me after this! " she shoot the destruction magic at me

Y/n: " Weak "

I flow my magic to my cane and tap my cane tip on the floor freezing the room and the magic

The magic become nothing but a glitter of ice and the room was frozen solid the only spot that is not frozen was the place where I am currently sitting on

The ORC member hugging themselves cause of the cold temperature


Y/n: " You need to Chill down a little "

Issei: " C.... Colddd "

Asia:" Y-yeah Y/nnn-san can you please unfreze the roommm? "

Y/n: " Since you ask kindly sure " I said

I flow my magic to my cane and tap it on the floor

And all the once crack and destroyed becoming a glitter of ice on the air

Asia: " Woah! It's beautiful "

Y/n: " Why thank you Asia-San "

Akeno-Senpai come back from a kitchen I guess bringing Tea

Akeno: " Here have some tea " she as she place a cup of tea in front of me and Serenity

Y/n: " Thank you " I said as I sip the tea

Y/n: (.....What a weak sleeping drug or poison are you putting inside this tea? )

I thought as keep drinking the tea without much trouble at all, thank to drinking and eating the tea and food Serenity made for me everyday, this level of poison is like a..... Flavourless Candy?

Rias look at me drinking the tea with expectation but as I done drinking the tea they served me and see I'm fine she has a face of shock

Y/n: " Thank you for the tea, now mind continuing on what you want to talk about again? "

Rias: " I want you to join my peerage "

Y/n: " And the answer is no "

As I said that she start bich*ng around

Y/n: " There is no point in talking anymore for now, so let's go home Serenity "


Rias: " Wait! "

But I already leave and use spell to teleport back home with Serenity

As I got home I just do the usual stuff I do

Night time

Someone called me from my Mercenary work phone


I end the call and then go eat my deadly dinner that is cooked by Serenity

Y/n: ( Eat and drink poison everyday and you get yourself a poison resistance )

The Next day

I am at the ORC room, peacefully drinking tea that Serenity made while sitting on a chair made of Ice that I made using magic

I also made a table and another chair made of ice for Serenity to sit

And there also another person there a Maid where if it's only on look that is

Rias: " What are you doing here! "

Y/n: " Fufufu~ Why don't you people calm down, I am having a nice tea " I said as I take a sip of the deadly tea

Rias: " I demand you to answer me! "

Y/n: " If you want answer, you should ask you older brother cause he hired me to watch over you're meeting with your soon to be husband " I said


Rias look at the maid

Rias: " Is that true Grayfia-San "

Grayfia: " Yes Rias-Sama, Lucifer-Sama requested him to watch over the meeting to make sure everything is okay "

Rias: " Is that so.... "

Issei: " Um... What does he mean by meeting your soon to be husband President "

Grayfia: " Should I explain it? "

Rias: " It's fine I will explain it, Well Issei I-" as she about to said something

an orange magic circle and appear a person

Riser: " Ah it has been a long time since Riser has come here, and now Riser has come to see his future wife "

Issei: " What! Who is this dick suppose to be "

Y/n: ( Please stop speaking third person it's not cute or cool at all like when Bronya is saying it that way )

Grayfia: " This person is Riser Phoenix a pure blooded devil and also Rias Fiance "

Asia & Issei: " Wha! "

Riser is now sitting arrogantly on the sofa

Rias: " How many time I told you Riser! I won't marry you! "

Riser: " But Rias the Engagement has been agreed by both of our parents and the tea made by my wife queen taste really good " he said as he drink the tea that is served by Akeno

Akeno: " Why thank you "

Issei: " Hey you! Don't talk to President like that! "

Riser: " You shut up low devil, and Riser cannot lose face cause of you woman so how about a Rating Game "

Rias: " Fine, let's do it that way "

Riser: " Heh great so this is your pawn? And your peerage members "

Rias: " Yes, you have a problems with that "

Riser: " Hahahaha looks like Riser will win then " he then snap his fingers as a orange magic circle appear again and appear a group of girls

As Issei see the number of the females he start crying

Y/n: ( How am I even related to this trash in the first place again ) I thought as I gave a smile and wave at Ravel she wave back with a small smile

I made another chair made of Ice for Ravel to sit and she did sit down

Riser: " Hmm why is your pawn crying " he ask as he look at Issei

Rias: " Well.. That cause he want to have a Harem "

Riser: " Hahaha is that so, Yubelluna come here "

A woman then approach Riser

Yubelluna: "Yes my lord "

Riser then kiss her and start fondling her boob's

And Serenity and Ravel is covering my eyes so I can't see

Ravel: " You can't look at what is happening! "

Serenity: " No looking at other girl Boob's "

Y/n: " I know and please don't stab or burn my eyes "

Serenity: " Okay "

Ravel: " I-if you dosen't try anything then okay "

After all that fondling stuff done Serenity let me see again

And Issei got really jealous and Riser ALSP went to kiss Rias which make Issei goes and try attack Riser but was blocked by Riser Rook and Issei got punched in the gut and about to be punched more

But Grayfia-San stopped it

Grayfia: " Please stop fighting Riser-Sama we are here only for a talking and not a fight "

Riser: " If the strongest Queen say that then Riser can't refuse it "

And then Riser see me who quietly drinking Tea with Serenity and Ravel

Riser: " Why isin't it Riser soon to be little brother in law " he said at me

Y/n: " Well hello there soon to be older brother in law "

ORC members: " What!? "

Riser: " What are you doing here and also you should visit Father and Mother with your other lovely wife's "

Y/n: " Fufu~ I just got a job that's why I'm here and I will visit soon "

Riser: " Right " he said to me and them look at Rias and her Peerage

Riser: " then since Riser is nice, Riser shall gave Rias and her peerage to train for one week before the Rating game Hahahaha " and then disappear in flame going back to his home I guess

Ravel also goes back but she gave me a kiss and then also go back to her home

Y/n: " And now that the meetings is done, let's go back home Serenity "

Serenity: " Okay "

Rias: " Wait! "

I teleport back home cause I know she will start ordering me to help her training

I watch the rating game and as I expected Rias group lost

Y/n: " Well then now.. " I use my Dimensional storage magic and grab something its a Small Red Orb

Y/n: " Serenity gave this to Sunflower, and tell her we are moving on to our next plan " I said to Serenity and gave her the small Orb

Serenity: " Understood, then I will be back soon " she then leave

Y/n: " And Bronya is the Prototype ready? "

Bronya: " Yes "

Y/n: " Great, for now let just see what will happen next Hehe "

Bronya: " Are we really making him be the test subject for the prototype? "

Y/n: " Yup, After all not like anyone will want him stay like that either way Hehe "

Bronya: " Okay "

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